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Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 8:42 pm Post subject: london Borough speed lmit lowering
A warning for all those drivers that have to travel thru the London Borough of Southwark. To make Southwark a Better Place to live the council have imposed a blanket 20 mph speed limit on all the roads and adjusted the speed cameras accordingly. I had to go there over the last few days and can confirm the prescense of large 20 signs on the roads throughout the borough, so be warned. I was also forewarned the the east London councils are considering the same speed limit throughout the East end of London. I am so glad I Live in Lincoln.
Joined: Mar 01, 2005 Posts: 1513 Location: West Mids
Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 12:14 pm Post subject:
Hi magentius. Welcome to the forum.
This sort of plan is happening across the country. Birmingham is planning a "pilot" scheme that covers most roads throughout the city with the exception of main through roads. My idea of a pilot would be a couple of areas that had a problem in the first place.
Let's get Lincoln Council to do the same (they are probably planning it as we speak).
As for the database, if you are aware of any cameras that are now on a 20mph road, please send in a change report (Big finger on right). I can see some 30mph cameras on the main roads but these may stay at 30 whereas the small roads in between are the ones that get lowered.
Gerry _________________ Gerry
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Joined: Feb 27, 2006 Posts: 14902 Location: Keynsham
Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 7:40 pm Post subject:
This situation is a total pig's ear!
The government was somehow persuaded that 20mph is better than 30mph. However, rather than change the national urban limit unilaterally to 20mph from 30mph, they instead made an order allowing Councils to adopt it at their discretion - y'know, good old feeling, caring, local accountability, government. The by-product was that any council which wished to introduce it would have to fund the entire business out of the rates, whereas if govt had opted to change the national thing, they'd have had to make some contribution towards the cost. Crafty!
And of course, the situation now is that if you're in a built up area, the good old rule of lamppost distances no longer keeps you aware - because they may have changed the limit there to 20 and if you didn't see the sign, you'd be at risk of getting nicked. It used to be easy - houses? yes, OK, drop to 30. My council has changed our town to 20, except on the through roads which are the only places anybody ever speeds - absolute waste of money to introduce it with 20mph signs and repeaters all over the place, instead of the easy, unconfusing way opf simply changing about six 30mph signs at the entrances to the town to 20mph, then also erect six bloody great signs there saying it's ALL been changed now.
What the govt should have done was simply change the national thing from 30 to 20, then there'd be no ambiguity or confusion.
Of course, the motoring lobbyists would have screamed blue murder and whichever party introduced it could expect loads of adverse publicity come election canvassing time. _________________ Dennis
Joined: Jan 20, 2008 Posts: 55 Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK
Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 12:08 am Post subject:
London Borough of Islington have also adopted a blanket speed limit of 20mph and I think that Camden have done the same, next time I go there I'll confirm it
We will soon be going back to having someone walk of us with a red flag if we keep this up.
Doesn't the government understand that the slower we drive, the more pollution we create?
Is this just a cynical way of increasing taxation yet again to combat the increased pollution levels in our cities and also try to get us all to use public transport? Some of us rely on the car in order for us to a job of work, if I had to use public transport then I couldn't do my job that's for sure.
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