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Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 7:20 pm Post subject: Adding additional POI's to Igo8
Hello all,
After a good result with the speed camera database, I thought now is the good time to try some more POI's.
I am an avid camping person, and as such have the camping sites POI's in the kml format.
Now reading the many posts about adding additional groups of POI's
I went into "CONTENT" folder
Then I went into "USERDATA" folder
Then I created a folder and called it poi.
Into that folder I copied the kml file and the bmp file for the icon.
Then safley removed device
Shut device down.
Restarted device.
Then went to an address, and then looked for the camping sites around the address.
Thats when I knew some thing was not quite right.
Instead of just 7 pages of original Igo8 POI's it came up with 71 pages.
After the last original Igo8 POI group, which is TRUCK, then it started to list each and every caming site.
I was expecting a new group to be created?
So I switched off, and went back in again, and in the new folder what I made, and called poi, I created another folder called caravan.
I tool the kml and the bmp from the poi folder and put them into the new sub folder called caravan.
Then deleted the other files that the Igo8 made in teh original poi folder that I made.
Then removed device, shut down, restarted and did the same address, and looked for the caravan poi's.
Zilch, couldn't find them at all.
Maybe burried too deep in the subfolder ?
Or is it some thing simple that I am doing wrong.
Also, the bmp didn't show up, and I guess this is because it may need to be a compressed bmp?
Joined: Apr 04, 2006 Posts: 10118 Location: Bexhill, South Sussex, UK
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 8:00 pm Post subject:
I suspect you have buried them too deep. KML files go in CONTENT\UISERDATA\POI.
I've experimented and put a bunch of kml files there, (I don't normally have them on my device) each KML file is a group such as Halfords, Tesco etc.
If I then chose MENU~POI~Around Cursor ~OK I get them arranged in groups as might be expected with no individual POI on its own. If I go POI~Around Address~All, I get the Groups with no individual POI, until I select a group. It then displays 75 pages of POI within that group, nearest first.If I go POI~Search by name and type Halfords. It works as expected, and I get 75 pages of Halfords, with the closest one to me as the first in the list.
Is that not what you are getting?
Select one of the iGO .kml files (iGO8, Amigo or PRIMO).
Unzip/extract files and copy .kml file to content/userdata/poi folder
When you run iGO it will create 2 files, a KIK and a KNS.
You should then find the Camping Sites among the other Places when you Search for POI.
Edit: So M8TJT uses two fingers to type and is therefore twice as quick as me. _________________ Formerly known as Lost_Property
And NO that's NOT me in the Avatar.
Thanks once again for the quick reply.
I just had to put it down last night, as I was geting a bit frustrated.
Any way, it was doing exactly what M8TJT was explaining.
So, great, problem solved.
Then I wanted to add a second lot of camping sites, as teh ones from poiplaza are quite old, and I used Archies
So I downloaded the Archies kml file, and dropped it in the poi folder along with the poiplazza kml file, which also contained the newly created files.
Here they are.
The GB-CaravanCampingSites.kml being the original, and the
are the files that the Igo8 created.
However when I dropped the
into that folder also, thats when things all went to pot.
I guess it is some thing simple I may be doing wrong, as I am sure, one can have more than just 1 additional set of poi's within the poi folder?
Joined: Apr 04, 2006 Posts: 10118 Location: Bexhill, South Sussex, UK
Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:33 am Post subject:
You can. When I said a bunch of kml files, I meant abour 8 different kml files. So it should work OK. Having said that, I have several KML files that only generate 2 of the three extra files, and don't show up on the list. I suspect it's a badly formed file, but I can't find anything wrong with them. They don't show as groups and I don't know whether they show up in the search or not.
We are nearly half way through now, so just hold on in there
Just joking,,,,,,
When you say you "I said a bunch of kml files, I meant abour 8 different kml files." does that imply they are all just placed in the poi folder, and not in any sub folder within teh poi folder.
Why don't they all get mixed up then?
Are they able to keep themselves all sorted into the groups that they were, before thay were thrown head first into the poi folder?
Joined: Apr 04, 2006 Posts: 10118 Location: Bexhill, South Sussex, UK
Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:35 pm Post subject:
Each .KML file contains loads of individual POIs (as you probably know). When I put my 'bunch' of kml files into the CONTENT\USERDATA\POI folder (NO SUBFOLDERS), iGO then generates the other three associated files (.kix, .kns and .kst) in the CONTENT\USERDATA\POI folder. Each KML file appears as a separate group in the MANAGE/POI menu list such as 'AccidentBS (KML) and GB-Castles (KML). These are in apphabetical order and mixed up (alphabetically) with the resident POIs that I already have as .poi files in the CONTENT\POI folder. There are no 'loose' individual POIs in the list of groups.
When I go to POI/Around Address then select Hastings then City Centre, the first group in the list (below 'All in Current Category') is AccidentBS (KML). When I click on thet I get a group 'Accident_Black_Spots-UK' and when I click on that, I get a list of BS (75 pages), arranged in distance from Hastings order.
If I go FIND/POI/AROUND CURSOR OK, I get 7 pages full of POI groups, but again, no loose POIs.
I don't suppose that you have separate .KML files for each individual POI do you. Open one in Notepad. It should be a pretty long file (depending on the number of POIs in it)
I have only added the one lot of additional poi's, and they are the camping and caravan ones, I spoke about earlier.
These now work, just like yours.
Having got this far, I am reluctant?, maybe, I don't know, but I think I will try again, and stick another bunch of poi's in there also.
If it screws up, I can always delete all the poi's in teh poi folder, and start again.
On another topic, I was looking to ask the forum, where the get more games, for the PDA.
This one is a generic PDA,, and runs landscape.
800 wide, 450 top to bottom.
Well I am back to the IGO8 now, after falling out of favour with the Garmin Nuvi.
So back to the IGO8
I had another play around with the kml files.
I went into "CONTENT" folder
Then I went into "USERDATA" folder
Then I created a new folder and called it POI.
Into that folder I copied the kml files.
Run the device up, and just like last time, it has created about another 10 pages of points of interest, what I am saying is, that it hasn't ( I haven't) put the Archies campsites into a folder of its own, like the other categories are in folders.
So then I made another folder in the new POI folder that I made, in USERCONTENT, and I called the folder ARCHIES.
Then dumped the Archies POI into the Archies folder, which is in the POI folder etc.
Zilch, not even found them.
So unless I just dump them into the new POI folder, and have the extra 77 pages or so, what to do?
Also the 77 pages of new poi, are not covering all the new poi I dumped in (as a kml file).
The 77 extra pages give me 77 pages, with 6 poi on each page, so that's about 462 poi, a lot less than whats in the kml file.
The content of the kml file is about 30,000 poi.
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