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Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:06 pm Post subject: New 3790T has arrived - first comments
It looks lovely. So, unpack it. First question - where is the mapsource disk. Nothing in the box. But I already have one so I hope I can still plan routes and upload them (it goes back if I can't).
Second question. There is a lead with a small round connector on it (like a headphone plug). Anyone any idea what that is for? It doesn't seem to fit in anywhere.
So, first thing - make a full backup using Windows before I do anything else. You do need to "show system folders" in Control Panel before it sees the ".system" folder - that's 4.37gb so I assume all the maps are there.
There is no Mapsource disk supplied with any new Nuvi (download the latest version from Garmin) and we await a firmware update from Garmin to upload routes planned in Mapsource to load into the 3790
The headphone connect plugs into the GTM35 (small hole on black box - it acts as an aerial to receive traffic signals _________________ DriveLuxe 51 LMT D - Firmware 6.80
Previously owned: DriveLuxe 50 LMT-D, NuviCam LMT-D, Nuvi 3598 LMT-D, Nuvi 3490LMT, 3790T, 1690, 765, 760, 660, 610, 360, 310, 300 and Streetpilot i3
Last edited by BAVC10 on Fri Jul 16, 2010 3:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
I purchased my 3790T over a month ago and contacted Garmin with the Mapsource issue. The UK support knew nothing about this but when I rang in again two weeks ago they knew all about it and said that Garmin in the US is working on a fix as the Trip Planner works differently in the 37X0 series to all other Nuvis. They couldn't advise whether it would be a 37X0 firmware fix or a Mapsource update so you probably need to keep a look out for both. _________________ DriveLuxe 51 LMT D - Firmware 6.80
Previously owned: DriveLuxe 50 LMT-D, NuviCam LMT-D, Nuvi 3598 LMT-D, Nuvi 3490LMT, 3790T, 1690, 765, 760, 660, 610, 360, 310, 300 and Streetpilot i3
Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 4:53 pm Post subject: MapSource incompatibility
The 3790T is very lovely - hugely improved screen and rendering of maps - but very first impressions suggest it might be slower at acquiring a fix than its immediate predecessor, the 1490 which I've had since January. It also won't communicate with MapSource at all - the only way to send your pre-existing waypoints is from BaseCamp. I also sent some routes from BaseCamp, but there's no way I can find of accessing them on the 3790 (on the 1490 you could send routes from MapSource, and then 'import' them from a file using the My Data icon, but you could only have 10 loaded at once). Having got the waypoints onto the 3790, you can then reconstruct your routes (careful - they are listed in the order you do them) but it's incredibly laborious having to load every intermediate waypoint manually. I use a number of routes with many intermediate points and I need to be able to import them from MapSource or BaseCamp - so I hope there will be unit firmware update before long (I suspect that's where the problem lies). One positive aspect of the new routing facility however is that you can recalculate each route individually as shortest or fastest.
Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 7:57 pm Post subject: 3790 update - Windows 7 64-bit problem
Having done some more research, it turns out the file/data transfer problem was a Windows 7 64-bit issue, not a MapSource issue - using Vista I have successfully sent a waypoint from MapSource and it looks as though the speeds camera POIs have gone across too (they didn't, as far as I could tell - I wondered if ALL my local alerts been purged!). MapSource will receive tracks as well (whereas it won't talk to my Oregon at all).
It also seems as though the inability to send/receive routes is a 'feature' - based on the idea that no one buying a top-of-the-range GPS wants to plan routes on their PC any more. Who do they ask?
I'm running 64 bit Windows 7 and I sent waypoints over OK (they come in as favourites).
I am told by 2 forums (this one and gpspassion) that a future firmware or mapsource update will fix the issue of not sending routes to the 3790. Having looked, the file does get sent across - it's called temp.gpx - but I think the format is wrong. When I renamed it to "current.gpx" (which is the name of the current route), the device switched itself off when I was messing with the menus.
So, I assume a fix is imminent - I can't believe they expect you to do all the routing on the device. I plan routes days and weeks in advance when I go on holiday and you cannot do that on the device, you need mapsource.
Used it in anger for the first time. Pulled into Morrisons after 3 miles to fill up. As I slowed down, it decided to reboot itself. Not good. I need to keep an eye on this - it's the second time it's done it. One more and it gets returned as faulty.
It was OK for the rest of the journey (about 100 miles) apart from the fact that the suction cup decided to stop working and pinged itself off. Luckily I had it in vertical mode and it just sat there on the dash (I have a dash mount not a windscreen one).
Today, I was in another car with it on my lap. Once it got a sat signal, it was showing me a long way off the route we were taking and also telling me I was anything up to 100 metres below sea level. Not bad for Derby. It took about 10-15 minutes before it sorted itself out. I took some screenshots which I will be sending to Garmin when I get home.
So, I'm still undecided whether it's good or not.I like the vertical mode.
Joined: Jan 10, 2006 Posts: 585 Location: Guildford (Regrettibly)
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 5:29 pm Post subject:
Oh dear.
This is making me nervous now....
Mine's due tomorrow, deferred from today, no one to accept the delivery.
BTW does the AC Charger and International Adapter Set fit this?
I've seen a genuine one for about £12-15 & was going to order but I think I might just put that on hold until I know my unit works 100% correctly first.
Joined: Jan 14, 2005 Posts: 19638 Location: Blackpool , Lancs
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:32 pm Post subject:
It uses the Micro USB socket for connection to the PC so unless the International adaptor set has such a plug then I doubt it will work with it.
What I use is the mains plug charger that came with my iPhone, in to this I plug the PC lead thats supplied with the 3790T works a treat.
Not experianced any re-boots/ crashes as yet although I did have some "fun" getting the device registered using Internet Explorer, in the end I switched browser to Chrome and it worked fine - Mike
Having read the last few posts, I just wanted to add my (more positive) experience.
I have had my unit a few days now, and have had a good few hours of use with it in the car...I can say that I have not had any rebooting issues, nor any other odd behaviour (other than a couple of rather odd suggested routes!)
So far so good, I love it! Just making a wish list now for future firmware updates! (well, I can only hope)
1) Page 23 of the user manual states that with myTrends enabled, navigating to a Favourite will display on the navigation bar: ETA and traffic info, and that pressing the bar will display route options. I do not see this at all. Does anybody else?
2) The Traffic info icon is more often than not greyed out. It is only after travelling for a while, perhaps 30mins, that I receive a couloured icon. I do have a heated wind screen which I understand may affect reception. Just wondering how soon others receive traffic info?
3) My calculated routes (following just specifying a single destination, rather than a planned trip) are often a little strange...but quite often I get a more sensible route by clicking 'Detour'.
Is there a way to save (for use again, and again) a calculated route once I am happy with the suggestion?
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