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Display rotation (Feature request)

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:47 am    Post subject: Display rotation (Feature request) Reply with quote

Would you consider adding a disable button in the CamerAlert setup for the orientation of the screen please? I use CamerAlert mostly for audio warnings (because I already have the Ford / Blaupunkt DVD sat nav in the vehicle anyway,) mounted on a TomTom iPhone kit which happens to fit nicely in the cup holders of my mk2 Focus however due to being placed flat slight movements whilst driving result in the display flipping between landscape and portrait. Whilst this can be disabled for the iPhone as a whole I'd like to just restrict orientation for the CamerAlert app if possible.
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Pocket GPS Staff
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 12:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I was tempted to give you a Steve Jobs Reply (tm) but basically I am sorry to say that we won't consider your request at the time.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

lbendlin wrote:
I was tempted to give you a Steve Jobs Reply (tm) but basically I am sorry to say that we won't consider your request at the time.

I have the exact same BIG problem that I'll outline later, but first of all I must say that the tone of the reply above is far from helpful and even somewhat rude. But I do need to get an answer on this so I'll continue.

I use my iPhone while riding a motorcycle. No, not held to my ear under the helmet, nor to text while riding, but as a navigation device mounted where visible and with a Bluethooth headset fitted to the helmet. There is a major problem with this as the almost 45 degree mounting angle means that on many bumps the orientation flips back and forth. Sometimes it can stay in one orientation for many miles, then it may flip constantly for many miles. When this occurs the screen is unreadable and a distraction (due to the irritation factor) and it's a blessing when the screen goes to sleep. What can be done about this?

From your terse reply, it seems you are suggesting that Apple do not allow a single app to control its orientation. This is simply not true since e.g. CoPilot can be set to maintain orientation. The problem is then that it flips vertically, i.e. 180 degrees instead of just 90. The net result however is the same, the screen is unreadable.

Apple have thoughtfully provided an orientation lock, but only for portrait. It is currently impossible to lock the whole display to landscape. However, without anyone just slinging mud at Apple, I would like to know what can be done to avoid this problem because it is a BIG problem that seriously impacts on the usefulness of CamerAlert. Is there ANYTHING that can be done?
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well I must say I'm somewhat disappointed that PGW have so far neglected to even reply to my question. I have a serious problem with the usage of CamerAlert on my iPhone and would like to hear from PGW about any possible solutions/workarounds or indeed just to be able to discuss this particular problem.

Would anyone like to chime in here?
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

PGPSW have replied. Lutz stated above that it's not something that he will be adding at this moment in time.

Not sure whether things may change in the future, but for now it's not in the plans.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well in truth there has been NO reply to my question. There was a previous 'terse to the point of rudeness' reply to the OP, but since I have raised this issue again I expected a reply to my post. If I thought the reply to the OP was sufficient, I wouldn't have posted my question now would I.

I am becoming more than a little dismayed by the dismissive attitude of PGPSW to my question and to this problem in general. It is a very real issue that is preventing my use of your software. It is not some minor irritation. I had hoped for some discussion on this, like why it occurs, how it might be reduced or even eliminated by other means. What is involved in its elimination and why PGPSW seem so determined to NOT do anything about it. Have I missed something here? Has there been some major ongoing flame ridden topic abut this very problem and of which I am unaware? I can see no other reason for your (PGPSW's) attitude towards this. I would have expected such arrogance from TomTom, but not from PGPSW. At the moment my expectations look to have been entirely misplaced.

Perhaps someone from PGPSW can help me to reaffirm my faith in them.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

my assumption for lutz' answer is that as this is the only time the feature has been asked for it is simply not worth the time/work for what is basically a pretty unique feature request.

like i said, that's my assumption and i can't speak on their behalf.

it has been noted, however, so should more people request this then it may be added.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

In answer to both of you, there is already a solution built-in, the orientation lock switch so adding this feature in our software is unnecessary.

We do listen, and where there is a clear demand for a feature then we will consider implementing it. However, in this case we don't think the request has sufficient merit.
Darren Griffin
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

UKenGB wrote:
I had hoped for some discussion on this, like why it occurs, how it might be reduced or even eliminated by other means. What is involved in its elimination and why PGPSW seem so determined to NOT do anything about it. Have I missed something here?

I assume you are referring to the screen flipping between portrait and landscape?

The issue is caused by a tilt sensor in the iPhone, nothing to do with our software. Over a certain threshold it assumes you wish to use the device in the other mode and rotates the screen.

To stop this from happening, double-click the home button to call up the multi-tasking menu, scroll to the left where you will see the iPod Volume Controls. The button at far left of these is the tilt-lock button. Select that and it will lock the screen in portrait mode.

Does that answer your question?
Darren Griffin
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 12:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Darren wrote:
UKenGB wrote:
I had hoped for some discussion on this, like why it occurs, how it might be reduced or even eliminated by other means. What is involved in its elimination and why PGPSW seem so determined to NOT do anything about it. Have I missed something here?

I assume you are referring to the screen flipping between portrait and landscape?

The issue is caused by a tilt sensor in the iPhone, nothing to do with our software. Over a certain threshold it assumes you wish to use the device in the other mode and rotates the screen.

To stop this from happening, double-click the home button to call up the multi-tasking menu, scroll to the left where you will see the iPod Volume Controls. The button at far left of these is the tilt-lock button. Select that and it will lock the screen in portrait mode.

Does that answer your question?

No, not in the slightest. Do I sound like I'm so ignorant that I didn't know there is an 'orientation lock' on the iPhone? Are you all so ignorant that you don't know it can lock it in Portrait only?

Look, mud slinging aside, that built-in feature is no help at all, firstly because as I already pointed out, it's for portrait only and landscape is by far the better way to use it and only way to satisfactorily mount it on the bike. Secondly, you may not be aware that some other software provides the ability to lock the display in Landscape mode, but that then flips 180 degrees so much of the time it is entirely upside down. So, the net result is that trying to lock the display to the specific desired orientation is apparently impossible.

Now personally I think that Apple has been very remiss in omitting the required control to completely lock the screen as desired, but my best bet is there's little chance of them responding to my request. But, I thought that you would be able to shed some light on this problem and hopefully politely explain why either you could not implement it (perhaps that API is not available to mere app developers) or maybe even consider such an option for the future. Instead all I've received is... well, I think I've already said what I think of the 'help' that been provided here.

So, the current situation is that it is impossible to use your product in its intended location (i.e. in or on a vehicle) in Landscape mode and you are happy to dismiss requests for help over this with a response of "tough!" Or am I reading this wrong?
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 12:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You omitted to make any mention of your using it in Landscape until now. However, the original answer remains, it is not being considered and given you are the one being most rude here I shan't bother discussing it further.

Perhaps you can find an alternative solution from someone less ignorant than us - good day.
Darren Griffin
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 2:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

UKenGB wrote:
So, the current situation is that it is impossible to use your product in its intended location (i.e. in or on a vehicle) in Landscape mode and you are happy to dismiss requests for help over this with a response of "tough!" Or am I reading this wrong?

It works perfectly fine in both portrait and landscape mode when mounted in my car. The issue here is that you are mounting an 'angle-sensitive' device on or near its threshold angle on your bike. As stated a couple of times now this is the only time this request has been put forward. We simply cannot implement every single suggestion for the app. If we did then 99% of users would be inundated with a myriad of settings that don't affect them and the app would become even more complicated with regards to settings and options.

We have not simply dismissed you. At the moment there is simply not enough requests to warrant implementing that feature.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 8:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I didn't specifically mention Landscape originally, but then no-one asked for clarification and simply responded with a patronising dismissal of the question. Who's being rude?

I completely understand if you cannot implement every feature that is requested and I certainly wasn't demanding that you do. But what I do expect is courtesy when responding to technical questions like this and I'm sorry, but PGPSW have fallen way short in that respect.

It takes so little effort to politely explain that something cannot be done, for whatever reason, whereas the rude response to even the OP's question and subsequently to mine has resulted in this whole sorry exchange. You could have recovered the situation, but continued in the same truculent manner to the end.

It is always disappointing to find such a lack of manners when communicating on the Internet, but particularly so when one had so much higher expectations of the respondents.

Needless to say, you won't be bothered by me again on these forums, or indeed by my payment to renew my subscription when the current one ends.

So I guess it's goodbye from me too.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 4:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Interesting discussion. Let's also keep in mind that there was a gap of more than a year between the second and third post.

If you expect an apology for the terse response then I am happy to provide that.

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