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Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 10:13 pm Post subject: Memorymap OS2004 (4.4.2) and HTC HD2 Phone...
I have Memorymap OS2004 (4.4.2) running on a IPAQ hx2410 at the moment, but I am planning on getting a HTC HD2 phone.
Is anyone running this version of MM on this phone?
I understand that there is a file size limit of <100Mb for the QCT files. Is there a "tool" to take a 1:50 Region and split it up into smaller QCT files. I know I could do this manually, but that would be a pain!
Joined: Feb 23, 2005 Posts: 376 Location: Catford, London, UK
Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 10:24 am Post subject:
What version of MM do you have (or can use) on your PC? Are your maps only 2004?
Sorry, I don't have any experience of the HTC. MM have always claimed that the .QCT "file limit" on mobile devices is 400MB, personally I've found it sometimes nearer 250MB and I've heard that WM6.1+ devices can hit problems between 70MB and 200MB. Using "Find Place.." seems most likely to produce the "Can't Open..." error message.
As .QCT files are a proprietary (encrypted) format I don't think there are any "tools" to process them. In any case I think you would want/need to choose boundaries and overlaps, etc. to suit your own requirements.
With MM2004, I believe the only method is the : PDA : Send Visible Map Portion to PDA... method (you might find that creating boundary routes as used in the next paragraph will help to "navigate" the areas to be transferred). Personally, I always select the "Storage Card on PC" option and send the files to a folder on my Hard Drive. Then transfer all the files to a card reader or the PDA later using Windows Explorer.
If you have v5 maps, with MM v5 you can create a "Boundary Route", right-click and Operations : Send Enclosed Map to Mobile Device. The pop-up gives the file size, so can abort if it's unsuitable, and note that it's best to edit the map name to something meaningful at this time.
I have done some more research and found out that MM 4.4.2 navigator only works on iPAQ and the like, i.e. not on Windows Mobile 6.x phones. So I would have to upgrade to a later version of MM anyway. So I have decided not to get HTC HD2 (MS Windows) and get the HTC Desire (Android OS) and I am exploring alternatives to MM. As they seem not to be bothered about releasing an Android version of their Navigator...
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