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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:38 pm    Post subject: WARNING.......EXCESS SPEED Reply with quote

How that get's to you after a while!!!

Just got back from three weeks in France with my VM 960T. I have found that the word excess means ONE kph above the speed limit. It's so, so sensitive to the point of being annoying. No matter what the speed limit is 30 kph, 50 kph or 90 kph, just creep over a fraction and you are warned!!

So why is it when I get back in the UK that I need to be 8 MILES per hour over the speed limit before it is triggered. In France the VM sensed not only the speed of the vehicle but the beginning and end of the restricted zone with amazing accuracy.

Why is this different in the UK, although annoying I liked to be warned if I.m breaking the law.

While I on a role how old is the map that Michelin use? There were several incidents of blocked roads and roundabouts that were not recognised.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Found just the same things in France - endless speed warnings & then trying to get out of the centre of Rennes took ages because it kept wanting me to turn left into roads with no left turn or even on some occasions when the road just wasn't there - though the main railway line was!
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 9:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not a problem, just stick to the limit next time you visit Wink
I must say that compared to the UK, you seem to get a lot more speed warnings in France. This "your speed is excessive" was getting a bit annoying so I changed it to a single a beep !
VM X-970T Europe V7
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 5:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeh ............... but why?

Why is the satnav more sensitive and more accurate with vehicle speed in France compared to the UK?
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 6:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Why is the satnav more sensitive and more accurate with vehicle speed in France compared to the UK?
Could be because their basic limits are 50, 90, 110 and 130 and long sections of road have the same limit, unlike here where you can vary from 40 to national speed limit and back over quite short distances. I've also found French limits seem to stay that way for years on end , where here they can change almost overnight.

Close to me there is a road 'country lane' which used to be national speed limit along the whole length, then part reduced to 50, now there is a 30mph limit each end with 40 in between. Both TomTom and iGO stay quiet unless you exceed 50 in the 40 limit.

The link road to the M2 used to be 70 but now down to 50, again no warning unless exceeding 70. The middle section passes under a road bridge and for some unknown reason iGO thinks a short section is 30mph and gives a warning, really annoying.

There are a number of roads around here where you get a warning if over 30 but the limit is actually 40. Add to this the roads not covered in the data and I found it's nowhere near accurate enough to take notice of it.

Getting back to the warning at 1kph over the limit? With iGO I can change it in settings to set it to warn say 5% over in towns and 10%over elsewhere. Have you checked your device to see if you have the same facility?
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