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PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 8:30 pm    Post subject: REVIEW COMMENTS: NAVIGON TMC Reply with quote

One of our forum members "Jean-Paul de Jong" has written a review of Navigon with TMC. Jean-Paul says..."As long as I have been interested in getting a satellite navigation system, there has been a single justification for me; dynamic re-routing based on the current traffic situation. Secondly it had to be a PDA based system as I change my car regularly. And thirdly I did not want to tie up my phone and a subscription-based service using GPRS. Anyway in short I wanted a PDA based satellite navigation system with RDS-TMC support. The only software that I knew of at the time was Alturion but according to their support department they do not support TMC with UK maps."

Read the review here.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 10:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

finally the long waited review, looks like TomTom is really in for a big surprise when customers leave for a better product Smile

While i have waiting for that review, Navigon has released Navigon|4 and it has reached Denmark, now i only have to wait for their upgrade across products and i´m off for a Navigon|4 package.

I really look forward to it as they made a scaleable GPS mouse which can be added a RDS-TMC module and to be perfect added a bluetooth module so its wireless Smile

That is IF i havent pursuaded TT to make a real RDS-TMC module for TT3 too if not, goodbye TT and never look back Smile
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 11:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

PhuPhyt wrote:
I really look forward to it as they made a scaleable GPS mouse which can be added a RDS-TMC module and to be perfect added a bluetooth module so its wireless Smile

You could be in luck :-)

From the Navigon website:


For our new NAVIGON MobileNavigator|4 we have developed a GPS receiver that can be upgraded: with the options TMC for avoiding traffic jams and Bluetooth for wireless commonication between your Pocket PC and the GPS receiver. Now you can upgrade your GPS receiver according to your needs. Tomorrow, or next week, just as you like.

Look under MobileNavigator | Features | TMC/Bluetooth/GPS

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 10:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great Review - thanks.

they do software cross upgrade from tomtom for 99 euro's must say this looks very tempting.

The one downside is buying yet another gps unit for the tmc data - does anyone else make make one or are they likely to become more common in the near future?

How would you score the mapping app v tomtom 3? (forgetting tmc for a moment)? As tomorrow I'm off to France, Spain and possibly Portugal (Rooney mania may strike when I hit Spain) the integration, scalability and selection of maps looks brilliant. Finally tomtom have some serious competition.

TyTn II (WM6.1) / tomtom one v2
TTN6.03 tomtom 7.xx (one)
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 1:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good review, like the idea of TMC but I thought it was a subscription service in the UK.
I read the review quite quickly and I apologise if the info was in the reveiw but : -
How much did the TMC subscription cost?
Was the subscription part of the package?
How is it renewed?

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 5:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

TMV is not a subscripti0on service in the UK, the data is broadcast FreetoAir on the ClassicFM Frequency nationwide.

So all you need is TMC capable unit on the Classic FM Frequency and you will get the data


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PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 5:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

but who makes a TMC-RDS GPS mouse - apart from navigon
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 5:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

That I don't know,

But I just ordered one from them, along with the TT Cross Upgrade package the whole lot for 320euros, it seems impossible to go wrong!

I like the TT3 TMC over GPRS, but find the costs are mounting up and don't make maximum use out of it because of that,

Also the fact that I did not have the TT3 euro maps have pushed me over the edge to order the navigon package, that way for just over the cost of the europ TT maps I get the TMC GPS Mouse and the full UK Euro map package, and will save my GPRS data charges!,

Looking forward to trying it out.


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PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 7:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

vicky wrote:
That I don't know,

But I just ordered one from them, along with the TT Cross Upgrade package the whole lot for 320euros, it seems impossible to go wrong!

I like the TT3 TMC over GPRS, but find the costs are mounting up and don't make maximum use out of it because of that,

Also the fact that I did not have the TT3 euro maps have pushed me over the edge to order the navigon package, that way for just over the cost of the europ TT maps I get the TMC GPS Mouse and the full UK Euro map package, and will save my GPRS data charges!,

Good luck with it, i´m looking forward for the same offer to get to Denmark, asked the reseller of Navigon|4 and they said that they would get the possibilities to make a cross upgrade within 1 or 2 weeks, then its goodbye to TT for me too Smile

and yes RDS-TMC data is free here in Denmark too and its NOT gonna stop working suddenly, i asked a representative of those sending out the data, and he said that TMC data would always be in the air free of charge at least here in Denmark. (So rumor guys go home Smile)

kind regards
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 7:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

vicky wrote:
TMV is not a subscripti0on service in the UK, the data is broadcast FreetoAir on the ClassicFM Frequency nationwide.

So all you need is TMC capable unit on the Classic FM Frequency and you will get the data



That's strange, I work in the automotive industry and our expert in navigation assures me that the TMC service in the UK is subscription and only free in the rest of Europe.

I'll have to do some more digging.....

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 10:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

not having any techinical knowledge BUT if TMC is broadcast over the fm network then it is impossible for end users to pay for the data - if it is broadcast and you have a receiver capable of receiving the signal then I can't see how they could generate a revenue stream.
TyTn II (WM6.1) / tomtom one v2
TTN6.03 tomtom 7.xx (one)
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 10:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right, it's getting clearer....

As I understand it there is a subscription but not one you pay directly.

The provider of the maps needs to include TMC data in the mapping that relates to the information broadcast via TMC, I beleive this is just a code that describes location and type of traffic problem.

The supplier of the mapping data needs to licence this data from the TMC provider, in the UK this is ITIS, at a cost.

This cost is covered by the purchase price of the software (NAV CD for integrated vehicle systems)

For example :-
Owners of Renault vehicles with NAV and TMC find that their TMC doesn't work because Renault have not got an agreement with ITIS but if you buy a VDO Daytona NAV CD and use this in the Renault Nav (same system) then the TMC works, this is because VDO have the agreement and hence the data on the CDs.

I hope this answers my question........ Laughing

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 1:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

iancjc wrote:
not having any techinical knowledge BUT if TMC is broadcast over the fm network then it is impossible for end users to pay for the data - if it is broadcast and you have a receiver capable of receiving the signal then I can't see how they could generate a revenue stream.

Not really, how about sky and topup TV on Freeview, all you need to do is encrypt the data and then sell the decoding hardware, the medium of delivery isn't that important as long as the bandwidth is enough for the data and the encryption overhead.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 1:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Thanks for all the feedback! Sorry for the late replies, but I was on Holiday at Lake Garda in Italy...

The product worked brilliantly...Unfortunately version 4 did not arrive in time for me to install and use it......

All comments so far are true...TMC is on a commercial subscription basis but Navteq has got an agreement for the UK. In France it works on the motorways but you have to pay in Paris...

A neigbour in Moniga del Garda was from Germany and he was using version 4. The improvements are absolutely staggering. The user interface is so improved and totally portallised. What that means is that you can switch on information how you want it and where you want it on the screen. Also you can make your own skins and everything....

Really good user interface.....Can wait to get my free upgrade...

BTW my German friend was using the new bluetooth receiver with the TMC module installed together with a Compaq 2210. Very nice setup. He also drove the same car as me (BMW 7 series) and too my surprise the new combined GPS/TMC bluetooth receiver worked within the glove-compartment!!!

As said I am back now, so don't hesitate to post any further questions here....
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 1:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great review!

So - just to clarify once and for all - if you buy the Navigon 4 software with their wired GPS/TMC mouse, TMC will work within the UK?

Do they have cable options for old (IE Compaq) iPAQs?

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