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Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 8:26 pm Post subject: Auto-update cameras through iTunes
My suggestion would be to have an app in the Apple App Store which automatically updated the cameras for various popular satnav applications (CoPilot, TomTom, etc).
As it would be installed in iTunes, it would automatically update/have a new version each week when the database is updated, and would subsequently update on your iPhone whenever you sync after that.
It would be very simple to use, rather than having to manually download the database each week.
As far as I'm aware, unless your iPhone is jailbroken, there is no way of using the PocketGPSWorld camera database.
Joined: Jan 14, 2005 Posts: 19638 Location: Blackpool , Lancs
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 8:52 pm Post subject:
Whilst thats a great idea there are is only one iPhone navigation application that fully supports third party POI files and there associated warnings, that application is Sygic.
TomTom, Navigon etc don't have any way to warn when aproaching a specific POI location so installing the database to these app's via Jail Break or some third party file installer is pretty much a waste of time - Mike
Before I bought my iPhone, I was regularly updating originally CoPilot POIs (on Nokia N95 8GB) and later Garmin (on Nokia 5800).
Both applications were able to see the new POIs/Cameras supplied by the database from here.
Unfortunately, I can no longer do this with the iPhone.
Co-incidentally, I just received an email from PocketGPSWorld that my subscription has just expired.
So I guess that's it. I have no use for your camera database anymore, and my submissions were always ignored (so I couldn't become a lifer).
Joined: Jan 04, 2006 Posts: 9323 Location: Durham, UK
Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 6:50 am Post subject:
my submissions were always ignored (so I couldn't become a lifer).
That's not true - no submissions are ignored. All are checked by the Verifiers. There are various criteria that need to be fullfilled in order to get a Lifetime Subscription (LTS). You can see from the newsletter the numbers of LTS that are awarded each week so it is possible, but not guarenteed just by virtue of making a submission....
Apologies if it came across as a strop - that wasn't my intention!
I like the fact that the database here is updated by 'the public', it's just a shame that mine weren't accepted so I didn't feel part of that. I've strived to record the exact position where I've seen a camera, and to go back to the same location a few months later and find the camera hasn't been added to the database is a little frustrating. However, I'm happy to accept that there may be a perfectly valid reason for this.
For the future, it may be helpful to give feedback to individuals about why their submission wasn't accepted (I realise this means thousands of emails, but if the verifier is checking each one, it wouldn't take long to give a brief status - "camera not found", "camera isn't active", etc).
But all of this isn't why I originally posted (or the reason I'm not renewing at the moment)! If there was an app to update my CoPilot POIs from the PocketGPSWorld database, I'd renew my subscription straight away!
Joined: 11/07/2002 14:36:40 Posts: 23848 Location: Hampshire, UK
Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 8:50 pm Post subject:
jcoates wrote:
Apologies if it came across as a strop - that wasn't my intention!
In which case I apologise too
For the future, it may be helpful to give feedback to individuals about why their submission wasn't accepted (I realise this means thousands of emails, but if the verifier is checking each one, it wouldn't take long to give a brief status - "camera not found", "camera isn't active", etc).
Simply not feasible, verifiers act on a voluntary basis and they cannot expected to feedback to the enduser and we simply could not do so, we can get hundreds of reports a day.
But all of this isn't why I originally posted (or the reason I'm not renewing at the moment)! If there was an app to update my CoPilot POIs from the PocketGPSWorld database, I'd renew my subscription straight away!
As was explained, CoPilot, TomTom, Navigon etc do not support our POIs on the iPhone so this would never work and even if they did, Apple have very strict control of what operations are possible and placing files in the directory structure of another app isn't permitted. _________________ Darren Griffin
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