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Garmin 60 - a couple questions

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 3:12 pm    Post subject: Garmin 60 - a couple questions Reply with quote

Have a 60CSx - 3 questions please...
1. When following a Route downloaded from Memory map how do I set the Garmin to show compass pointer direction to and distance to NEXT waypoint?..at the mo it shows direction to and distance to the FINAL waypoint.

2. How do I set it up to beep when each Waypoint reached?

3. The Compass looks a bit iffy - the pointer seems to be a bit fragmented...any thoughts on if this is a big problem...think its pointing correctly. What would be involved in gaving it fixed?
Here's a pic:-
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

What you're asking should happen automatically, but if the route is circular or comes back on itself then you'll need to split it so there is distinct outward and return paths.
When navigation is active then the compass will point to the next waypoint and you'll get a message beep when approaching a waypoint and another when there to indicate the next.

The URL you posted doesn't work for me.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 2:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Frabble wrote:
What you're asking should happen automatically, but if the route is circular or comes back on itself then you'll need to split it so there is distinct outward and return paths.
When navigation is active then the compass will point to the next waypoint and you'll get a message beep when approaching a waypoint and another when there to indicate the next.

The URL you posted doesn't work for me.

I know it should but it doesn't.
On a straight one way route of say 7 waypoints, starting from wp1 the Garmin then shows direction and distance etc to wp7...and no bleeping occurs as each of wp2-wp6 are passed...mind you it does bleep on reaching wp7!
There must be a somwhere on the Garmin this can be set?...darned if I can find it however.

Ref the compass question.....have another go...the url opens ok

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Can you confirm that it's the route you are selecting and then Navigate rather than the waypoint to Goto.

The URL still didn't work when clicked (I'm using Firefox 3.0.1) - it opens another tab with a Google error, Not Found. However if I just hit enter at the end of the address in the location bar it loads. Once cached, it loads every time Confused
Anyway, looks like you're just missing the compass pointer bar through the middle - I don't know what causes that. What happens if you change to Bearing pointer then back to Course?
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 2:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Frabble wrote:
Can you confirm that it's the route you are selecting and then Navigate rather than the waypoint to Goto.

Anyway, looks like you're just missing the compass pointer bar through the middle - I don't know what causes that. What happens if you change to Bearing pointer then back to Course?

Yes its the route I'm selecting.

When I change to Bearing pointer the pointer is ok -when switch back to Course pointer its fragmented.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 7:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Your course pointer is normal Smile
The middle line splits from the ends as a drift indicator. I overlooked this in your picture since my 76CSx shows this as a red line, same as the compass, whereas yours is the straight black line between E and N.

Check that you are navigating "Off Road" and not "Follow Road". Option is Main menu, Setup, Routing, Guidance Method. This should be Off Road or Prompted which will give you the choice when activating your route.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 3:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Frabble wrote:
Your course pointer is normal Smile
The middle line splits from the ends as a drift indicator. .

Ah...I see now TVM...:-)

Check that you are navigating "Off Road" and not "Follow Road". Option is Main menu, Setup, Routing, Guidance Method. This should be Off Road or Prompted which will give you the choice when activating your route.[/quote]

Didn't have Follow road active but, after fiddling around with this and that all's working fine again now including beeps and distance etc to next wp.
Think it was something to do with Proximity Point setting?
Thanks again.
John Very Happy
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