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Joined: Jan 14, 2005 Posts: 19638 Location: Blackpool , Lancs
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 1:55 pm Post subject: Warning about version 5,2,7
Please be aware Memory Map have now introduced a license activation system for PC, PDA, Phone and other options within this new software, it requires online connections to create an account.
I applaud any measure against software piracy, but this system is far from intuitive in use, to be honest I now have maps that are purchased and paid for that I have little knowledge of which portable devices I can use them on, all at once or one at a time - the instructions are non existent.
Next step will be to remove this rubbish from the PC and return back to the version 5 software that shipped on the disks I purchased. The downside is that I cannot use the MS Smartphone with the early version 5 Memory Map software, but that wasn't very good in use in my opinion so there is little lost.
Whilst the UK site is back up and running their tech support forum isn't working as yet, I would ask any users of this product to think long and hard about upgrading to the new version due to all the hoops you have to jump through just to get what I would class as basic functionality from the software you own, as a user with over ten Mobile devices I am not going to bother with this version any longer, neither will I be upgrading in the future. If I want new OS mapping on the PC and portable devices there are other suppliers with software that is easy to use and the maps are just as good - Mike
Joined: Aug 28, 2004 Posts: 38 Location: South Manchester
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 10:36 pm Post subject:
I hear you!.
I blogged about this a while ago, too many companies are going this way, and in most cases the whole complicated procedure is ineffective in its aims and just alienates people.
Anyway it can't be as bad as Anquet, as i described here (can it?).
The only company left for UK mapping without all this crap is Tracklogs, and who knows, they might take the same route.
Joined: Jan 14, 2005 Posts: 19638 Location: Blackpool , Lancs
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 11:01 pm Post subject:
Have a look at Quo it is no where near as bad as jumping through hoops like this and they even offer a decent way to purchase smaller areas for those one off trips rather than huge coverage of which you only use 2% - Sure its not as feature filled as the Memory Map but it works very well for me, although since purchasing the SatMap device I have little need for the Topo Maps on the PC, I just find it very annoying when a company changes tack (for the right reason - anti piracy) but creates a stupid illogical system that does nothing but frustrate someone who has purchased their products and has a right to use the full capability that was available when the software was sold.
Perhaps Memory Map should make available via download the MM5 software that would run on the non touch screen Microsoft Smart Phone as well as the PDA without all this baggage - that is where this all started, I only wanted to update to a software version that has now been superseded following a new PC update, still the newer stuff isn't on the PC any more, I spent an hour getting rid of it - Mike
The maps, of course, are not supported by v5.1.3 so you are forced to upgrade to v5.2.7.
The online help files state "Most packages include resources for use on two Windows machines and two mobile device", but the product pages say nothing about this.
There is a "Licence migration" process, say if your PC hard drive crashes or you lose your PDA SD card, but it's described in the vaguest of terms, allowing for Memory Map's to decide if you are fibbing or not.
Aside from the hassle of enabling PCs and PDAs, it's pretty apparent that if anything happens Memory Map as a company, you will be left without any means of activating the software or migrating licences. You only have to look at the music DRM situation eg MSN closed it's music store, and refused to issue any new licences. Or DRM forces you to upgrade Windows media player to the point where it no longer works with your PDA.
Joined: Feb 23, 2005 Posts: 376 Location: Catford, London, UK
Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 12:49 am Post subject:
jsoap wrote:
The maps, of course, are not supported by v5.1.3
Are you sure about this? I don't know about the NZ maps (and haven't bought any MM maps since the v5.2.7 software was introduced), but in the past, MM Ordnance Survey maps have always been backwards compatible (e.g. v5 maps will run in MM2004) but the OS license does not allow them to be forwards compatible, i.e. you cannot use the "new" features of upgraded software with "old" maps. Is it that you were only supplied with a v5.2.7 style of license key so cannot run the v5.1.3 software fully?
The loss of backwards compatibility would have very severe repercussions for the OS maps. A user's investment particularly in the 1:25k OS maps can amount to hundreds or even thousands of Pounds and MM would destroy their credibility if additional maps cannot be purchased to use with existing maps in the same software.
But at least the NZ technical forum is still available to discuss such matters, unlike the demise of their UK forum which, together with the almost total lack of even bug fixes for around 3 years, doesn't inspire much confidence in MM products now.
Yes, the NZ maps are in a different format with a prefix of "crytp_".
V5.1.3 declares that this is an unknown format.
On v5.2.7 the map list screen is slightly different. The new maps have green tick or red X in front of the file name, depending on whether the licence has been activated or not. Another thing to note was that I could no longer import images and calibrate maps once the application was licenced. It seems bizzare that the free version will allow imports but the licenced version won't, and requires an licence upgrade from the Discoverer to the Navigator version. To further confuse this seems to be dependent on the build version of 5.2.7.
Of course you can run the OS v5.1.3 and the non OS version 5.2.7 side by side, however it would not suprise me that the new licencing on 5.2.7 will be enough to satisfy OS special requirements, which would enable a single software version.
Memory map have already stated that previous licences can be migrated over to the new system.
Joined: Nov 14, 2003 Posts: 2143 Location: Surrounded by A1, M1 & M25
Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 9:55 am Post subject:
I think the licencing is fairly good, there are not many software providers who allow you to install their program on four devices.
I had a problem with the new licence in that it licenced my mobile twice and I had to get MM to undo it so I could licence my second mobile device.
I have found the the overlays are not backwards compatible between 5.1.3 and 5.2.7.
I do like the way on the mobile devices on 5.2. that when you reach the maximum or minimum level of zoom it switches to the next scale of map.
I do wish they would put a bit of effort into the smartphone version so that it supports tracks and routes like the PDA version. I know it would be difficult to plot a route without a touch screen but I normally produce the routes on the PC then export them. _________________ Drivelux
Joined: Nov 15, 2005 Posts: 26 Location: Hampshire
Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 4:36 pm Post subject:
I know this is an old thread but it actually got me thinking.
What is it about the new registration/licencing process that you dont like?
Sure its slightly more restrictive than previous versions in regards to installing on multiple devices, in that it you can now only use the software on 2 PCs and 2 Mobile Devices or SD Cards but isnt that what the terms and conditions of the Memory-Map product are and always were?
In fact I think that being allowed to use it on 2 PCs and 2 Mobile Devices or SD Cards is plenty for the majority of users. I know it is for me.
Joined: Jan 14, 2005 Posts: 19638 Location: Blackpool , Lancs
Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 7:52 pm Post subject:
With 15 different fully working PDA devices that I own, I am sure you can see a bit of problem - I don't always use the same hardware when going walking, and having a restriction such as this imposed on me by a so called "software upgrade" that wasn't there previously do I need to say any more? - Mike
Worth noting that when you move a licence from one device to another that the old device cannot be activated again.
So in my case I have activated a Smartphone licence to see if if the client now supports routes, as suggested by the website. It doesn't, so its of no use to me, so I'll use the licence for a PPC device instead. However it means that, in theory I'll never be able to use the Smartphone again if the client is ever updated.
Joined: Feb 23, 2005 Posts: 376 Location: Catford, London, UK
Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 1:44 pm Post subject: Now up to 5.4.2
Maybe it's worth reviving this thread as MM has now gone through several more "upgrades" to currently v5.4.2 (strangely v5.2.7 doesn't even appear in the Release Notes).
However, there are few real enhancements or bug-fixes and interestingly Educational and Commercial users are instructed to use v5.1.3 (which is still available for download).
The main feature of the new software is to use the Digital Map Shop, no doubt a convenience, but at a price! The DMS license enforces installation on only one PC and one mobile device, compared with the license of two of each for "normal" (.QCT) maps, yet the price per map area is similar. Furthermore, "mobile device" refers only to PDAs, so it appears you can't install a DMS area on both a PC and a laptop/netbook (except by paying for the same area twice).
Personally, I'll be sticking with .QCT "Off-the-Shelf" and Selections mapping as long as possible, particularly if it can be found discounted to less than DMS prices.
Joined: Jan 14, 2005 Posts: 19638 Location: Blackpool , Lancs
Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 2:52 pm Post subject:
I have given up with MM and just use Quo or the web based route planner by the "the hug" (try google to find the site if you need to) both these offer less capability than MM but they work very well and are more than capable of offering me a solution to route planning on the PC.
I also use the SatMap route planner from time to time, again this offers adequate capability for my needs when using the active10, MM have got far too restrictive recently and still charge a very high price for maps when compared to whats available for PC based route planning - Mike
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