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Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 12:35 am Post subject: Spurious speed alert on Garmin 1310
**FIXED** - see reply
Earlier this evening on the Blackpool Asda car park my satnav gave a 3 km/h speed alert.
The only POIs anywhere near this locality were:
1. The PGPSW Asda filling station one (file ASDA_Fuel_PGPSW.csv) and
2. A nearby Geocache, for which i created the POI file myself (file name geocache_redlight.csv - to get red light alerts).
The POI lines were, respectively,
-3.016xx,53.797xx,"Blackpool, Cherry Tree Rd","+441253831700 "
-3.0170xx,53.7986xx,"GC2HR6B Shopping Around 'A' [Small/Traditional Cache]","[clue deleted]
Updated: 2012-08-06"
The xx's just obscure decimal places as both these POIs are copyrighted data. I have also deleted the Geocache clue but that only contained letters and punctuation, no numbers.
I could point out that when I drive up Burton Road, to the north of the store, I get the alert for the Geocache, but not the speed alert. I only get the alert on the car park itself. Hence I am inclined to believe the Filling Station POI file, which I only started using a month ago, is more likely to be 'responsible'.
I use the Garmin POI creator which is set to assume metric units, My satnav is also set to metric. Hence the 3km/h alert ought to come from a 3 in the POI file name or a @3 in the file line itself. As neither of these are the case, I am at a loss to explain the 3 km/h alert.
If anyone has any ideas I'd be glad to hear them.
Last edited by andy_fy8 on Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 7:57 pm Post subject: Cause of problem found
Unfortunately the fault was mine...
I have my POI files in subdirectories of the input directory and in order to sort them on the satnav, prefixed them with 00-, 01- etc. The subdirectory containing filling station pois was 03-fuel.
Clearly the POI loader looks at subdirectory names too.
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