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Joined: May 10, 2006 Posts: 484 Location: Hampshire, UK
Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:03 pm Post subject:
mikealder wrote:
I hope its got a lot more than 100mA otherwise the device will run out of juice very quickly!
As for the mount needing Bluetooth thats more probably for the audio side of things rather than the GPS receiver - the iPhone can support A2DP audio output so they might have used this for the sound to avoid another cable from the audio output socket - Mike
Ooops - my bad! I meant 1000ma, obviously! (ahem)
The manual says:
To use your TomTom car kit with your iPhone, you need to establish a
Bluetooth connection in the following way.
To play music on your iPhone through your car stereo, connect the TomTom car kit to the car stereo using a 3.5mm mini stereo audio cable (not supplied).
Which to me implies GPS via Bluetooth and audio via wire, but I guess we'll have to wait until 22nd September (last day of Summer!) to be really sure.
Or could it be TomTom s/ware audio to the TomTom mount speaker? Geez, doesn't get any cleaner, does it?! _________________ iPhone 4/4S (iOS 5.1.1); TomTom Western Europe (1.10)/USA & Canada (1.10); CoPilot for iPhone (8), UK mapping, Mac OS 10.8/XP Pro/Win7; Tongue firmly in cheek!
Last edited by bedbug on Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
Joined: May 10, 2006 Posts: 484 Location: Hampshire, UK
Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:06 pm Post subject:
sooteee wrote:
@ MaFt
'lost: 2 shift keys; approx 10 years ago; reward if found'
Does the colon after the word lost indicate the offending keys have now been found or have I just claimed a reward?!
He's done ya MaFt - pay up! _________________ iPhone 4/4S (iOS 5.1.1); TomTom Western Europe (1.10)/USA & Canada (1.10); CoPilot for iPhone (8), UK mapping, Mac OS 10.8/XP Pro/Win7; Tongue firmly in cheek!
Joined: Jan 14, 2005 Posts: 19638 Location: Blackpool , Lancs
Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:16 pm Post subject:
bedbug wrote:
Or could it be TomTom s/ware audio to the TomTom mount speaker? Geez, doesn't get any cleaner, does it?!
My money would be on the manual being incorrect but lets wait and see, if it does use Bluetooth for the GPS data then its a bespoke connection format not covered by anyone else as all normal receivers employ the SPP mode for data transfer - Mike
I would like to see the spp profile. I have a freecom keychain gps which is alwas with me and my keys. The battery drain on the phone when out and about in and out of the car would I pressume be a lot less with a bluetooth connection rather than power a built in gps
Joined: May 10, 2006 Posts: 484 Location: Hampshire, UK
Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 9:41 am Post subject:
Seamaster wrote:
bedbug wrote:
my bad!
OT, but what does that mean?
The Urban Dictionary (so on dodgy ground already) defines it thus:
1. My bad
A way of admitting a mistake, and apologizing for that mistake, without actually apologizing. The best definition I ever read of this, now paraphrased:
"I did something bad, and I recognize that I did something bad, but there is nothing that can be done for it now, and there is technically no reason to apologize for that error, so let's just assume that I won't do it again, get over it, and move on with our lives."
Ruder than apologizing, but with the same meaning: a flippant apology.
"You just spilled your beer on my term paper!!"
"Er... my bad."
A bit of an Americanism, so I should apologise for its use - my bad!! _________________ iPhone 4/4S (iOS 5.1.1); TomTom Western Europe (1.10)/USA & Canada (1.10); CoPilot for iPhone (8), UK mapping, Mac OS 10.8/XP Pro/Win7; Tongue firmly in cheek!
Just been using TT iPhone in the car and it has one huge feature (for me) that has not really been mentioned. I have a Parrot hands free and I listen to podcasts constantly when driving. The iPhone TT pauses podcasts while speaking - my dedicated TT can't even do that. Also, of course the TT voice plays over the car speakers, so no need for a TT cradle - the GPS in the phone seems perfectly reliable and accurate in practice.
If I could get GPSW cameras and Live Traffic then I would probably ditch my TT940. _________________ Tony
Joined: May 10, 2006 Posts: 484 Location: Hampshire, UK
Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 10:02 am Post subject:
VP for TomTom onboard mobile Benoit Simery states the case for PNDs over mobile:
"There is nothing better than a satnav. It's still superior. No smartphone can compete with a satnav and the integrated services that we can offer on our devices such as local Google searches, fuel prices, traffic information - we are still ahead of the game. There is still a strong market for dedicated devices. Very strong."
Source: Pocket Lint here
Can't help but think this is either ill-informed/misleading, or an admission that TomTom are intentionally limiting the functionality of the app for iPhone, to favour their PNDs. The 'ahead of the game' comment suggests they view the mobile application as competition (which it may be, but it's a strange thing to say when you've just launched a mobile application for iPhone and are pre-announcing another one for the android platform!). I don't believe there's any technical reason why this functionality can't be incorporated into the iPhone app.
"We spent so much time producing the iPhone software and we were later on the scene than we wanted but the standard of the service and the quality of the satnav is what was most important to us."
Source: Pocket Lint here
Seems to suggest the disappointing Application was the best they could do. Ho-hum. _________________ iPhone 4/4S (iOS 5.1.1); TomTom Western Europe (1.10)/USA & Canada (1.10); CoPilot for iPhone (8), UK mapping, Mac OS 10.8/XP Pro/Win7; Tongue firmly in cheek!
Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 12:32 pm Post subject: Updated UK maps for TomTom stand alone
Downloaded and installed an updated UK map for my TomTom Go 520 today as part of my maps subscription. This new map corrects all the major road changes in my area which I had previously noted have not been updated on the iPhone app. Coincidence that these maps should be issued just days after the app becomes available? A free update with new UK maps in the offing or a cynical rip off?
TT is top of the list in featured apps, number 7 in the top 25 paid apps. If you search for navigon it pulls up TT top of the list! At least they get the marketing BS correct at TT!
Now all the contenders are present and ready, I'm glad I jumped early and got Navigon. It's been faultless so far. Only thing I miss are custom poi's but none of the others really support those without jailbreaking the phone.
Joined: Aug 31, 2005 Posts: 15356 Location: Bradford, West Yorkshire
Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:48 pm Post subject:
finally got tomtom uk/ireland running today and all i can say is a resounding 'meh'. i mean, it's ok but lacks many features i was expecting (mapshare, live search etc) from tomtom, especially at the price they're asking.
mapshare, yes i know people hate it, but for me it's a must. there are quite a few errors in teleatlas maps in my locality so as soon as i get a new map i have to fix it via map share even though after 3 years of submitting to teleatlas they changes still haven't been made (the same changes submitted to navteq were incorporated within about 9 months). surely on a connected device they could add some kind of mapshare function or, at the very least, allow you to make your own edits even if they don't get shared. lack of live search is also a strange omission...
ok, so, as a navigation app it's good. BUT this is tomtom, so-called market leaders in the uk - so where are the things that make tomtom pnd's so much better?
Joined: May 10, 2006 Posts: 484 Location: Hampshire, UK
Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:57 pm Post subject:
MaFt wrote:
ps - navigate to contacts works fine for me
Hey guys, I don't have 'TT 4 i' so indulge me a little, would ya?
I just read an American comment suggesting that if they try to navigate to a contact address in a different US State from that of the last destination they set, it fails constantly; if they Navigate to a contact in the SAME US State as the last destination, things improve dramatically.
I guess in place of 'State', us in the UK should think in terms of 'County'.
Anyone care to test the validity of this?
MaFt, as you've not had the problem, does it still work OK if you select a contact further afield? _________________ iPhone 4/4S (iOS 5.1.1); TomTom Western Europe (1.10)/USA & Canada (1.10); CoPilot for iPhone (8), UK mapping, Mac OS 10.8/XP Pro/Win7; Tongue firmly in cheek!
Joined: May 10, 2006 Posts: 484 Location: Hampshire, UK
Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 6:13 pm Post subject:
MaFt wrote:
so where are the things that make tomtom pnd's so much better?
If I know TomTom (and I fear I do), they'll still be on the PNDs, explicitly to make them still so much better!
Sceptical, me? Unlikely! _________________ iPhone 4/4S (iOS 5.1.1); TomTom Western Europe (1.10)/USA & Canada (1.10); CoPilot for iPhone (8), UK mapping, Mac OS 10.8/XP Pro/Win7; Tongue firmly in cheek!
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