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PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 9:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

sneeks wrote:
Your review has convinced me not to buy this, maybe I'll buy Copilot as a space saving alternative to my TT Western Europe app install.

You have to remember that the initial release of TomTom for iPhone was not that brilliant, lots of features missing compared to other versions of TomTom.

Sygic from memory were pretty quick at adding functionality to Mobile Maps (if my memory is correct) so maybe they'll fix the things that are most obviously missing quickly.

I was really looking forward to this piece of software, it looked great on paper, it just doesn't feel anywhere near finished in reality - that's what is really disappointing.

I've come to the conclusion that despite it's (slight) irritations and down right slowness, TomTom just feels right to me and that any other product I try is going to have to be exceptional to surpass it. Personally, if space saving is your only reason, I'd buy TomTom UK & Ireland.

My biggest gripe with it is the nasty non native UI, I know sygic will have their own abstraction API's and they'll desire it to look the same across platforms (makes documentation and support nice and easy) - but it just doesn't lead to nice user experience.

Maybe the other guy who was giving it a good run today will have more to offer in terms of a proper test.
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PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 9:04 am    Post subject: Worst app ever! Reply with quote

What a waste of money. By far the worst satnav app currently available.

Can't navigate to a door number, only whole street.

Can't navigate to coordinates

Can't drive to point on map unless you are very lucky and manage to actually select a section of road. This seems to be impossible.

Can't add multiple destinations.

No user manual.

Currently no traffic although I believe this is coming sometime.

Really there is nothing good about this app, it is missing all the important functions.

Buy any of the other numerous satnav apps and you'll be better off than with this rubbish!

That's the bad thing about the App Store, you can't try before you buy or get a refund. I would certainly ask for a refund if I could.

The worst app I have ever purchased.

Actually you can navigate to a door number and select a point on the map. The problem seems to be when trying to create a driving route if your current location isn't a road then all you get is an error message. At least that's what I think may be the problem.

Last edited by Mordorf on Thu May 06, 2010 6:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 9:20 am    Post subject: Re: Worst app ever! Reply with quote

Mordorf wrote:
That's the bad thing about the App Store, you can't try before you buy or get a refund. I would certainly ask for a refund if I could.

Not exactly the app store to blame. You can't try any of the major nav apps on any platform other than Android.

But I would say that, knowing Sygic, they will quickly resolve major issues and work to make it a decent app as they have done with their other nav apps.

Early days but I understand your frustration, the downside of being an early adopter.
Darren Griffin
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PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 10:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I did manage to try the app yesterday.

It is not as good as Tomtom, or Copilot for the reasons as mentioned in an previous post.

Nice graphics but limited route planning, you cantuse way points or go via a point on a map to miss out small lanes etc.

Also no traffic option in the UK.
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PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 12:48 pm    Post subject: Re: Worst app ever! Reply with quote

Darren wrote:

But I would say that, knowing Sygic, they will quickly resolve major issues and work to make it a decent app as they have done with their other nav apps.

Early days but I understand your frustration, the downside of being an early adopter.

There's early adopters...and then there's shipping software which isn't even of "alpha" quality.

I'm sure Sygic will fix these issues, I just assumed Aura would be "Mobile Maps on steroids" rather than "Mobile Maps on laxatives".
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PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 6:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Actually when it works it seems to work quite nicely. It does seem very temperamental though, one time it will calculate a route to an address and then 5 minutes later when trying to create a route to the same address it comes up with some error message. I think it may be when I am creating a driving route and my current location isn't on a road.
I still think that the app is a long way from being fit for purpose when compared to all the other navigation apps. Still feel robbed of my hard earned cash.
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PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2010 3:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Got it last night and yes I see what you mean!

The maps look good, very smooth update and aside from no speed option on-screen it all looks very nice.

But the menu system is awkward and confusing and the actual routing is at best bizarre, at worst lunatic!

I don't understand why this is an issue as Sygic's other current apps are rather good in that respect. Someone has dropped a ball here it would seem, either a bug or a different routing engine.

I'd also had a preview of the Singapore version and so created an Aura account but try as I might, I cannot recall the password and can find no way to be re-advised of it so had to create another.

I'll address a number of these issues direct to Sygic so if you wish, please list the more urgent problems and we can see what they have to say.
Darren Griffin
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PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Darren wrote:

I'll address a number of these issues direct to Sygic so if you wish, please list the more urgent problems and we can see what they have to say.

Number one on my list would be a native iPhone UI, anything other than native is just odd, confusing and plain nasty. (inputs look vile, don't behave like standard iPhone ones, non standard keyboard...)

Even I was surprised when TomTom went down the native UI route as I was convinced that they'd "port" their standard interface across....the result is an application which (barring the odd "click on the triangle to reveal the back" button) looks slick and behaves in a manner that is consistent to iPhone users.

The routing needs to be looked at because as both you and I pointed out, it's bizarre.

I'd like the ability to provide a (static and only accessable via login) map view so that my family can see where I am when I'm on a long drive home.

I'd also like the ability to push my location to a custom url *automatically* (say every x minutes), this would allow me to provide my own system without the need for my former suggestion.

Routing options, the current lack of them is unforgivable. The software needs at the very least to allow pre-planning of a journey.

While it's planning a journey, you can't do anything, you can't cancel it, you can't get to the menus, bit of a PITA if you've made a mistake as it can take a while to calculate before you can fix the problem.

Fix the confusing input of addresses, like as was mentioned above, I only stumbled across where you enter postcode lookups.

That's all I can think of for the moment.

I'm not suggesting they clone TomTom, but, there are many things that are right with the TomTom app that are very wrong in Aura. I was so looking forward to Aura, but have been left highly dissapointed - it has a beautiful display which is slick even on my 3G.

Aura looks and feels like majorly unfinished software. Here's hoping they listen to these points, my rating (which is on the iTunes store) would increase massively by just making the UI native.

Thanks for taking the time to pass on feedback to the right people Darren.
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PostPosted: Tue May 11, 2010 7:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

sn00p wrote:
Number one on my list would be a native iPhone UI, anything other than native is just odd, confusing and plain nasty. (inputs look vile, don't behave like standard iPhone ones, non standard keyboard...)

Hmm, have to say that would be last on my list. Whilst a native UI would be nice, I can forgo that for now. Much more important that they get the routing resolved first as its useless without.

Similarly, as a nav it needs to get the majority of users from A to B. Waypoints are an extra that are only worth implementing after point to point navi is functioning.

I'll compile a list of areas that need urgent resolution and a list of functions that will need fixing once the urgent issues have been addreessed and see what they have to say.
Darren Griffin
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PostPosted: Tue May 11, 2010 12:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Darren wrote:
Hmm, have to say that would be last on my list. Whilst a native UI would be nice, I can forgo that for now. Much more important that they get the routing resolved first as its useless without.

Yes, I agree to some extent. But if the software is confusing and hard to use, it doesn't matter how good or bad your routing engine is because people simply won't use it.

Darren wrote:
Similarly, as a nav it needs to get the majority of users from A to B. Waypoints are an extra that are only worth implementing after point to point navi is functioning.

I don't care about waypoints, I've never actually used them. However, the ability to pre-plan a route from A to B rather than from "Current location to B" is useful, especially if I'm sitting inside and want to know a general route or how long it'll take to get a certain location.
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PostPosted: Tue May 11, 2010 3:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

sn00p wrote:
I don't care about waypoints, I've never actually used them. However, the ability to pre-plan a route from A to B rather than from "Current location to B" is useful, especially if I'm sitting inside and want to know a general route or how long it'll take to get a certain location.

Ah, I misunderstood, yes a proper AtoB planning option is needed, agreed.
Darren Griffin
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

They're now on V2 with the release tagline of "Sygic, We Listen".

They've fixed a few things, added missing options....but the UI still looks like a dogs dinner, scroll a menu and see how slow it is, why can't they provide a native UI?!

I don't think any of the other software producers need to be worried about this. Better luck next time sygic.
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