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x40 Radio / Speaker Interference
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 5:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've not had this in the car at all, with any mobile. The TT does generate the usual noise on my PC speakers though, particularly in some orientations (when flat, face up, it seems to give a lot more noise when the side is toward the speaker than when rotated a little). It may be worth trying other positions in the car to work out where is good and where bad.
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Pocket GPS Moderator
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 7:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've not had this in the car at all, with any mobile.

It's nothing to do with my mobile, although i suspect / know it's the HD Service bit. GPRS Modem?? Mad Same difference though?

It may be worth trying other positions in the car to work out where is good and where bad.

Basically as long as it's over a metre away from a speaker it's fine, which is difficult in a car!! Laughing
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 7:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

From what I understand interference from mobiles usually happens when you have speakers that aren't magnetically shielded - which tends to be the cheaper ones - although I did have a nice Medusa/Speedlink headset which was particularly bad for this.
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Pocket GPS Moderator
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 7:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So the only option is to replace the speakers?
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 11:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

PaulB2005 wrote:
But having just done a super-scientific test (i.e. I found where I'd left my phone), I can agree.... the TT seems to produce a louder "biddly biddly" than my phone does at the same distance

That's probably because your phone can 'see' the nearest cell easier than your TT and is therefore ouputing less RF power than the TT is. Mobiles (and I assume the TT) adjust their power output between 20mW and 2W (100 times as much!) depending on how easy it is to get a signal through to the nearest cell.

I've got a 940 and haven't noticed it happening yet in the car.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 9:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

True. Ive been working from this desk in my house for the last 6 years and my mobile is always here. I get 100% signal from my operator (i can see the mast from my window) but only get 50% signal from Vodafone. I've driven from London to Sunderland and back several times with 3 or 4 people in the car all with mobiles and none of them ever interfere with the radio / speakers like this, even with 0% coverage. I've been to clients houses and sat in front of their PC with 0% coverage, speakers on and my phone has never interfered with their speakers. I have friends who get almost no coverage here (2 operators have v poor coverage in my house - 1 bar, maybe) and their phones never interfere with my speakers. Even on the day my operator signal went dead here for 3 hours i had 4 phones on the desk all switched on with 0 bars showing and no interference with the speakers, so I'm convinced it's the unit.

I can't even find anyone on Google with similar / same problem.... I'll wait to see what TT 2nd Line Support say and then see about getting a replacement..
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well number 2 arrived yesterday and i set everything up again. A bit less buzzy than the old one but just as heart breaking when it happens. Really liked the TT from the moment i switched it on but i can't stand the noise. Crying or Very sad

Don't think it's going to make it to the weekend....

Question. It even happens when the speakers are at their lowest settings (i.e. the volume control on the speakers makes no difference to the noise.) so i suspect changing the head unit in the car will make no difference?
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Interesting. I drive a Mercedes A-Class, and my new 740 causes no interference in the vehicle whatsover. Moreover, when plugged into my Mac it causes very little interference, nothing, in fact, compared to my iPhone which drives me up the wall if it is within three feet of the Mac's speakers.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

There is a vast difference between having an idle mobile phone on a desk showing a signal on its meter and the phone actually transmitting and receiving GPRS data. My mobiles are on my desk all day and only interfere with my PC speakers when receiving text messages or used as a GPRS modem.

The TT unit is frequently transmitting and receiving GPRS data and as such will always produce far more interference than an idle phone.

It is unlikely that the car speakers will be directly picking up the mobile signal, it is more likely to be picked up and amplified by the ICE unit.

Is is very unlikely that a fault with the TT unit would cause it to make more interference than it should. Issues that could make it appear to interfere more with car speakers include:

Amount of GPRS data transmitted.
Placement in car compared to mobile phone including polarisation effects.
Interference passes down unshielded TT power cable.
Mobile phone may be using remote/external attenna.
Relative distance from transmitter.
Mobile phone may be low power to conserve batteries.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

PaulB2005 wrote:

Question. It even happens when the speakers are at their lowest settings (i.e. the volume control on the speakers makes no difference to the noise.) so i suspect changing the head unit in the car will make no difference?

At a guess (and don't take this as gospel) I would say that if the volume control isn't affecting how loud it's coming through the speakers then the interference is probably being picked up directly by the amplifier section (or the connections into it) of your stereo due to inadequate RFI shielding (fundamental design problem?) or possibly poor earthing of the stereo/amplifier case (but if this were the problem you would probably notice other audio related problems).

Unless you want to start wrapping stuff in tinfoil and earthing it, or using the proper stuff not an easy problem to fix Sad
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 2:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The TT unit is frequently transmitting and receiving GPRS data and as such will always produce far more interference than an idle phone.

That's when it's at it's worst, when it i first switched on and is getting the initial data. After that it's more occasional. I must say this unit is better than the first one...

It is unlikely that the car speakers will be directly picking up the mobile signal, it is more likely to be picked up and amplified by the ICE unit.

True for the car but how about my PC? The sound card?

Amount of GPRS data transmitted.

As mentioned above it's worse when it first starts up.

Placement in car compared to mobile phone including polarisation effects.

Mobile phone is closer to head unit and speakers and has never interfered.

Interference passes down unshielded TT power cable.

Happens when TT is on battery and power lead is unplugged.

Mobile phone may be using remote/external antenna.

Have been monitoring Network Signal Strength as i drive and it never happens when i have 4 or 5 bars, always 3 or less....

At a guess (and don't take this as gospel) I would say that if the volume control isn't affecting how loud it's coming through the speakers then the interference is probably being picked up directly by the amplifier section (or the connections into it) of your stereo due to inadequate RFI shielding (fundamental design problem?) or possibly poor earthing of the stereo/amplifier case (but if this were the problem you would probably notice other audio related problems).

That's why it's so annoying, over the years I've never had this problem until now. Crying or Very sad But the unit is winning me over and i might keep it in spite of the problems....

I've got a long drive and an opportunity to see what happens with other x40 units at the weekend so I'll see what happens then. If all fails i might get my head unit swapped - got a spare in the loft.

Thanks for the information.
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