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Joined: 11/07/2002 14:36:40 Posts: 23848 Location: Hampshire, UK
Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 3:55 pm Post subject: iOnRoad - Augmented Reality Driving Assistant
Mobile World Congress, Barcelona. For the drivers amongst us, a novel solutions which makes great use of Augmented Reality (AR) is iOnRoad.
Its claim to fame is the use of AR to provide advance warning of a collision. I confess that, initially, I was rather dubious that the app could work but a road test proved it was every bit as clever as its authors claimed.
iOnRoad uses the on-board camera in your smartphone to identify vehicles in the lane ahead of you. It constantly measures the gap between you and the vehicles ahead and alerts if that gap becomes too small. The gap is coloured green when you are following at a safe distance but turns red and provides an audible warning if you allow the gap to become to small.
Not only is iOnRoad an incredibly clever demonstration of the technology, it’s a useful safety tool and can help educate you to drive more safely and to leave that important safety gap between you and vehicles ahead.
Available now as a free app on Android and coming soon to iOS. For more information see the iONRoad web site at www.ionroad.com.
A great piece of programming but surely it's just another distraction? I'll be sticking with my "Only a fool breaks the two second rule" mantra. _________________ Garmin Nuvi 2599
Android with CamerAlert, OsmAnd+, Waze & TT Europe.
TomTom GO 730, GO 930, GO 940 & Rider2.
SatMap Active 10 & 20.
So the 1.8 seconds showing green in the OP photo is a load of bx and too close
I reckon so. Judging by the non-green part of the road just before the tanker you could probably shave a further 0.3 secs off and still be safe
Mind you, it is for a show in Barcelona where a 0.5sec gap is normally sufficient _________________ Garmin Nuvi 2599
Android with CamerAlert, OsmAnd+, Waze & TT Europe.
TomTom GO 730, GO 930, GO 940 & Rider2.
SatMap Active 10 & 20.
Joined: Jan 10, 2004 Posts: 2777 Location: Bonnie Scotland (West Central)
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:25 pm Post subject:
They could do with thinking about the name! The leading "i" could fool the masses into thinking this was a iPhone only (iPhoney?? ) app. I nearly didn't read the article because of it (not ardently against the Jobsian Empire, just don't have an iPhone!). _________________ Jock
TomTom Go 940 LIVE (9.510, Europe v915.5074 on SD & 8.371, WCE v875.3613 on board)
Joined: Oct 20, 2006 Posts: 171 Location: Cheshire
Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:31 am Post subject:
I agree with the earlier comment about it being just another distraction, your eyes and brain are the only things you should be using to gauge the correct distance between you and the vehicle in front. If you cant do that then you shouldn't be driving, and staring or glancing constantly at something you THINK you can rely on to tell you whether or not the distance is safe is not the way forward really. I can almost see it now "it's really good this, look we're 4.3 seconds away from the vehicle in front it tells you, there look at the bottom of the".......BANG
No thanks _________________ Graham
Tomtom One
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Joined: Aug 31, 2005 Posts: 15355 Location: Bradford, West Yorkshire
Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:33 am Post subject:
In which case those cars that automatically brake for you if you get too close to the car in front are a distraction - the drive could say "hey, look, I don't even need to brake at all!"
These are aids to driving - you get an audible and visual alert if you get too close to the car in front - you then adjust accordingly.
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