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Joined: Jun 19, 2006 Posts: 212 Location: Sahrf Lunnon ;)
Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 3:51 pm Post subject: Routeplanning in advance - set ETA?
Bear with me, preable required:
There used to be a damn good UK-based route planning website, run by HMG, known as Transport Direct. They killed it off last year with less than a months warning - only found out after they closed it (one of the many dot gov "initiatives" no doubt, bloody empire-building bean counters Ahem).
Problem is, it was the ONLY place where you could set a desired ETA for a road trip; you can do this on public transport planners (TfL, Traveline, etc), but NOT on anything else out there that I've found for road trips - even google nav doesn't have this facility, which I find to be a massively surprising omission by the Chocolate Factory (and so bleeping much for there being an equivalent service in the commercial world, yeah, right, dot gov idiots).
So, here's the question: Does anyone know of any site or nav package that alows you to plan a route in advance, taking into account a desired ETA?
Ta in advance _________________ Roger, G1LIW
Google Pixel 3a XL Android Smartphone | SatNav Sygic for Android | Waze for Android | CamerAlert for Android | Blog http://rogersblant.blogspot.com/
Joined: Mar 18, 2011 Posts: 4462 Location: West Sussex
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 7:51 am Post subject:
Missed this post earlier but in Garmin Trip Planner (on nuvis since 2013) you can plan a trip, and set desired ETA etc
Also in Garmin's Basecamp program you can plan 'trips' and assign desired ETAs, stops (and for how long) etc etc _________________ Where there's a will ... there's a way.
Joined: Jun 19, 2006 Posts: 212 Location: Sahrf Lunnon ;)
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 2:14 pm Post subject:
Completely forgot about this thread too (oops!)
Turns out you can now set arrival times in Googlemaps navigation as well; you can't set max speed though, which is annoying for us classic vehicle drivers.
*sigh* I'd really like to find the gormeless muppet who decided to take down Transport Direct, and vigerously shake him her or it warmly by the neck.
Also - what on Earth is Nuvis?! Google was oddly no help _________________ Roger, G1LIW
Google Pixel 3a XL Android Smartphone | SatNav Sygic for Android | Waze for Android | CamerAlert for Android | Blog http://rogersblant.blogspot.com/
Joined: Jun 19, 2006 Posts: 212 Location: Sahrf Lunnon ;)
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 3:17 pm Post subject:
Ah. and D'OH! I'd read that as "nuvis", hence the confuzzdom at this end! Came up with everything from architectural to automotive (Nissan Nuvis? YEUCH!), nothing GPS related at all! Cheers for the edumacation _________________ Roger, G1LIW
Google Pixel 3a XL Android Smartphone | SatNav Sygic for Android | Waze for Android | CamerAlert for Android | Blog http://rogersblant.blogspot.com/
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