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TTN7 advertised for preorder at Easy Devices
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 4:25 pm    Post subject: TTN7 advertised for preorder at Easy Devices Reply with quote

I have just noticed THIS
whilst looking for cheapest TTN6 solution for a friend.

Do we know if & when it is likely to be available?
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 4:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No idea as to when, but at that price it is a real bargain Laughing

Its not before time this was released though as the lack of upto date maps for PDA users of the TomTom software has forced quite a few to switch to other navigation companies - Mike
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 5:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is good news for us PDA users I hope.

It's not got all the bells and whistles like Lane Assist etc has it? Or did I miss something?

You've been waiting a long time for that new toy Mike Smile
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 9:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sadly, its fake.

Heres the reply from Tomtom I got when I asked about it:

Dear Luke

This is fake - there is no retail box for Navigator 7 - it's an OEM product. You can tell this box is a fake, and they have used the old TomTom logo! We would never do that on a new box Smile

Kind regards,

Which makes easydevices a website I shall avoid in future.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 9:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I hesitated to comment on this. T o be fair to EasyDevices, it's common practice to advertise products in advance of launch to try and capture the business. EasyDevices are not the only ones, most others do it including the likes of Expansys and Amazon.

They do it in the expectation that the product will get launched, sometimes based on inside knowledge and sometimes not.

In this case we still don't really know if TTN7 is going to be released as a standalone retail package or not. The agents on Customer Service wouldn't know and although TomTom told us quite unequivocally at a meeting recently that it was now OEM only it would not be the first time they had performed a U-Turn.

Clear as mud I know but I'll approach TomTom and ask them for an official statement to clear up the issue once and for all!
Darren Griffin
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 10:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good luck, I have tried and I simply get - 'We don't know.'

I keep dropping either way on this. On one hand, they make a lot of money from their dedicated devices. And the software for mobiles gets pirated to stupid degrees.

But on the other, GPS in mobile devices, even comparitivly cheap ones (Nokia 6220C) are becoming more commonplace.

Anyone who thinks mobile phones are not going to become a huge market in GPS needs their head looked at.

Anyway, I cannot decide why Tomtom refuses to clarify the matter. If they are doing a new version, for goodness sake say so and then so many people wont jump ship (garmin, copilot, Mcguider etc).

Unless of course, they are still undecided?
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 10:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Apologies for the double post, but this is worth posting.

I did email easydevices about it also before the weekend.

They emailed back:

Hi Luke,

All the details we have regarding the new TomTom are on our page. We have not received much information from TomTom in regards to this. However when we do we will update our website with full details.

Best regards

I then informed them about what TT told me, and got back the following reply:

Hi Luke,

The image we have is a dummy image as we have not received the image form TomTom as yet. This has also been listed as a PreOrder at zero cost until we receive further information from TomTom.

Best regards

So annoyingly, one of the companies is being...economical with the truth, or the PR department at TT doesnt know about details released to companies.

If there has been some, there is bound to be others than easydevices, they cannot be the only tomtom reseller.

So who else would be good to email? I want to find out about this, I dont want another high hopes wait for nothing.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 10:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Darren wrote:

Clear as mud I know but I'll approach TomTom and ask them for an official statement to clear up the issue once and for all!

Darren, Please push them about their "Symbian" software as well as the Windows Mobile. As pointed out by another poster, GPS in mobile phones is now common. They will lose market share if they do not play catch up soon. Their TT6 users are now running two year old maps and cannot enjoy lane assit, map sharing, automatic map updates etc. In a "downturning" market, keeping loyal customers "loyal" may be a good idea financially.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

If we don't know then no-one will. We have privileged access to all the launch announcements hence my earlier post saying I would enquire.

I suspect that in this case it's an error. EasyDevices have gambled on TTN7 being offered to retail customers following it's launch on some HTC devices but I personally think they're wrong. All our briefings have been unequivocal in that TTN7 and future mobile releases will all be OEM.

Although I don't think these practices are dishonest they are dubious as they might cause you to await a release rather than buy a competitor's solution. All well and good if it is released, not so good if it is not.

They now have a Mobile Division but Symbian will be OEM as well I suspect as it suffers the same issues of support and piracy.
Darren Griffin
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have had further replies from easydevices:

Hi Luke,

All the information we have on our site is from TomTom. As of yet we have no ETA, we were expecting this before the end of the year however that is now looking unlikely. Keep an eye on the page for any updates. When we actually get the correct image we will most likely have an ETA from TomTom.

Best regards

So who knows? We are more or less in the same situation we were in.

Staying OEM (I assume you mean by that its only issued preinstalled on the device?) is such a bad idea.

I have already seen, and used, TT7 on my PDA, an old MIO168.

So obviously, its been taken off an OEM device.

Now, I really want to buy TT for my Nokia. If they release it on a device I dont have/want and someone cracks it, what choice do I have?

I want to buy it. Not just because I dont beleive in freeloading, but because the more it brings in, the more they have for development and the more inclined they are to support it.

Symbian is a very thorny issue, and I can tell you now, theres very little chance of it being OEM. The main reason for this is Nokia maps, theres no way Nokia will allow their main competitor (for satnav) to have it preinstalled on their devices.

There is of course other options, like samsung who have dipped into the symbian thing, but the market there is very small.

So a retail version for symbian and WM makes sense, whichever way you look at it. I know of people running nokia maps and if TT7 is released they will swap in a nanosecond. Me also (I use Garmin and Copilot though).

So if you could find out about a Symbian version, it would make things clearer for so many people (ever seen the count of symbian smartphones out in the wild? Its scary).

We just want to know, its not much to ask really.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 9:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tom Tom have confirmed there are NO plans for retail packages of TTN7. It's available to OEM partners.
Darren Griffin
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 9:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Damn. If true (as you say, TT have been known to do a sharp turnabout) then theres definatly no symbian version.

Time to start nagging Garmin and Copilot to make improvements again.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

They are clearly deceiving people with those ttn7 pages and should be removed/hidden from the public until the item will REALLY be made available to be purchased.

Nice one though, i bet you have had tons of orders for other items because of those two bogus pages which no doubt reeled in the people who want to buy ttn7. I for one hope people avoid you guys at ed like the plague as your methods are shoddy and proves you are despicable when it comes to making that extra buck.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Juts to clarify that 'WE" are not the 'YOU' referred to above!

EasyDevices are not taking any-ones money, they've gambled on a release in the same way as everyone else, Amazon were predicting early Oct for the x40's and that came and went. The only difference here is that the product despite earlier hopes is NOT going to be offered to retail.

I'll contact EasyDevices and suggest they might be better taking the advert down but let's not lose the plot here, they're actually a very good retailer with a well earnt reputation,
Darren Griffin
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

But I have emails from easy devices saying that they definatly got the information from Tomtom.

So Im afraid someone is lying. Be it TT or easy devices, I dont know.
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