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Voice problem after 8.3 on 720
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

tried a 520 mile round trip over the weekend

my 520 behaved as it should ( I don't use GPRS traffic ) but my traffic was excellent
No jerkiness or stutters, all in all and excellent trip Laughing
marshall TomTom Go 520 , Western Europe v805.1801 map. app 8.2204- v7KATE 4gb sd card + other cards
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 1:02 pm    Post subject: RESPONSE FROM TOMTOM Reply with quote

When i first had the stuttering problem on my 720 only last month TOMTOM instructed me to format, run flash ,restore and then updated back to the 8.300 apps because i had corrupt files.
This is their response now.....

Response (Mike M. (UK)) 17/12/2008 05.17 PM
Dear green,

Thank you for contacting TomTom Customer Support.
Your reference for your query is 081216-008194.

It is the application we have just released, The only way to solve it is to do the following.

Delete the Application Files

- Open My Computer in Windows, you will see the TomTom as a removable disk. Double click into it.
- You will see a list of folders and a list of loose files
- Delete all of the loose files. IMPORTANT: The folders with their content must NOT be deleted.
- disconnect the tomtom until you see a red cross
- Reconnect the tomtom and then copy the loose files from your backup into the device. your backup is in 'My documents/ tomtom/ home/ backups/ go/ backupxx/ internal'

Run the Clear Flash Tool

- Reconnect the TomTom to the computer and switch it on
- Close TomTom Home completely. In the bottom right hand corner of your screen, to the left of the computer clock, right click on the red icon for TomTom Home and choose 'Exit'.
- Click on http://www.tomtom.com/updates/clear_flash/clear_flash.exe to run the clear flash tool.
(TomTom Home must be completely closed before running this tool)
- Install the Clear Flash tool .


Discussion Thread
Response (Mike M. (UK)) 18/12/2008 12.12 PM
Dear green,

Thank you for contacting TomTom Customer Support
Your reference for your query is 081216-008194.

The 8.15 map requires the new application so it will not work if you downgrade. The new application release should be available soon bu twe are still working towards a fix for the application.

With Best Regards

The TomTom Customer Support Team
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 8:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

They haven't got a clue - none of the above will have any effect.

The updated Navcore is now long overdue - I suggest everyone gets on their case as with the Christmas season almost on us if they don't fix this in the next couple of days it will be mid Jan before anything gets done!

This is probably the worst cock up they have made with an application release and the fix is a long time coming.

Haven't the Navcore versions for the 920s gone something along the lines of:
7.220 followed very quickly by 7.221 (bug fixes)
7.480 followed very quickly by 7.481 (bug fixes)
8.010 (stable and the first time RDS-TMC gave delay data that made any sense)
8.300 (full of bugs and still no sign of 8.301)

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 12:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree wholeheartedly with you Andy, after all, folks on this forum... including yourself... have actually shown that it can be fixed with the X40 Navcore and ver. 7 Loquendo voice file... bar the GPRS Traffic feature, and I am sure that a "tweak" at their end would sort that out for the folks who use it.

This thread started on November 12th, and Nav 8.3 was probably released a few days before that, so folks who have parcipitated in the four quarterly map upgrade scheme, and don't use these forums, have already lost a proportion of their subscription to Tom Tom.... indeed, if as you mention, Tom Tom don't sort this out until the middle of January, then some folks will have lost 2/3rds of their 1st quarterly map usage.

The fact that Navcore 8.3 also causes the same voice stuttering/slow refresh rates/ excessive use of RAM, on the earlier maps as well as the latest, proves that it is the navcore that is at fault rather than a combination of the additional features in the later maps plus this navcore... I wonder if Tom Tom realise this ?

They seem to be adopting a rather arrogant attitude... a skilled tradesman would, in my long experience, always benefit from the willingness to listen to others ideas/opinions... from any quarter... always learning... always improving... no one knows everything... we all know something.

Tom Tom Go 520 - Map UK ROI 720.1803 Navcore_8.204.9718.go40 - ( Loquendo TTS7 ) / RDS-TMC /Tyre... purchased the Go mainly for the itinerary feature
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 1:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think it is shocking the way tomtom have handled this problem. They are totally useless, if this was a builder treating customers in this fashion, making cock ups and charging people and not putting things right they would be reported to trading standards.
It is all very well rolling back to the previous application, but when you have paid for the map updates you are losing out. And tomtom have said they will not extend the 12 months subscription of map updates.
This is my first tomtom and will be my last, I will never buy one or recommend one again.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 2:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Its good to see my old thread still alive and kicking, and just a bad reflection on what TT have done since we noticed the prob's.

I have to admit the v7 Kate i use is not a fix as both my 720 & 920 have stuttered recently whilst been on the new v710 voice.

Its not anywhere near as bad as it was before but they both still do it, so ultimately it wasn't a fix, more of a "make better until".

Its something i live with now, its not like i miss a turning or anything, just mildly annoying, but it still works as a GPS!
Go 720 v8.351 GPS v1.20 Boot 5.5120
Kate v710 UK & ROI v850.2781
Go 920 v8.351 GPS v1.20 Boot 5.5120
Kate v710 UK & ROI v850.2781
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 2:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Have just had a strange occurrence.I have a 520 with NAVCORE 8.3 and Maps 8.15. Had same problems as you all--- no voices,no lane guidance and no change of cursor.
I e-mailed TT support and after several of exchanges of screen prints and software,they finally said the problem was maps 7.15 on the device and maps 8.15 on the SD card.Solution--- delete 7.15 and move 8.15 to the device.
My interrogation of the 520 did not show what TT had suggested,but that could be my lack of skill.
I was going to reply to TT,but found they had deleted the auto response from the e-mail chain.Fed up I decided to wait until after Xmas,but in the meantime I yesterday & today went on a long drive and EVERYTHING WORKS PERFECTLY.Voice,cursor,lane guidance etc.
Since I did not interfere with any aspect of the 520,could Support have done this remotely??
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 11:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have just sent them another scathing email on this problem as I think everyone should who is experiencing this. Or as has been said they will continue to drag their heels over fixing this obviously faulty navcore. Evil or Very Mad

DJP Smile
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 10:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just did an 80 mile round trip through complex lanes and roundabouts with my 720...I'm still on 8.3/8.15 with 6.93 (7) Kate voice.

Not a single problem with the voice. Some very difficult instructions were handled with ease.

Now I know some folk have had trouble free trips then suddenly get the stutter but my 720 is as it comes...with the latest OS and maps of course...but with no additional POIs or camera warnings. I guess the next trip or two will tell if I am one of the lucky ones...if such a beast exists
TomTom 720

Nokia Lumia 800 with Nokia Maps, iPhone 4S with Apple Maps (sigh)
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 10:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi topgazza
As I said earlier on this topic I have had absolutely no problems with the 8.3/8.15 setup. No stutter and no lag on the route position. Why? What is different with my setup and the setup that the unfortunate users have running. I’m no expert. I have done no tweaking etc yet the programme runs perfectly.

Now, just out of curiosity (plus I love fiddling) I formatted the device this morning and then installed the application navcore_8.204.9718.go940. I then copied and pasted the map v315 just to see what would happen. It was all so simple and I have since travelled across London with it. Result? It runs faultlessly too.
Tomtom Go 720.
Navcore 9.510
Central and Western Europe v855.2884
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 11:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Its one of life's mysteries. I'm leaving well alone until I have a problem or TOM TOM release a fix.......I know which one my moneys on....

Part of the journey was on the M4 so I was able to see the lane guidance thing kick in at junctions. I must say...I was quite impressed. Ok I knew the two junctions it used but the picture was clear and unambiguous as to which lane I should be in.
TomTom 720

Nokia Lumia 800 with Nokia Maps, iPhone 4S with Apple Maps (sigh)
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 2:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just an update.

Trip to Essex from Basingstoke yesterday...mainly M25 but at either end no problems with voice or map lag. I don't know if I am just one of the lucky few or I am just not doing enough trips. Although why it making lots and regular of trips makes it worse does not make sense...but then nothing with this problem makes sense.

Even some really "difficult" instructions with four digit roads off multi exit roundabouts didn't cause it even a hiccup. Who knows ? Not Tom Tom thats for sure......

I can't believe that this has been going on for nearly two months.....
TomTom 720

Nokia Lumia 800 with Nokia Maps, iPhone 4S with Apple Maps (sigh)

Last edited by topgazza on Sat Dec 27, 2008 5:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 3:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just over a week ago both my 720 and 930 were stuttering and suffering from very slow screen refresh rates, if I played music over the BT HiFi link to the car stereo matters got even worse, the screen rate dropped to less than 1 update every 5 seconds!

Having tried most of the suggestions in this thread I decided to try one option available to us that so far hasn't been covered in this thread as far as I know.

A couple of weeks back there was a release of Navcore 8,320 (9901) which is intended for people using the x20/ x30 units with the TomTom Work system. This does seem to have transformed both devices with no noticable issues in reduced funtionality, better still the screen refresh rate is back to normal and no stammering (although I will have to add the word YET as I have only been trying this for around a week).

1/ Fully backup your device using Windows Explorer.

2/ Download the LoquendoTTS version 7 voice of your choice:

American Dave Voice

American Susan Voice

British Kate Voice

British Simon Voice

Castilian Spanish Male Jorge

Castilian Spanish Female Carmen

American Spanish Female Soledad

Keep this safe on your PC for now.

3/ Download the Navcore 8,320 application from:
x20 Devices

x30 Devices

4/ Using Windows Explorer delete the folder LoquendoTTS from the TomTom device.

5/ To install this to your device I use WinRar which you can download from Here Switch the TomTom on and connect it to your PC, if TomTom Home starts up exit the application as Home isn't needed for this.

Double click the file you have downloaded from the TomTom server and winrar will fire up, use the mouse to select all files and folders then click "Extract To"

Please note this picture is from a different version to 8,320 but is used for illustration purposes

Locate the drive letter associated with your TomTom and click it, make sure the Overwrite mode is selected to "Ask before overwrite", then press "OK"

When the dialogue box pops up saying "Confirm File Replace" click the "Yes To All" button.

Sit back and watch the progress bar, with a good USB2 connection a Navcore 8,320 installation will take around 2 minutes.

Please note this picture is from a different version to 8,320 but is used for illustration purposes

When its finished the update use the "Safely Remove Hardware" icon from the Task Tray and remove the lead from the device.

Let the device boot up and tap the sat strength meter (lower left) followed by the version box, the resultant screen will confirm the version installed is Navcore 8,320 - Mike

6/ Install the LoquendoTT Voice downloaded at step 2 using WinRar, extract the files directly to the LoquendoTTS folder on the device (I know you deleted this folder at step 4, but step 5 will have created a new folder Wink

Thats it, give the unit a try and see what you think - I have been impressed with this on both my devices. If you don't suffer from slow screen updates or stammering then leave the device alone.

If you find this does indeed improve the device or want to add your voice to the increasing list of people unhappy with the current software status for the x20/ x30 models please consider reading This Page, get an RMA code and add it to the list - Mike

Edit Once to add some more v7 voice links, second edit to expand item 5 - Mike

Last edited by mikealder on Sun Feb 15, 2009 11:03 am; edited 4 times in total
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 5:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice one Mike...as usual of course...
TomTom 720

Nokia Lumia 800 with Nokia Maps, iPhone 4S with Apple Maps (sigh)
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 5:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Been away for a few days as you know - I ran 8.204 and as usual it was faultless.

I am loading 8.320 now - I will let you know how it goes over the next week or so.

At least we have Gas back on in Rossendale now!

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