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Joined: Jun 04, 2005 Posts: 19991 Location: West and Southwest London
Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:25 pm Post subject:
Hi.. It's actually working correctly, but it's not immediately clear unless you read the instructions in the links to the right of the submission page.
It says there:
Action: Change existing POI
1. Select "Change existing POI" using the Action drop-down box.
2. Scroll down to the Google Map and fill in the Find a location box. Then click the "Find a location" button to search for that location. If successful the Google Map will centre on the requested location.
3. Click on the icon of the POI that you want to change. The POI Title, Category, SubCategory and ID are shown above the Google Map.
4. Click on the link associated with the POI, shown for example as ID:1234, to transfer the information to the form.
5. Change the fields that are to be updated.
6. Add a comment explaining the reason for the change.
7. Check that all the required details are present and then click on the "Submit Entry" button to send the data for review.
(my bold)
So you DON'T fill in the ID number yourself (notice it's greyed out)
You click on the icon on the map and then you click on the [u]underlined ID number[/b] immediately above the map.
That should fill in the relevant details on the form - ID number, Latitude and Longitude and all the other details. _________________ "Settling in nicely" ;-)
Last edited by Andy_P on Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 Posts: 19991 Location: West and Southwest London
Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:33 pm Post subject:
@ Richard... maybe the form could make that a bit clearer?
It could do with a note beside the greyed out boxes and a re-write of the "hover text" when you mouse over the "?" sign.
And in the instructions, maybe change it from this:
3. Click on the icon of the POI that you want to change. The POI Title, Category, SubCategory and ID are shown above the Google Map.
4. Click on the link associated with the POI, shown for example as ID:1234, to transfer the information to the form.
to this:
3. Click on the icon of the POI that you want to change on the map.
A line of text will now appear immediately above the Google Map, showing the POI's Title, Category, SubCategory and ID number.
4. Click on the underlined ID number in that line of text (shown for example as ID:1234), and that will automatically transfer the relevant information into the main form at the top. _________________ "Settling in nicely" ;-)
Joined: Dec 08, 2004 Posts: 10644 Location: Suffolk, UK
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 6:53 am Post subject:
Andy_P wrote:
@ Richard... maybe the form could make that a bit clearer?
That will have to be ... @ MaFt.
On his (never-ending), to-do list, is a re-write of the POI pages. Mainly related to the old API version that is used, and no longer supported fully by Google.
With other problems, it could be early next year before it's resolved. _________________ Richard
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Joined: Jun 20, 2005 Posts: 1096 Location: Solihull, UK
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:14 am Post subject:
If the POI pages are going to be rewritten, can I suggest another minor enhancement?
It would help greatly if there was an option to clear the data already entered in the form. If you have already selected an existing POI, and populated the form with its data, then decide that this isn't what you wanted to do - you need to Add a New POI instead, then you currently have to refresh the whole page; there is no way to clear down the POI ID field without doing this.
It's probably not worth doing this as a change to the existing submission page, but if it is going to get a major overhaul, then it could be included at this point.
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