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Job done.....everyone happy?! Now everyone can have their cake and eat it.....until the next thing crops up
Well done xtraseller
I thought the whole point was that the custom menu DID work on the Start models? (as reported and described on THIS forum too). But that TT stopped it working on the next software update.
Joined: 11/07/2002 14:36:40 Posts: 23848 Location: Hampshire, UK
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 2:46 pm Post subject: Re: Custom POIs
Andy_P wrote:
I thought the whole point was that the custom menu DID work on the Start models? (as reported and described on THIS forum too). But that TT stopped it working on the next software update.
As I understand it, GpsPasSion say this is a new work-around that works on the latest software release.
Of course, if true then that means this too may be blocked "accidentally" in a future update and we'll be playing cat'n'mouse with hacks until such time as the new models that lack file level access arrive _________________ Darren Griffin
Joined: Aug 22, 2004 Posts: 95 Location: North Yorkshire, England
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 3:46 pm Post subject: Re: Custom POIs
It is all down to sheer greed but TomTom may come to rue their decision when customers desert them. _________________ Mike -
TomTom 750 Live
iPhone 5 16GB, Kavaj "Dallas" case
Joined: Jun 29, 2006 Posts: 17 Location: Barnstaple, North Devon
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 6:39 pm Post subject: Re: re Custom POIs
Darren wrote:
Only the Start, Start 2, XL IQ 2 and XL IQ2 Live are affected, if yours is not a '2' version then you're OK.
Thanks for the reply.
I cannot see any '2' version mentioned, but I cannot see any mention of XL IQ2 Live on Tom Tom's list of products on their website.
Well, if they provide a way for YOU to sell your POI through their store, then this will be acceptable. Otherwise I've bought my last TomTom device.
It is obviously a move to protect their speed camera business, but it is simplistic and naive. After all, I already pay for Live so they get their camera money. Why must they stop me also having other POIs too?
Perhaps the most useful POI warning I have is for a set I made myself of service stations. This means that the satnav sounds a special noise when we are approaching services, and we can then judge whether the kids are going to need the toilet. But no, TomTom know better so want to remove this facility.
Perhaps I'll start using iPhone satnav instead of a new device in the future. One that is open.
I'm glad I bought a Garmin Nuvi recently if that's the case.
I like your idea of service stations though, matthewj, ; I travel a lot on the M6/M74 and would find that pretty useful too (as I often get 'carried-away' and drive right past them, even though I've seen the signs)!
Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:01 am Post subject: what to buy next
Hi guys,re news letter tt not supporting poi in future sat navs
I am not good at forum browsing to find clear suggestions on what to buy
[dementure, as you can see i have forgotten how to spell it,so i am demented,]
so I would like to ask what sat nav would you recommend that compares to my tt 910 and will support 3rd party poi;s and gives hands free mobile and text messages and spoken warnings,no bells and whistles
Joined: Jan 21, 2006 Posts: 114 Location: West Sussex
Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:38 am Post subject: Re: what to buy next
chipmonk wrote:
Hi guys,re news letter tt not supporting poi in future sat navs
I am not good at forum browsing to find clear suggestions on what to buy
[dementure, as you can see i have forgotten how to spell it,so i am demented,]
cheers chipmonk
Making jokes about dementia? I do hope no one replies to you...and that in the future you become one of the unfortunate third of elderly people who suffer from the disease.
Joined: Aug 31, 2005 Posts: 15356 Location: Bradford, West Yorkshire
Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 9:54 am Post subject: Re: what to buy next
MrGumby wrote:
chipmonk wrote:
Hi guys,re news letter tt not supporting poi in future sat navs
I am not good at forum browsing to find clear suggestions on what to buy
[dementure, as you can see i have forgotten how to spell it,so i am demented,]
cheers chipmonk
Making jokes about dementia? I do hope no one replies to you...and that in the future you become one of the unfortunate third of elderly people who suffer from the disease.
Shame on you. You should be banned.
a bit over the top me thinks...?! plus surely wishing dementia on someone is as bad, if not worse, than a 'joke' about it in the first place?!
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