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I always find looking out the windscreen at the upcoming roadsigns as I exit the sliproad helps.
I think Garmin have it spot on when it comes to directions, the SatNav is supposed to be a driver aid and not looked at or replied upon religiously. As an aid to getting from A to B my Garmin 3598 is great and the best improvement Garmin has made for years is the digital traffic. _________________ DriveLuxe 51 LMT D - Firmware 6.80
Previously owned: DriveLuxe 50 LMT-D, NuviCam LMT-D, Nuvi 3598 LMT-D, Nuvi 3490LMT, 3790T, 1690, 765, 760, 660, 610, 360, 310, 300 and Streetpilot i3
How do I add a snapshot of my garmin here? and where on my garmin will I find the screen photo?
Have got a lovely example of the stupidity of garmin. My sat-nav screen said 'continue to...'
and the map clearly showed my little blue car pointing up and the road I was meant to take directly behind me!
I had not moved from the spot. Had completed one journey & just set the destination to the next. My TT routed me directly from this spot & direction.
On the plus side, no grey screen yet,
lane assist is good,
digital traffic is good.
garmin remembering where the car is parked is also very useful.[/url]
There's an option in settings, display to activate the screenshot function.
A little icon appears on the main screen, tap this to take the snapshot and you can then copy this to a PC and post here. I'd disable the function once you've used it though. _________________ DriveLuxe 51 LMT D - Firmware 6.80
Previously owned: DriveLuxe 50 LMT-D, NuviCam LMT-D, Nuvi 3598 LMT-D, Nuvi 3490LMT, 3790T, 1690, 765, 760, 660, 610, 360, 310, 300 and Streetpilot i3
Joined: Aug 26, 2007 Posts: 402 Location: Glannau Mersi, Lloegr
Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 6:06 pm Post subject:
sussamb wrote:
Agree fully about the digital traffic, and like you I have no issues with my 2508.
I was using my (UK) 2548LMT-D in a hired car in Spain last week. I had the latest maps but there did seem to be several errors, especially at roundabouts and with the location of slip roads between AutoVias and the adjacent service roads - nothing too serious, just annoying.
Arrival times were remarkably accurate, probably because most of the Autopistas are empty and in an hour you can actually achieve 120Km, not like here where the SatNav assumes you'll average the best part of 70mph on a motorway when in reality you only average 50mph if you're lucky.
The digital traffic worked in Spain, or rather when the tab was launched and after a few moments of waiting, the screen said no delays. We encountered no delays other than hitting a long parade of horse drawn carriages along the river in the middle of Seville!
We had two Spanish friends with us who couldn't stop laughing at Serena's pronunciation of Spanish words. I suppose we can forgive the English algorithms for that, but there's still a few laughs when back in the UK. She will insist on calling Clydesdale Road "Clid-is-dale". Never mind....
Joined: Mar 18, 2011 Posts: 4462 Location: West Sussex
Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 6:30 pm Post subject:
BigJohnD wrote:
We had two Spanish friends with us who couldn't stop laughing at Serena's pronunciation of Spanish words. I suppose we can forgive the English algorithms for that, but there's still a few laughs when back in the UK. She will insist on calling Clydesdale Road "Clid-is-dale". Never mind....
Just out of interest, did you try selecting a Spanish voice? Instructions would then have been in Spanish but no idea if that would improve pronounciation or not
Joined: Aug 26, 2007 Posts: 402 Location: Glannau Mersi, Lloegr
Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 12:01 am Post subject:
sussamb wrote:
Just out of interest, did you try selecting a Spanish voice? Instructions would then have been in Spanish but no idea if that would improve pronunciation or not
I did think of it but never did because it meant watching the screen too closely.
Joined: Dec 17, 2006 Posts: 302 Location: Ellesmere UK
Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 11:41 pm Post subject:
[quote="BAVC10"] I always find looking out the windscreen at the upcoming roadsigns as I exit the sliproad helps.
I think Garmin have it spot on when it comes to directions, the SatNav is supposed to be a driver aid and not looked at or replied upon religiously. As an aid to getting from A to B my Garmin 3598 is great and the best improvement Garmin has made for years is the digital traffic.[/qruote]
I could not agree more!
I must be driving a lot slower than some contributors to this thread.even though I am only just within the speed limits.
This weekend I usedmy new 2598 on its firsg long run. Routes appeared to be spot on and spoken directikns were given at the right time. When leaving motoreays with 2 lane or 1 lane slip roads I got the roundabout exit as soon as I was on the slip road and had plenty of time to geg in the right lane. On the odd occasion when I wanted to know sooner I sas that the number of the exit was in the top line info in very clear type so I was able to plan further ahead thsnthe voice instruction. I was amazed at the imprkvement over my old 760. I may be biassed becuse I know and am happy with the Garmin logic, but I don't risk confusion between Garmkn, TomTom and all the other makes that appear in some signatures!
Joined: Dec 17, 2006 Posts: 302 Location: Ellesmere UK
Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 11:41 pm Post subject:
[quote="BAVC10"] I always find looking out the windscreen at the upcoming roadsigns as I exit the sliproad helps.
I think Garmin have it spot on when it comes to directions, the SatNav is supposed to be a driver aid and not looked at or replied upon religiously. As an aid to getting from A to B my Garmin 3598 is great and the best improvement Garmin has made for years is the digital traffic.[/qruote]
I could not agree more!
I must be driving a lot slower than some contributors to this thread.even though I am only just within the speed limits.
This weekend I usedmy new 2598 on its firsg long run. Routes appeared to be spot on and spoken directikns were given at the right time. When leaving motoreays with 2 lane or 1 lane slip roads I got the roundabout exit as soon as I was on the slip road and had plenty of time to geg in the right lane. On the odd occasion when I wanted to know sooner I sas that the number of the exit was in the top line info in very clear type so I was able to plan further ahead thsnthe voice instruction. I was amazed at the imprkvement over my old 760. I may be biassed becuse I know and am happy with the Garmin logic, but I don't risk confusion between Garmkn, TomTom and all the other makes that appear in some signatures!
Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 11:27 am Post subject: Garmin
I think that the Garmin directions and timings are about right.
I use a garmin on the bike and, assuming I am not a slave to it and use what used to be called common sense, it works fine. I generally know where I am heading and roadsigns help, the unit does what it is meant to, it gives me assistance, and is not [holy book of choice] to be followed no matter what - after all nobody follows a paper map that closely either, we make judgements on the best route.
Where is is really helpful is the last bit of journeys, in areas I don't know so well, and that is also where the camera warnings help - although the bings in my ears can get a little trying when speed limits have changed at times.
The point of a sat nav is to help, sometimes it may plot a journey route that some people think could be better, some of that is settings I accept (it can be shorter by a couple of meters to go ups slip road), but we are the people in control of the car / bike / motorhome / LGV / pet rock and we can choose to follow it slavishly or ignore it.
Treat it like a paper map, as an aid, and don't be a slave to it.
Probably helps that it is not in my eye view all the time on the bike I accept, but that also means I can see the road and my mirrors a little better, and that must be a good thing with all the sat nav distracted drivers out there! After all, at motorway speeds you can travel a long distance whilst having a glance at a sat nav...
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