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Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 12:15 pm Post subject: Any size limit on userdata?
Having used MM for several years I have, probably, got a few hundred routes/tracks/marks and probably several thousand waypoints stored. I import/export to my PDA regularly. Does anyone know if there is a limit to the size of the userdata...mmo file (especially on the PDA)? Mine is currently about 5.8Mb.
Also, is there any way to only export routes/marks to the PDA? Even if I hide the tracks they are still exported. I don't want to have to do it one by one .
Joined: Feb 23, 2005 Posts: 376 Location: Catford, London, UK
Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 10:35 am Post subject:
AFAIK there is no absolute limit, the software just gets slower, particularly opening the Overlay Properies window. 5MB is more than I would use on my PC and certainly more than a PDA but maybe it depends on the ratio of Tracks : Routes and Waypoint data.
Which version of MM are you using? With v5 you can organise categories (folders) in the Overlay Properties Window (unfortunately only with drag-and-drop of individual items) and export a .mmo file by right-clicking : Save As.... Then import into the PDA version either using Menu : Overlay : Open (v5.4.x onwards) or tapping on the .mmo file in Windows Explorer.
Many thanks for that.
I am using V5. My PC and PDA haven't slowed too much yet, I was just worried I may hit a brick wall at some point and find the system stopped.
Anyway, I have decided to organise all my tracks into 'year' categories (folders) then archive them off into separate .mmo files. That should hopefully halve (or more) the size of the userdata file.
I'm not really sure why I keep them all but once you've got a lot of data it seems wasteful to just delete it (sad, I know). It's also nice to look back on walks/rides/cruises to see where one has been over the years.
Thanks again, that was very helpful
All the best
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