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Joined: Aug 31, 2005 Posts: 15330 Location: Bradford, West Yorkshire
Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 7:56 pm Post subject: TomTom and Cisco Join Forces for New Live Traffic Service
TomTom have today announced a partnership with Cisco to develop a new traffic service for the future of driving. With autonomous cars getting closer to a reality there is a greater need for more accurate traffic data as close to real-time as possible. Drivers, cars and local authorities can all benefit from this data that can work across multiple lanes.
Cisco will be using their 'Internet of Things' platform to support TomTom's driver data expertise. Instead of using more expensive induction loops for traffic monitoring, the partnership will be using fibre-optic cables that are converted into microphones using a technology known as Distributed Acoustic Sensing.
Full press release follows:
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 6 2017 TomTom (TOM2) today announced it is developing ultra-fast lane level traffic technology supporting autonomous driving and smarter mobility.
Research will be done in cooperation with Cisco to leverage roadside data captured by Cisco’s array of sensors, routers and controllers to create the next generation of traffic information technology. The research combines Cisco’s data with TomTom’s traffic fusion technology and expertise, supported by Cisco’s Internet of Things platform.
One particularly innovative aspect of this cooperation is the use of Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) technology, which has the ability to convert a fibre optic cable into an array of virtual microphones that detect and measure vehicle movements. This data is to be merged with TomTom’s pool of floating car data from over 500 million devices. It will then be displayed and analysed in a TomTom interface specifically designed for the needs of Traffic Management Centres.
“With this project, we are connecting road infrastructure, vehicles, drivers and road authorities, enabling them to exchange information in near real time. That is what the Internet of Things is about. With TomTom’s expertise, its gigantic pool of traffic data and innovative traffic technology, TomTom is a strong company to work with in this field,” says Edwin Paalvast, President EMEAR at Cisco.
This research and development is expected to reduce latency and increase accuracy of real time traffic services, while reducing the costs of traffic monitoring infrastructure. As an example, DAS technology promises to be significantly cheaper to set up and maintain than traditional inductive loop sensors. This project aims to develop better products supporting the demanding requirements of autonomous driving, where cars need to know what lies beyond their sensors, in real time and on each lane.
“We strongly believe that Internet of Things and cloud technologies are essential parts to the future of mobility and we are excited to work with Cisco in moving traffic technology forward”, explains Anders Truelsen, Managing Director of TomTom’s Licensing Business.
Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 11:05 am Post subject: Acoustic sencsing
DAS as it's know is a really good idea but it has problems with heat and gives incorrect information, well I hope they fix it before they try it in this country.
Also there dropping the old PIR system that's going to mess cyclist and light vehicles as they my no longer set the lights in motion.
As for driver less cars, it's the way things are going as there trying to eliminate bad driving errors ( stupid people using mobiles not looking properly and so on ) till there's a serious problem like hacking car software, that is available and can course some really bad problems, like disabling brakes and a lot more.
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