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PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 8:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Darren wrote:
john877 wrote:
I do understand that your knowledge of the sat nav market is much better than mine but it may just be me but I cannot understand your logic on this Darren .

I'm not claiming its logical nor that the marketing is misleading.

My impression is that this unit (announced 18mths ago in the US) proved to be a poor seller and perhaps Toyota got them cheap as a result? Because the dock is manufactured by a third party there are complications in the interface and software as a result.

I concede that if TomTom have slapped their logo on the device then they do have some responsibility but it may be that updates will appear albeit it far behind regular units?

I'll ask TomTom for comment on this today.

This has been discussed at length on the Toyota's owners website and as yet nobody has come up with a solution

Do you think Darren this could be the way sat nav will develop as just think how easy it would be for an integral system not costing thousands to be installed in a car with no worry of it being stolen and easily updated by an removable SD card.
It must be in sat nav manufacturers interests as the income that would be generated by customers purchasing map updates and other accessories would increase there profits and the convenience to the customer to be able to add on extras such as this sites camera base which I believe is not always possible on a DVD based system
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 10:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm not sure it's that easy. The problem is lead time, this device took over 18mths from the first launch to a public release and I suspect it was in development for at least that length of time beforehand.

So you end up with a two year old device that cost possibly £500+ and lacks features available at less than half that price.
Darren Griffin
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 1:39 am    Post subject: PLEASE HELP! Urban Runner Tom Tom Eclipse Unit Reply with quote

My husband and I just bought the 2008 Urban Runner 3 weeks ago with the Tom Tom Eclipse unit you are speaking about and so far it's been a complete Censored! The nav unit started shutting off, freezing up and re-starting itself. We called Tom Tom and were told to reset, uninstall, re-install, & run "clear flash" software. Finally they just said it was only their software but this is Toyota's problem.

Not only is the nav itself a piece of Censored, but the Bluetooth is horrible as well. Callers cannot hear us with all the static, etc. It gets a little better by holding your cell next to the nav unit but doing so defeats the purpose of hands-free calling... We have attempted to hook up other cell phones which work using Bluetooth in other cars but it did not improve the result.

We just dropped the car off at Toyota because we've run out options, but they don't seem to know anything about it! I really wish they would just take the thing out and install the Toyota factory in-dash navigation, but with the warranty won't help and we would just have to buy it outright at nearly $2,000!

Not sure what to do because even if they can fix our current unit the feedback on this unit so far has been pretty negative. Advise? Answers? Anyone have the new Urban Runner nav?
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 6:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Maybe I've missed something here...probably you all shout....but certainly in the UK its the dealer who has to sort it out. But they will be slow as they have to liase with a 3rd party. Still their legal responsibility...not fit for purpose and all that....

Still damn frustrating though and everyone has my sympathies....
TomTom 720

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 8:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anyone know if TomTom 'ever' plan to upgrade the software on the units?
I heard rumours that some people had v7 on the unit, but I'm not offered v7 when I log into TomTom Home.
I find it so laughable that Eclipse and TomTom would create a unit and then never bother to upgrade the software.
The question is who is to blame as Eclipse and TomTom just blame each other when it comes to the unit.
Maybe Eclipse forgot to get agreement from TomTom that they would keep the software and maps up to date.
Navigon 8450 LIVE
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 8:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

At last TomTom have upgraded the software to 7.8 and it's now possible to use the Mapshare function.

No sign of any possible map upgrades though. Also heard rumour that Toyota / Eclipse are sending out replacement 2Gb memory cards as the 1Gb ones are known to be 'rubbish'
Navigon 8450 LIVE
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 2:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Arise, zombie thread! Shocked

If anybody still has one of these units, or comes across this thread googling it because they bought a car with it in it, these things can be updated nowadays:

DeviceName=TomTom Eclipse


These are the basic, no-IQ routes maps, no exit images, just the lane guidance arrows in the status bar, and traffic is not provided via RDS-TMC (why should it, there's only a huge FM/AM receiver, and a connection to an outside antenna Rolling Eyes ) but via Bluetooth/GPRS, and only antique feature phones are compatible with that, and also, the iPod functionality requires a special cable that can not be found anymore these days, so it's either playing stuff from a USB flash drive, or via aux-in.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 10:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dragging this thread back again but does anyone have a link or the part no./details of this mysterious cable that you need to connect an iPod to the TNS400 TomTom. Bought a used Yaris SR three months ago and got the TomTom running eventually, finally got it connected to my laptop (desktop PC refused to see it) and can work my phone hands-free through it but can't connect iPod. I've seen varying threads on whether you can or can't use your regular iPod cable - well it seems I can't. I'm not interested in having the bulkhead removed to have it all connected behind, when there's a USB port in the front. Currently I use a lead which works on a vacant radio station and that's OK but is only partly functional with the car/steering wheel controls, and doesn't ID tracks, etc. (well it does, but gradually they get more garbled as the journey progresses).

Thanks in advance!
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 11:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Laughing Out Loud, I ripped that stuff out a long time ago and replaced it with this unit, which I later moved from the Yaris to my next car:

Audio streaming via BT, with music info and album art, actual traffic info, steering wheel controls, no proprietary cables, radio text, and of course a nice large display that can be read even in the sun.

The TomTom unit's battery decided to swell up and try to gas me while driving, then it went into a continuous boot loop and I jettisoned all of it.

That proprietary iPod to TomTom cable I mentioned in my post from years ago was nowhere to be found then, and I very much doubt it can be found now.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 7:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

When you look at the majority of OEM headunits the manufacturers supply they are quite pathetic when compared to what's available as a double din unit.

Honda's Connect headunit is ultra pathetic. Still runs on Android ICS and has had a raft of firmware updates to try and slow down the amount of data being chucked at it because it can't cope and frequently crashes and fully resets as a consequence.

Fortunately I knew about this so I've kept my 2013 Civic (only 16k on the clock) with the old Alpine unit that is rock solid.
Viofo A119 V3
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