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Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 8:25 pm Post subject: Bluetooth GPS Provider
Hi All,
I find that my Wildfire needs an external GPS aerial so I use a BT one. The BT program is Bluetooth GPS Provider from Android market. I chose it because it needs fewer button presses than it's competitors. It works well with NDrive but I cannot get Cameralert to connect to it.
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 5:08 pm Post subject: Bluetooth GPS
Hi Watchmaker,
Been doing some playing and I've managed to get CamerAlert to work (sort of) with my CoPilot BT-359 and my Galaxy S.
I downloaded Bluetooth GPS App ( by GooGoo Android), It installs as a Widget, so one press toggles it on or off.
Using the internal GPS:
Start CamerAlert, (this also starts Google Nav on my phone)
and when it has found your Location,
Turn on the 'Bluetooth GPS' Widget, (this App displays the number of
GPS Sats seen , used and The accuracy on its icon)
Hey Presto Its all working (If you're lucky).
I did have some success also using 'GPS Provider' but there were too many keypresses to make it simple.
If you press the "Find Location" button in CamerAlert then BT GPS data is no longer received by CamerAlert and it no longer warns you of cameras. CA then says 'Acquiring GPS Fix' but it never does.
And you then have to turn off 'Bluetooth GPS' and CamerAlert Apps and start again.
Hope this helps
It would be good if CamerAlert could start directly from the BT GPS Receiver, and use it for the 'Find Location' rather than having to mess about turning things on and off to get it to work.
Can CamerAlert be modified to start more than one other App?
eg Bluetooth GPS or similar
A Dashboard camera App
One button that started all driving Apps together would be awesome.
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