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Joined: Feb 21, 2005 Posts: 40 Location: GRANTHAM, LINCS UK
Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:45 pm Post subject: Lincolnshire Speed Cameras
A1 - one of the few major roads still with cross roads on 70mph sections (near Grantham), but preotected by (for once) safetly related cameras.
Hi all, lots of very good arguments, but on the section of the A1 concerned, there are lots of crossovers on the central reservation and only 1 camera on each carrigway and the crossovers are both before and after the cameras, so if they are SAFETY cameras, why ar'nt there more.
I note the A52 was mentioned and there has been some horrific accidents on a short section of that road (6 killed in one incident) with no cameras on that section
I am a member of the emergency services and have to go and clean up the mess, dont get me wrong, I also ride a motorbike and hate the speed restrictions enforced, but something has to be done about the carnage a Road traffic incident leaves.
I await the replies Denis _________________ BMWr1200rt
Garmin Zumo 550
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Joined: Feb 27, 2006 Posts: 14906 Location: Keynsham
Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:50 pm Post subject: Re: Lincolnshire Speed Cameras
Denis wrote:
I await the replies Denis
It is, quite simply, cheaper to install cameras and say you are doing it for safety purposes, than to rebuild junctions into roundabouts and/or flyovers. _________________ Dennis
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