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GPS Tracklog: Garmin GPSMAP 60CSx

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 1:24 pm    Post subject: GPS Tracklog: Garmin GPSMAP 60CSx Reply with quote

Hi all,

1) I've heard that the tracklog of the Garmin GPSMap 60 CSx is in GPX. Is it also possible that it is logging by NMEA format like below?


2) Apparently It is logging the: latitude, longitude, elevation and time/date. Is it also possible to log:
- the temperature
- the amount of satellites with a fix
- the speed

Thanks a lot!
kind regards,
Bjorn Kusters
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 9:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The GPX format is used when the track log is also saved to the data card. There is no need to include all the NMEA information for what is just a track log and I doubt whether that or GPX is used for the active log since it's not the most efficient way of storing to the limited internal memory.

To get most of what you want, you'll need an external logger that will handle the Garmin format if using the USB port, or either Garmin or NMEA if using the serial port.
The temperature is not in the Owners manual of output listed approved sentences so you won't get that, but the satellite information and speed should be all there.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 11:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

As Frabble says - it won't be storing NMEA internally - this is designed for use on serial links for passing navigation information between devices (the usual example is between a marine chartplotter GPS and the autohelm etc). It goes back many years and specifies a 2400 baud serial data rate.

Some of the data you want (eg temp) will be logged and transmitted only in GARMIN proprietary format I believe.

My Colorado 300 provides tracklog information in GPX format which is nicely 'universal' but is a little expensive on memory - but memory isn't expensive anymore. It is probably using an internal format for the initial storage as when you connect a PC you get a screen display that would indicate that it is processing the internal log file somehow. You end up with a file CURRENT.GPX which is the tracklog. You can alos cause the tracklog to be written to a file from the device itself.

It will also log the barometric air pressure if you are so inclined! Beware the temp log - I believe it uses a temp sensor on the GPS device itself - which is used internally by the device to provide minor corrections. As a result it is usually higher than the actual outside temp. My original GPSII+ had this facility - but it really wan't very useful.

Devices like my QSTARTZ1000 logger probably store the track log in a proprietary format internally and use the supplied software to create .GPX files when required.

There are lots of utilities that allow you to manipulate .GPX files. What are you trying to acheive?
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