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The helpfiles were updated fairly recently and went through 2 QA checks so hopefully all info is in there.
Well, you will be relieved to hear there will be no questions.
it just, works.
Download the Garmin POI file, load it to the dash can (no icon file needed), and the camera bongs and alerts you to any cameras.
No map obviously, but you do get a display on the screen of the camera showing type, distance, speed limit and your speed. It then turns red if you exceed the speed on approach.
It comes with a Garmin Cyclops sample, so to make sure it was my file working I added my own drive as a camera location. I will no remove the cyclops file.
It also alerts to non speed custom POI as well, will try that tomorrow.
It's a dash cam guys.
I don't think it can do that.
It didn't use any if the image files either. I think it just gives a pre set alert of the bong and the info on the display.
The crap Garmin system in the Merc never used the sound files either, just a bomg and the banner on the top.
So far the dash cam has alerted to every camera, no matter what speed you approach. It alerted to 2 well known mobile sites on the A57 behind my house that the Merc system never reacted to ever.
So after living with the dreadful, and only 90% working Merc system (despite all the work I did and help from Kremnen), I'm happy to finally have a system that appears so far to be 100% working, and a doddle to update using this database.
Is there a review section? I can do a full review and upload some pictures.
This camera seems much better than the RAC one.
Joined: Apr 04, 2006 Posts: 10118 Location: Bexhill, South Sussex, UK
Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 9:58 pm Post subject:
Nemesis1 wrote:
Download the Garmin POI file, load it to the dash can
So I'll ask again.
Exactly which 'Garmin POI' file do you download (because there isn't one called 'Garmin POI') and how do you 'load it to the dash cam'?
If you use POI loader, you could try voice files to go with the .CSVs and see if it produces voice alerts. Then do a proper review including how to load PGPSW cameras with voice alerts (If it's possible)
It's any POILoader compatible file. Although I haven't tried a .GPX file yet with set distances or time warnings, so at the moment, it's the standard Garmin distances. As I said though, you do get an alert for all cameras regardless of speed on approach.
I will try all that in the next few days. I will try the voice files, but I don't know how I can get the .SOX file into the right place. Will have to experiment.
The warnings appear to be a set format, the icon files definitely aren't used, and it doesn't appear you can change the text either. That said, it's clear, concise, and everything you need, so no problem.
Joined: Mar 03, 2006 Posts: 7191 Location: Reading
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 7:30 am Post subject:
"Any POI file" = a .GPI file.
As M said, use the Converter to produce a series of .GPX files that POILoader will turn into a GPI.
SOX location is covered here, and the helpfile, so won't be an issue. The Converter bottom menu bar will tell you if it's in place, or not. Also, when you install the Converter, if SOX isn't found the installer will place it correctly for you if it can, and it will tell you it's done that in the Converter central progress list.
My guess is that if it can play a bong sound file it can play a voice sound file, but you will need to prove us wrong _________________ DashCam:
Viofo A119 V3
Joined: Apr 04, 2006 Posts: 10118 Location: Bexhill, South Sussex, UK
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 9:16 am Post subject:
Kremmen wrote:
"Any POI file" = a .GPI file.
But the PGPSW camera file "Garmin POILoader" is not a GPI file. As you know, it's CSV, BMP and WAV (if you D/L voices) files Not GPI.
@Nemisis. Let's just concentrate on cameras and be specific, not "generically", and then we all know exactly what we are talking about.
Just to confirm: The PGPSW camera file is the "Garmin POILoader" one and you are using POI Loader to "load it to the dashcam"?
Done some testing today.
You can't change the warnings in any way, it does not use any other images, and it doesn't use any other sounds. In fact, if you create the .gpi file from a .gpx file with distance info etc, it doesn't work at all.
So it's a standard alert with a standard display using a basic .csv file loaded via POI Loader.
I suspect this is because it's a dash cam, so it's processing power will be very limited.
What I would like to know is how the Cyclops camera databases use directional information. The literature says that when using the Cyclops files, it uses direction information to eliminate all alerts except the ones on your route.
I once the PGPSW files have direction info, but it must be different.
Does anyone know?
The camera comes with lifetime updates for Cyclops, but it's not as good.
Joined: Apr 04, 2006 Posts: 10118 Location: Bexhill, South Sussex, UK
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 11:38 pm Post subject:
Nemesis1 wrote:
What I would like to know is how the Cyclops camera databases use directional information. The literature says that when using the Cyclops files, it uses direction information to eliminate all alerts except the ones on your route.
It obviously handles speed cameras in a different way to POIs (Our speed cameras are just POIs). And the speed cam routine takes notice of direction as does CA.
Joined: Mar 03, 2006 Posts: 7191 Location: Reading
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 7:20 am Post subject:
The providers of Cyclops probably use the Garmin toolkit and not POIloader.
They also probably use similar logic to CA using you're angle of travel and a cone to work out if the camera is in your direction of travel. Something POIloader doesn't allow.
What I've been doing for a long time now is linking CA to my car headunit and that issues directional warnings, after muting the car audio, tben returning it after the warning. Works very well and I should have done it years ago.
I then have my Garmin just showing me the cameras visually, regardless of direction. And of course the excellent digital traffic. _________________ DashCam:
Viofo A119 V3
Thanks guys.
I used to use CA in a similar way. But my company has now introduced software on our phones that basically turns the phone off when it knows your driving. :-/
TBF, having had someone close to me affected by an idiot sending a text while driving, it is a move I support.
I'm happy with the dash cam, it works 100%. I have removed all the alert triggering info from the Merc system and just loaded them as POI with icons, so I get a few on the map, but, as discussed ad nauseam with the Merc Garmin, I only get a few.
Will get someon to take some pictures of it all in action and write a review.
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