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Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:48 am Post subject: TomTom Lifetime Map Updates Con
Hi All,
I bought a TomTom 1005World after carefully reading the TomTom advert for free lifetime updates. I quote here below
"Maps – these are any full updates to the map that is pre-installed on your device or come with your smartphone app (Geographical coverage and feature support in the map will continue to match the original)."
So you would think that it would cover all maps on the device, well apparently not according to TomTom, they say they will only update Europe.
I went back to them with a screenshot of their blatant false advertising and said "Please show me where it says only partial updates, or your maps will not continue to match the original, it does not, it says the opposite."
They are refusing to budge, can any of you assist in suggestions of how I take this further. This is blatant false advertising.
Joined: Apr 04, 2006 Posts: 295 Location: South East Northumberland, UK
Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 1:47 pm Post subject:
The lifetime map updates in the USA seem to do the opposite. The last time I looked they specifically excluded the European map but this was before the lifetime map updates was available outside the USA.
I notice that they say "these are any full updates to the map that is pre-installed on your device ". Use of the singular would imply that there is only one map.
Presumably the "overlooked" the "whole world" models which used to be the 910, 9920, 930, 940 and 950 devices.
Presumably the "could" try to claim it was an ommision in their advertising.
Have a go at TT, could have a punt at your local Trading Standards, WatchDog (always good for a laugh) and write to CEO of TT? _________________ TomTom Go 540 - V9.058, Map GB & Ireland 860.3101
TomTom Go 520T, V8.351, TTS V7, Map GB & Ireland 855.2884
Nokia 5800 with Google Maps & OVI Maps
Google Nexus One with Google Maps & NDrive
The only glimmer of hope that I could offer would be if you bought the 1005 World in the first 2 or 3 days of the offer, as I KNOW, but can't prove, that they didn't have the conditions page in place. _________________ Jock
TomTom Go 940 LIVE (9.510, Europe v915.5074 on SD & 8.371, WCE v875.3613 on board)
The only glimmer of hope that I could offer would be if you bought the 1005 World in the first 2 or 3 days of the offer, as I KNOW, but can't prove, that they didn't have the conditions page in place.
thanks for your response but it still states on their website today "Maps – these are any full updates to the map that is pre-installed on your device or come with your smartphone app (Geographical coverage and feature support in the map will continue to match the original)."
Original in my book means all maps.
I placed the order on the 26th of September, I would have noticed if it was limited to EU as before I had a TT940 and when I updated the maps it only updated EU and not North America.
I realise the conditions have changed now, does anyone know when they changed it?
Joined: Jan 10, 2004 Posts: 2777 Location: Bonnie Scotland (West Central)
Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 6:36 pm Post subject:
Interesting!! They seem to have 2 different Lifetime Map offers on their site, the one I was looking at and the one you were looking at! It almost as if the left hand didn't know what the right hand was doing!!
As you say, yours clearly says Geographical coverage and feature support in the map will continue to match the original! _________________ Jock
TomTom Go 940 LIVE (9.510, Europe v915.5074 on SD & 8.371, WCE v875.3613 on board)
Hmm. That page says same geographical coverage and the Terms & Conditions tab does not mention the World/EU map issue. The issue is mentioned if you follow the 'How To Get It' tab to the map promotion link, but you wouldn't/shouldn't be expected to read that before purchasing.
I think you have a case to argue. I would find the email address of the most senior person I could find it TomTom and compose a nice email explaining the above, saying that you purchased the unit in good faith having read the offer details at the time and asking them to grant lifetime map updates for your unit.
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