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The 3d maps and CN EUR 2009.11 maps have been combined on the map info screen.
Ahh so does that mean you cant turn off the 3d buildings option, just curious as im going on an unknown route this weekend and would hate for the unit to reboot if the probs havent been sorted yet.
im_alan, I have the 3d maps switched on and I have never had a shutdown provided the U-Turns avoidance is unticked.
As far as the FM transmitter is concerned, apparently they legally now have to switch off the transmitter when no sound is being transmitted, which pretty much renders it useless. However, its not a bug as such, as it is being done deliberately. I understand that Tom Tom have removed the FM transmitter facility completely which I guess Garmin will have to do at some point unless they want lots of confusion and complaints.
So the FM transmitter turning itself off after 10-15 seconds is down to the EU - guess this is what Garmin really meant in the update to 3.00 "Adjust FM transmitter performance for Europe". - !
I've found 3.30 the most stable as the Nuvi doesn't randomly shut down every 30 mins or so. However, I have found the following:
1) When the traffic icon switches to yellow or red there is no time delay shown next to the icon and the ETA doesn't change. This also means that the Nuvi doesn't re-route around traffic as it can't "see" any!!
2) If you miss a turning, the distance travelled is significantly further before the Nuvi is smart enough to recognise this and give you the "recalculating" prompt.
3)Ecoroute works ok apart from the miles travelled report which seems to suddenly multiply by a factor of 10 - ie I did 2,900 miles the other day apparently!!!
4) Not a bug but Lane now shows as Ln, Road as Rd, Close as Cl in the blue navigation bar. Has this changed in 3.30 (along with the change from Green bar to Blue in 3.30) or did this occur with the 2009.11 maps? _________________ DriveLuxe 51 LMT D - Firmware 6.80
Previously owned: DriveLuxe 50 LMT-D, NuviCam LMT-D, Nuvi 3598 LMT-D, Nuvi 3490LMT, 3790T, 1690, 765, 760, 660, 610, 360, 310, 300 and Streetpilot i3
Joined: Mar 04, 2008 Posts: 173 Location: Englandshire.
Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:15 pm Post subject:
I've not had any random shutdowns since I upgraded to 3.30 and I was getting them fairly regularly before so I'm hoping that's fixed now.
I have noticed that when the unit automatically switches from night to day at sunrise that the brightness isn't changed as it should, I have to quickly toggle the external power off and back on again to make the brightness jump back up.
I see this thread has been quiet for around 16 days.
Does this mean most of the problems have been resolved with v3.30?
In particular, the re-booting/shutdown problems?
What's the latest news, are Garmin saying anything?
I'm in the market place for a reliable unit, upgrading from a Garmin Nuvi 660 FM.
I guess the TT 730 is TT's equivalent unit, but this appears to have problems too?
I drove 250 miles last week. Updated to 3.3 and latest maps.
The voiced instructions packed up 6 times.
When approaching M42 / M6 toll junction, it was giving correct directions to get me onto the M42, but in the last seconds, it threw up the 'junction view' with a big white arrow shooting to the right. I panicked and followed this instruction, just to end up on the toll M6, where I did not want to be. Cost me £7.40 unnecessarily and a few extra miles.
On the way back the voice packed up twice.
It also wanted to send me up the A46, but that's full of roundabouts and slower and more hassle than the motorway. I've come to the conclusion that it's best to sort out a route in your head first just to check it's not giving false information, although that defeats the object somewhat.
When I received the unit, the firmware was 2.3. I wonder if this is an old unit that may have problems?
I also had to load and run a silent mp3, to overcome 5 and half hours of static.
I'm not really impressed. Are TomTom units better? Do I send it back? After all, it cost 240 pounds.
Firmware 3.30 is the most stable release I have seen on the 765. Mine was bought new with 2.30 loaded and speed cam data from Oct 01.
I've never had a voice prompt pack up with any firmware but 2.30 where it did go into "silent" mode once or twice.
The only "bug" I see regularly with firmware 3.30 is the traffic delay and ETA don't appear to work when encountering traffic - there is no minute delay shown and the ETA doesn't recalculate either a) another route or b) or revised ETA. I couldn't say for certain whether this is a firmware issue or a Trafficmaser one - but it seems more than co-incidental that the traffic "packed up" at the same time I upgraded to 3.30. Garmin tech support advised they had never encountered this issue before but said they would log it with their engineers in the States. _________________ DriveLuxe 51 LMT D - Firmware 6.80
Previously owned: DriveLuxe 50 LMT-D, NuviCam LMT-D, Nuvi 3598 LMT-D, Nuvi 3490LMT, 3790T, 1690, 765, 760, 660, 610, 360, 310, 300 and Streetpilot i3
In Dec of last year I bought a 765T and encountered all sorts of problems, mainly shutting down. The unit was replaced for the 860 which has given no trouble.
Last week a friend bought a 765T and as we were all going climbing in Glen Nevis decided to run the unit alongside the 860. For the whole of the journey, there and back, we encountered no problems and it ran perfectly. So the problem may have been cured or it could have been a batch problem. I am impressed with the unit now and thinking of buying another one.
Have you tried to update the voice files - Garmin released a new batch on Friday that were related to voice prompts having issues in certain routing circumstances. Might be worth running webupdater and downloading these - especially as Garmin have made the British voice files more UK friendly "take ramp" is now "take slip road".
You may also want to go to this site and download the Voice Editor program as you can edit the TTS voice files so that "recalculating" can be amended to anything you want, eg "Doh, you missed your turn"
http://turboccc.wikispaces.com/Downloads _________________ DriveLuxe 51 LMT D - Firmware 6.80
Previously owned: DriveLuxe 50 LMT-D, NuviCam LMT-D, Nuvi 3598 LMT-D, Nuvi 3490LMT, 3790T, 1690, 765, 760, 660, 610, 360, 310, 300 and Streetpilot i3
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:13 pm Post subject: Just got one, first impressions
My trusty Go720 developed a hardware problem and is due to be returne to TT. Decided to try an alternative brand and bought Nuvi 765T fro Amazon.
Complex registration procedure but, I think, included an upgrade of firmware. Logged in to 30 day free speed cams and started to download free map upgrade??? still downloading after 18hrs??
Started auto in car and set home position. set BT link to phone and traffic link appeared after indicator light changed to orange an then green.
started test nav. and impressed that destination name is announced when approached.
Re-routing is VERY slow compared with TT!!!!
Speed limits are only shown on major routes whereas TT shows ALL and can be set to give overspeed signal of choice!!
Voice is clear and gets round lots of UK pronunciation better than TT, BUT far too often gives street names when road numbers or both would be much better.
Like the docking better than TT.
Overall nice to handle and clear screen, less intrusive voice and fewer commands than TT.
Will repost later if I find some of the snags as already reported.
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