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PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 6:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bosun you want to get your old routes.

This seems fairly simple unless I have missed something - tell me if I have.

Go to the old Route Planner tab, and ignore the advice about registering with Xpedition, instead log on with your email address and A10 serial number. This should take you into the old route planner and allow you to download any of your saved routes. Then you can singly or bulk upload them to Xpedition when you have logged into that.

Does that make sense? Does it work? If not tell us where it fails and I or someone else will try again.
Satmap A10. Platform 21
Software version 1.5.9193
Satsync 1.525
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 8:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Getting your routes is as easy as LostMike states. A bit of a pain as there is no way to download all at the same time as separate files. Downloading a hundred files was rather boring.

existing customers to be allowed to use the Premium version indefinitely without having to pay £30 per year

Now that would be nice especially as we have already paid for the 1:25000 service.

At present I am now starting to wonder if I should have purchased a Garmin and separate digital mapping which I could have used on the unit and on my computer. At least then I could route plan without needing to go online which is difficult when caravanning and there would only have been a a one off cost for the map instead of £30 a year.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 9:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I downloaded them all as one .gpx file,seems to have worked.

Thanks for the help.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 9:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I downloaded them all as one .gpx file,seems to have worked.

Were they individual routes afterwards on your computer?
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

lostme wrote:
I downloaded them all as one .gpx file,seems to have worked.

Were they individual routes afterwards on your computer?

Yes,opened a couple to check,seem to be OK.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 11:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

rkm_hm wrote:
Bosun wrote:
The premium version is £30,it is on the site if you fish around.

I would still like to know where all my saved routes have gone.


Ah, right.

Reference to the saved routes is also there - in the FAQ. It says something about this being a new application which doesn't contain any routes from the Online Route Planner.

Assuming you've got .GPX versions of all your routes on your PC, you'll need to upload those and save them in the new application. If you haven't, you can still access the old application for a while - so you can download your routes as .GPX files and then upload them to the new application.

I can't help feeling that this is something which it wouldn't be beyond the wit of Satmap to automate if there's sufficient pressure from disgruntled customers. Hopefully there will also be pressure from existing customers to be allowed to use the Premium version indefinitely without having to pay £30 per year.

I think Bosun and me mean Saved routes on existing route planner. When you click the folder, nothing happens
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 10:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

spudsocks wrote:
I think Bosun and me mean Saved routes on existing route planner. When you click the folder, nothing happens

You mean nothing happens when you click the folder on the NEW system?

It won't, because your saved routes are not there! As I thought I had explained - as has someone else - you need to transfer your routes manually from the OLD system to the NEW system.

Log on to the old system, and open each saved route. Download them, one at a time, to your PC as .GPX files.

Then log on to the new system and upload your .GPX files to that. I think there is a way of doing them all in one go. Your routes will then show up in the new system.
TomTom via135

Satmap Active 10+ v1.50 with full UK 1:50k map and 1:25k/1:10k County maps of Hampshire & Warwickshire
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 11:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

rkm_hm wrote:
spudsocks wrote:
I think Bosun and me mean Saved routes on existing route planner. When you click the folder, nothing happens

You mean nothing happens when you click the folder on the NEW system?

It won't, because your saved routes are not there! As I thought I had explained - as has someone else - you need to transfer your routes manually from the OLD system to the NEW system.

Log on to the old system, and open each saved route. Download them, one at a time, to your PC as .GPX files.

Then log on to the new system and upload your .GPX files to that. I think there is a way of doing them all in one go. Your routes will then show up in the new system.

On the OLD planner there is a clickable link at the bottom of the pop-up showing your routes.It says something like "Download All Routes As One GPX File".

If you do this and then upload the resulting GPX file to the new planner all your routes will be there.

No need to do them one at a time.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 12:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bosun wrote:
rkm_hm wrote:
Log on to the old system, and open each saved route. Download them, one at a time, to your PC as .GPX files.

On the OLD planner there is a clickable link at the bottom of the pop-up showing your routes.It says something like "Download All Routes As One GPX File".

If you do this and then upload the resulting GPX file to the new planner all your routes will be there.

No need to do them one at a time.


Ah, that's better - I hadn't seen that.

Having said that, I'm not sure what the rationale is for storing a lot of routes on-line - unless, perhaps, you use a lot of different computers and want the routes to be accessible from anywhere? You have to download them in order to transfer them to the A10 anyway - the transfer requiring SatSYNC to be installed on whatever computer you are using.

All my routes are on my PC as .GPX files, so if the on-line ones disappear it's no big deal. If I need to edit one, I can upload it. [In fact, most of them have been created with the WalkHighlands Route Planner - because I couldn't make the old Satmap planner work properly - and that doesn't have any on-line storage facilities as far as I am aware].
TomTom via135

Satmap Active 10+ v1.50 with full UK 1:50k map and 1:25k/1:10k County maps of Hampshire & Warwickshire
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 8:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just had the February email newsletter - so the launch is now official!

That tells you how to transfer saved routes fairly painlessly (as already discussed) from the old to the new system.

Several members of this forum have expressed disappointment that whereas users of the old system had been promised access to OS 1:25k maps more or less for ever, this will now stop after 12 months with the new system, and they will then have to pay - or downgrade to inferior maps. Anyone like to hazard a guess as to whether we could get this reversed if we all complain loudly enough to Satmap?
TomTom via135

Satmap Active 10+ v1.50 with full UK 1:50k map and 1:25k/1:10k County maps of Hampshire & Warwickshire
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 9:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

rkm_hm said
Several members of this forum have expressed disappointment that whereas users of the old system had been promised access to OS 1:25k maps more or less for ever, this will now stop after 12 months with the new system, and they will then have to pay - or downgrade to inferior maps. Anyone like to hazard a guess as to whether we could get this reversed if we all complain loudly enough to Satmap?

It occurs to me that you may be jumping to conclusions on limited information. As I understand it, before Xpedition was introduced some A10 owners believed they had the right to 1:25,000 planning (with caveats) in perpetuity. Others could buy annual access to the facility. Now all SatMap appear to be saying is that everyone who had access to the old planner can have free access to the new Premium Xpedition free for a year. It also sounds as if new people (possibly even non A10 owners) may in future be able to have access for free to the non Premium version. So the people who previously paid for access to the planner appear to have got a free extension of their "premium" service. What seems to remain unclear is what happens to those who thought the A10 package they bought came with a lifetime 1:25,000 planner. Being one of those individuals I hope SatMap will get their act together and tell us that we will continue to have access to the Premium Xpedition for free unless Ordnance Survey change the rules of the game. If you want to ask for that to be confirmed I am with you. Otherwise I think you need to consider very carefully what you are asking for. Satmap have produced what in my opinion is a good and much improved planner and they need to make a profit if we are to continue to get any support.
Satmap A10. Platform 21
Software version 1.5.9193
Satsync 1.525
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 11:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

LostMike wrote:
What seems to remain unclear is what happens to those who thought the A10 package they bought came with a lifetime 1:25,000 planner. Being one of those individuals I hope SatMap will get their act together and tell us that we will continue to have access to the Premium Xpedition for free unless Ordnance Survey change the rules of the game. If you want to ask for that to be confirmed I am with you.

That's precisely what I want to ask for! My A10, purchased in about April 2011, came with a voucher - claimed to be worth £79.99 - giving access to the Online Route Planner & Route Share Network. Whilst the voucher only guaranteed access to GB maps for one year, both my supplier (Azcari) and Satmap themselves were saying verbally that it was really in perpetuity, and that the 12 month reference was simply to cover them against the possibility of the access licence being withdrawn by Ordnance Survey.
TomTom via135

Satmap Active 10+ v1.50 with full UK 1:50k map and 1:25k/1:10k County maps of Hampshire & Warwickshire
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 9:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Why not send them an email and see what they say?

And if you are thinking of posting the result here, warn them in advance. I know a lot of us would be interested in the response.
Satmap A10. Platform 21
Software version 1.5.9193
Satsync 1.525
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

LostMike wrote:
Why not send them an email and see what they say?

And if you are thinking of posting the result here, warn them in advance. I know a lot of us would be interested in the response.

The deed is done. Watch this space!
TomTom via135

Satmap Active 10+ v1.50 with full UK 1:50k map and 1:25k/1:10k County maps of Hampshire & Warwickshire
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 5:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh dear it needs Silverlight for Firefox, thanks but no thanks.
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