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Hi, yes using it on my Nokia 5800 and its very stable unlike Garmin XT. They are willing to take on board suggestions as well so all in all well pleased.
Joined: Jun 19, 2006 Posts: 212 Location: Sahrf Lunnon ;)
Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 7:44 pm Post subject:
Bit of a necropost, but what the bleep
OK, as promised on other threads, I haven't spent another penny on TomTom products. Instead, I've bitten the bullet, after doing my research, that is, and bought a copy of NavMii today.
At thirty quid (close to a third the cost of the most recent release of TomTom for Windows Mobile, by the way), it's looking ok so far, and installed first time, with no faffing about, which was nice, as I followed the installation instructions to the letter.
Furthermore, it's working first time off the blocks, having identified and interfaced with the on-board GPS unit on my HTC Touch Pro 2 Smartphone without any prompting or assistance (just the way is should do it, in fact), with the system then properly displaying my location in under thirty seconds (I had, I must admit, manually updated the QuickGPS files on the phone, so the TTFF (Time To First Fix) was about average).
Routing hasn't been tested yet, but that's for this evening, when I drive over to the better half's place (some seventy-odd miles away from here as the crow flies) for a few days of leave from work - at that time, I suspect any shortcomings on routing will become apparent, but I suspect they won't be that bad, having read the forums over on the NavMii website and looked for such problems before deciding whether or not to buy the package.
I'll update this post later, when I've driven to the better half's place
A few hours later...
Well... having driven from my home to my better halfs' place this evening, I'd say I made a reasonably good decision in buying NavMii.
Although the routing seemed to prefer maintaining 'A' roads over a shortcut that I know, and wanted me to stick on the M25, then the M4, rather than go the M25, M3, A322, A329, A329(M), and M4, to my destination (I was again tasked with bringing the KFC Family Bucket with me, and to do that, I had to call in at the Drive-through of the Bracknell branch of KFC!), but that's really a minor issue.
It got all the "Safety Cameras" that I could see, and some that I didn't see until it mentioned them (just as well I keep within the speed limits!), so purely on a route I know very well, it performed adequately. There are minor issues, such as notification distances on the camera files, the lack of skinning customisation, and so on, but these aren't deal breakers.
An example of something that NavMii can't be expected to rectify immediately is mapping errors. The map data that comes with the package is supplied by TeleAtlas, and in a few places, appears to be a little off - for example, there's a mini-roundabout between Selsdon and Warlingham, at the junction of Limpsfield Road and Mitchley Hill (Google Maps link), that's been there for well over a year, and yet it's apparently failed to make it onto either of the main mapping data providers databases - TeleAtlas or NavTech, so GeoLife can't be held resonsible for that - it's a problem with the map provider - and again, while the satellite photos on Google Maps show the mini-roundabout, Google's map data doesn't show the mini-roundabout either!
As I said, minor issues, but nothing that can't be fixed in due course. All in all, I'm very happy with this package, and while it's a lot less sophisticated (less in the way of bells and whistles, in other words!) than, say, TomTom's recent offerings, this SatNav package does what it says on the tin, so to speak.
So, if you're looking for a replacement for TomTom, you could do worse than look over NavMii! _________________ Roger, G1LIW
Google Pixel 3a XL Android Smartphone | SatNav Sygic for Android | Waze for Android | CamerAlert for Android | Blog http://rogersblant.blogspot.com/
Joined: Jun 19, 2006 Posts: 212 Location: Sahrf Lunnon ;)
Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 9:52 am Post subject:
OK. For the last five months or so, I've been using NavMii.
As a limited feature satnav, it's fine. It's got full post code lookup, fairly decent routing and re-routing, can accept direct input of the PGPSW camera database (CSV only, and at that only ONE file, so it's really limited there too), and their social networking thing called "Friend Finder" (not tried that, I use google latitude, it's easier on the phone batteries ;)).
They've not updated the maps since January (TeleAtlas update quarterly).
They avoid talking about expansion to allow full 3rd party POI acceptance remarkably efficiently, leading one to expect that this will not make it into the package. Ever.
They obfuscate most of the time on coming features (they overuse the word "soon" to the point of farce).
And their reply turn around time on their forums is, in the main, tortoise-like.
On the plus side, it is:
Simplicity itself to install, if you follow the instructions.
Easy to use,
Hasn't crashed once, and
Does what it says on the tin.
All in all, I therefore recommend that you only use this package if all you need is a basic non-customisable satnav software package.
Hope this helps you! _________________ Roger, G1LIW
Google Pixel 3a XL Android Smartphone | SatNav Sygic for Android | Waze for Android | CamerAlert for Android | Blog http://rogersblant.blogspot.com/
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