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Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 8:18 pm Post subject: Which one is right for me
Hello Forum Members. A need advice
I have , had a couple of sat navs, Becker, which drive me up the wall over 2 points.
The first is the appalling battery life unless plugged in.
But the most annoying is this.
While driving on any route I detest being told to drive for x number of miles which actually is only to the next road junction. I prefer to be told to stay on the road UNTIL I need to changed direction, leave the road I am on or exit the Motorway.
Does such a voice system exist?
Perhaps someone out there can make a recommendation for me as shop assistants don't seem to be able to answer that one query.
Joined: Feb 27, 2006 Posts: 14906 Location: Keynsham
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 8:52 pm Post subject:
I've been using TomTom devices since 2005. I have ALWAYS kept them plugged in - everybody here will tell you the same thing - they are not designed to be used solely on battery all day, or even all morning, if you get two hours you'll be doing better than everybody else.
As for voice instructions, that's down to each different satnav model and every one that I've used has had its quirks (one of my current ones tells me to keep right for every wretched layby! Another tells me to stay on Happy Street for 25 miles, when I know full well it really means keep going ahead for 25 miles, even when Happy Street changes to A45). Your problem seems pretty mild to me - unless you want to put your car on autopilot and set an alarm to wake you after xx miles, which seems a rather extreme step, there might be a bend or some other interference to a straight line track!
I guess your best bet is to grab everybody you see with a satnav and ask them how it behaves - the shop assistants spend all day in the shop, not driving round learning how each satnav behaves. _________________ Dennis
Joined: Apr 04, 2006 Posts: 10118 Location: Bexhill, South Sussex, UK
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 10:28 pm Post subject:
Beker satnavs used to use an iGO based nav software. Can you find out if it is iGO. It should be in the help ~ about or some such.
If it is, then it is possible, although not easy_peasy to modify the voices alerts.
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