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Joined: Feb 27, 2006 Posts: 14904 Location: Keynsham
Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 7:17 am Post subject:
I THINK (not sure) the 500 using your phone connection will use whatever SIM you have - 3G or 4G, whereas the 5000 uses TomTom's own 2G SIM, so is less stable and suffers perhaps from line congestion.
Have you read all the comments on the lack of features in the new models? _________________ Dennis
Hi Dennis,
Thanks for the reply.
I have read bits about the limitations on the newer systems.
It does worry me, but what else is there, as good as the Tomtom?
I did think about the 820 or the 825.
Are there others which can support traffic(via Smartphonedata ),
and life time maps?
Joined: Feb 27, 2006 Posts: 14904 Location: Keynsham
Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 12:04 pm Post subject:
Sorry, I have to leave that to someone else- I won't touch the new ones because they are so much less featured, so I can't recommend any. _________________ Dennis
Joined: 15/07/2003 22:59:27 Posts: 1050 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 8:28 am Post subject:
I prefer the non-SIM versions, because of speed of first update (often just a few seconds) and coverage will typically be best possible because we do (should) have chosen the best coverage operator within the areas we normally are, where as the built in unit is stuck with one carrier
It eats up a negligible amount of your data each month but make sure you have tethering option included within your bundle
An alternative is the more recent Garmins which include Bluetooth Smartlink for traffic data from your phone (limited to Android and IOs) but doesn't need tethering (as goes through an App which then transmits its data to the unit - hence a more restricted usage - I prefer Windows Phone - but this works well to) _________________ TomTom Go Live 6100, 600
Garmin DriveLux 50, D-Smart 70, NuviCam, 3598, 2699, 2798
Mio Navman 695
Nexus 6p, Apple iPhone 6sPlus and Microsoft Lumia 950xl running TomTom, Garmin, CoPilot, Navigon, Sygic, Here Drive, Google, Waze, MS Maps
I bought the 500 a few months ago - for me the traffic is essential, and I was finding my previous TOMTOM with built-in SIM was dropping the connection too frequently.
Sad that the new 500 doesn't allow me to put cameras on it, but in every other respect (interface, speed, reliability, traffic) it's light-years ahead. Connection to TT servers is rock-solid, pairs with my phone in seconds. I now have cameralert on a cheap Android phone I bought specifically for the purpose - does the job just fine, although I don't find it a particularly refined piece of s/w.
Given the experience with TT built-in SIMS, I'd say go for the 500. Cheaper and better.
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