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New Garmin GPSMAP 60CSx.....

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 11:53 am    Post subject: New Garmin GPSMAP 60CSx..... Reply with quote

I have just taken delivery of my new Garmin GPSMAP 60CSx.

I am using http://garminmapsearch.com/ to obtain maps for it, and have run into some problems.

Firstly, the main GB map, which is 31mb downloads ok, but when I upload it to my GPS (using SENDMAP), it does not seem to be there.

The file is 32mb, but when uploading, sendmap reports the map being 2mb??

I have also loaded the map into GPSMAPEdit to test it, but I get the error...

Loading data from file 'Y:\Library\GPS Mapping\osm-great_britain.img'...
* Block size: 512
* Updated: 2008/06
WARNING (offset 600h): Sub-map 11223356 is not complete.
WARNING (offset 600h): The file does not contain any map data.
ERROR: loading has terminated.
2 warning(s).
Load time is 0.02 s.

The map is obviously corrupt, where can I get another? Sad

Another problem I am having is with SENDMAP. I have read that when uploading maps using sendmap, you have to make sure you load all the maps at once because sendmap erases the any maps that are already on the GPS device, but if I try and load more than one map at a time, SENDMAP just seems to take ages to upload, gets to so far, and then crashes. This even happens when trying to upload small maps of Dartmoor, and Lake District.

PS. I have a 1gb card in my GPS.

Can anyone help, or does anyone know of a tried and tested method of uploading detailed maps of places - especially GB Smile

Thanks. Regards. Demon.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 7:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You can find OSM Garmin downloads at:

The having to load all required maps at once is not an issue with SendMap. You have to do the same with Garmin's MapSource since all maps exist as a single gmapsupp.img file and this gets over written when transferring maps.

What version of SendMap are you using? I take it the problem you have is only when adding multiple img files and when you only select one you don't experience problems?
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 10:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Thanks for the link Smile

I am using Sendmap20 REV 4.0

Yes - If I add more than 1 IMG file into Sendmap, and then click "Upload...", sendmap counts up the progress almost as slow as evolution, and then crashes at around 20-30%

Anyway... I have been looking at the preloaded cards with GB & Wales TOPO maps on them - (the detail is impressive), which retail at about £50. I thought about buying this card, and then adding more as I go.

I then found on garmin website, that it looks like these preloaded maps on cards will not be able to be used in MapSource, and you will be left to plotting routes etc on the basic maps - if this is so, then this is big pants! I want to plot the routes on detailed maps!


"Question: Can I see the maps that are preloaded to my unit on my computer so I can preplan routes?

Unfortunately the unit has no way to project the built in maps to your computer. If you would like to have a copy of the maps on your pc you, a copy of the maps will need to be purchased and installed on your PC. "

Does this include/refer to cards with preloaded maps?? (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Mapsource-TOPO-GB-Southern-England/dp/B0012ESTMO/ref=pd_sbs_ce_2)

Do I have to fork out the £100 for the maps on DVD in order to be able to use them on my PC? Jees Rolling Eyes Crying or Very sad

Will appreciate any help I can get...

Thanks Darren

PS. Are the maps worth it......?
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 10:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

For PC route planning using proper maps try This Page, once you have a route planned it can be exported and translated into various formats supporting most devices using something like GPSBabel - might save you spending a small fortune on PC Topo maps?
A small tip though zoom out before you pan down/ accross the country to the area of interest, otherwise you could spend hours messing around with it - Mike
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 8:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

mikealder wrote:
For PC route planning using proper maps try This Page, once you have a route planned it can be exported and translated into various formats supporting most devices using something like GPSBabel - might save you spending a small fortune on PC Topo maps?
A small tip though zoom out before you pan down/ accross the country to the area of interest, otherwise you could spend hours messing around with it - Mike

Cool thanks for the link. Great detail. Scary thing is, I recognised "the-hug", and then after clicking on "The Hug" link, confirmed it. I know Paul and Beth very well (but obviously not completely) - small world!

Thanks again.
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