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Android SatNav Recommendations

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 3:29 pm    Post subject: Android SatNav Recommendations Reply with quote

I am trying to work out which SatNav app to go for on Android, and after reading various things about the different options I am now thoroughly confused about which are actually any good. I have read bad things (the 'it is unusable' level) about all the packages.

I have searched a few times for any comparisons, but there don't seem to be any except a very out of date one I found.

For years I have been using TomTom on Win Mobile, but now have an Android phone. I'm looking for something that is as easy to use and fully featured as I am used to with TomTom, but preferably with some of the more modern inventions like lane guidance etc.

My Requirements are:
Easy to use (I don't want to have to press 20 buttons to set it to navigate home).
- Support for the speed camera database with warnings (of course)
- Navigate to Contact (does CoPilot really not have this?)
- Full PostCode support
- Time to destination, current speed and speed limit all shown on the normal navigation display.
- Being able to plan a route in advance and not re-enter it when I re-start the app.

Other things that I would like but am willing to compromise on:
- Custom warnings for the speed cams - I am used to it telling me what type and speed the camera is using the custom sound files.
- Lane Guidance.
- Text to Speech to read out the Road Names.
- Topographic maps sounds fun, but probably just a gimic so I don't really care about that.

Which of the apps are any good and get anywhere near doing what I want?
If there is a good comparison chart or similar that I have not yet found then do point me in its direction.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I use Sygic Aura. But they use their own safety camera files. You cannot use PGPSW files with it. As a nav program it works quite well. You can download a trial version from the android market.

Have a look HERE for some info on different android navs (opens in a new window).
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

you can also use our CamerAlert app running in the background for speed camera alerts if the nav app you go for doesn't have it's own.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Using Sygic Mm10 on my Lg Optimus Android and works well, In my opinion its about as close to Tomtom as you can get (Vers 7 on Pda anyway), uses full postcode, can also use pgpsw POIs and icons, will not route till has signal (will any do otherwise) but for me the LG gets signal as soon as i walk out the door, Im happy with it.
Moto G5s Plus, Sygic 17.4.8
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 12:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for the suggestions.

I had wondered about using CameraAlert in the background, but I do like to be able to see on the map where the speed camera is (or may be in the case of mobile ones). I guess I could get used to not having them displayed whilst navigating.

Not routing till it has a signal would be a bit of a pin for me. I like to set the route the night before at home, and our house is not good for a GPS signal until you walk outside. It is not unusual for me to plan routes from somewhere other than where I am in order to have them set ready and to know how far/long they are. e.g. I may be at home planning a route from work to somewhere.

Does Aura have the same restriction of not routing until it has signal as it's brother?

The other thing I have remembered I would prefer is UK colours on the maps. I can never get my head round yellow/orange motorways. I was so relieved when I found out how to do that on TomTom.

I may have a look at the Trial Version of Aura.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

aj2052 wrote:
Using Sygic Mm10 on my Lg Optimus Android and works well, In my opinion its about as close to Tomtom as you can get (Vers 7 on Pda anyway), uses full postcode, can also use pgpsw POIs and Icons.

Not sure if you can get Mm10 any more on Android. When you select your phone on the Sygic web site it seems to always give you the only option of downloading Aura from the Market Place.

So if that is the case you cannot use PGPSW files.

rowanmoor wrote:
Not routing till it has a signal would be a bit of a pin for me.

I only have a ZTE Blade(one of the cheapest Andriod phones) phone and it locks the sats in less than 30 seconds in my house from a cold start. My TT Go530 takes about 90 secs.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 2:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have a blade too - brilliant bit of hardware for the price Very Happy

How well it can lock on indoors will depend on the construction of the house and what is round it. Outside our house it takes no time, but inside our house it can rarely see more than one satellite, and that is on a good day. The rom I am on seems to have a problem with AGPS as well which will make it a little worse. Strangely my office has perfect indoor GPS reception despite the fact you cant get a radio signal or decent mobile phone signal at all inside.

I'm going to download CameraAlert today and give it a try with Google navigation on the way home to see how I like it.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 2:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bought mine sbout 5-6 weeks ago and found ok, My phone not shown at time on list of compatibles for Aura but must admit not the best site for distinguishing between Aura and MM10, The Lg 540 Optimus is also android cheapy but also very impressed with Sats signal pickup virtually straight away outside but a bit longer but still impressive inside, Sorry but will not be downloading another copy to verify availabilty.
For me it does everything TomTom ever did.
Got a feeling in the back of my head that Aura needed a little bit extra in the Android graphics area (I Think) that some versions didnt have.??
Moto G5s Plus, Sygic 17.4.8
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