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as i suspected, I must be wrong, the Moderators must be right and completely unable to accept that maybe I have a point...
Mikealder, I have no problem with the removal of offensive language, but am a little concerned beaaring in mind my expereinces of this siteso far that what you consider offensive is likely to be herard on radio 4 at 11am, ie that you are over strict. And as for
here were no threats, just a few hints in the general direction that the offending item should be removed, threats don't serve any purpose, promises are generally more acceptable.
, well
mikealder wrote:
DennisN perhaps you could suggest this
I'll go get me pointy hat!!
p800 you better get rid of it before we send in the bloodhounds and stuff - the clock's ticking!! I don't care about the number of lines - it scared the bloomers off my old granny and she means a lot to me.
yes, I consider the above a threat. As for it being meant as a joke, well, if the silly silver box which was described as a 'puerile trick' is scary, then a mention of direct action being taken against someone IS a threat, after all, you can see the IP address and other details of everyone that posts here, ie you can see the same details as that silver box displays (only most people don't know that you know those details), so if displaying those details with the mention of waiting for a knock at the door is scary, isn't someone knowing those details and threatening to come after you with dogs just as scary? after all it amounts to much the same thing.....
as for the box, I actually thought those details had been posted there by admin as a warning after his 'bad' language.
I am not against rules and discipline - I'm a moderator on a site myself, and I know that some people behave like total nutters and come on deliberately trying to stir things up and trolling. The damage people like that can do has to be controlled, and I have no delusion about that, because not every person is reasonable and some DO have malicious intent, but the WAY it is done is just as important as the fact that it IS done.
As I said, several moderators piling in seems heavy handed. I've seen this in other threads where a Moderator feels a Member is out of line, whumf, suddenly there are several moderators posting..... what's that about? Surely something as simple as this can be handled by ONE moderator, without the need to summon others (on the other hand, at this point I must express my admiration for the ESP skills of you Moderators, how you manage to know that a Moderator is upset with a Member and which post it is is quite remarkable. I wish my fellow Moderators had the same skill)
As this Member is also relatively new, maybe a different approach of sending him a PM explaining gently that you don't think the silly box is appropriate, and asking him to remove it would've achieved the same job and would've appeared less confrontational that the approach that was taken. Or why not just edit it out of his profile along with the bad language if you really want to be 'proactive'.
As for bandwidth, if you're concerned about that, take action against people who routinely quote (whole) posts when not necessary, and remove all avatars from the site. And as for taking up too much space, his silly box takes up 3 lines, the same as your signatures.......
Now, all I've tried to do is point put MY perception of this site, which is, at times, quite unwelcoming. Whether or not the advice is good, or whether it's bad or indifferent is irrelevant. Offering excellent advice in a rude, offhand manner in an unwelcoming and hostile forum cannot be justified. Or, put another way, being rude, offhand and hostile just because the advice given is good isn't acceptable is it? Or is it?
As for the advice, many people here are members of other fora, and the advice given here can be found elsewhere and vice versa. The quantity or quality of advice isn't an excuse for poor conduct, otherwise the bad language wouldn't be edited out and the silly box wouldn't have causes such a fuss.
Mind you, I don't really think you're likely to concede that my views have ANY merit are you?
I have no need to start any dispute and am merely pointing out the similarity between what the other Member did, and what the Moderator did.......... something you agree with, (which the other Mods didn't)
However, I appreciate that you are the only one to accept that anything i said had any validity, so maybe some Moderators are actually able to see things from other's points of view?
My general point remains though that so many Moderators making a fuss about something so trivial is off-putting and unfriendly, and that is the kind of forum that encourages people to come only when they want advice, ie, to take rather than giving.
With a new member, editing the language and a polite and informal request for him not to repeat it and to remove the silly box should've been enough. And that could've (should've) been done by one Member. of course, if he doesn't cooperate, thats another matter....
So, having given you the benefit of my experiences as a Member who has left fora because of both over zealous Moderation (ie, site being run for the Mods benefit and enjoyment) and abusive behaviour from other Members, and as a Moderator, I am happy to leave it, knowing that at least one Moderator can see my point on at least some things. Isn't that what internet fora are about, exchange of views and enhancement of knowledge?
I suppose someone's going to tell me it's spyware now!
I just use a word document with all my relevant passwords and companies they are linked to. Then i just encrypt that file with just 1 password. Same outcome as PA but you don't trust anyone else to look after your files and they are not sent over the internet!
Works for me
I like keepass
Open source, platform independant, frequently updated _________________ Mr.G
Joined: Feb 27, 2006 Posts: 14905 Location: Keynsham
Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:17 pm Post subject:
BJB wrote:
It all went a bit off topic so did you get your maps eventually?
You don't want to know!
Yes you do!!
Where to begin? After all weekend ending up with 8 refused payment orders, I got onto TomTom Monday morning and they agreed they had some problems with the mapshop over the weekend! So in fact all my refusals were nothing to do with the security system, just that TT had crashed it themselves!!! He also added that there is another way to buy them, via Home.
So off I went and tried via Home. It showed sundry maps, all of them on my computer from previous GO purchases - out of 8, 5 were not allowed for my device. But I couldn't buy any - the only option I was offered was maps I already owned for other previous devices.
Just out of devilment, I tried to buy from mapshop just one more time and it worked - they took my £29.95 and said you now have GB&ROI v675 ready to download. Back to Home in relief, to get my download. It wouldn't download.
So back to TomTom, where they now tell me I can't use Home 2.3.1.blah with TT Navigator 6, I need Home 1.5 - get it from our website, address blah blah. I insisted on his assurance that Home 1.5 WOULD load in addition to 2.3.1.blah and I would end up with two versions on my PC, because I already have three other devices which work with 2.3 and he assured me it would.
So off to download 1.5, which came down beautifully and installed easy peasy. When I fired it up, it was 2.3.1.blah . So I tried downloading again, no different. So I renamed the folders with Home 2.3 in and downloaded again. No different. So I moved those folders to an external USB drive and switched it off!! Downloaded 1.5 successfully at last. Went to connect to download my map, but it refused to log me in - the device does not match the account.
So back to TomTom. Ah, he said. Well, tell you what I'll do, tell me your account id and your product code and I'll release it to you. He found my map on my account - brand spanking new account, two days old, brand spanking new map purchase. I didn't know my product code because I haven't downloaded the damn thing. You gotta have a product code. Haven't got one. Well, tell you what, tell me the other accounts you've got and I'll use that to release the map. Gave him one - that's no good, it's for a GO720, later than this v675 map, can't use it. Next account - GO920, can't use it. Next account ONE 3rd Edition, same problem. Well, that's all I've got - over the last three years I've owned upwards of a dozen different GOs, well give me one of those accounts. I was able to remember about five, all to no avail!! Well, I can't release the map to you. I gave up.
Back to Home 1.5, where I was able to identify the product codes for the the v660 and two v675 maps on there. I bought v660 in November 2006 and the two v675s in April 2007, so they're legally owned by me. I copied them to my device, then went to switch map and was required to Activate by visiting the website, providing my device id and product code which it accepted and gave me the Activation code. Back out and activated the map no problem. Copied the other maps onto the device, same procedure, legally owned maps activated. So I had Western Europe v660, v675 and Western & Central Europe v675 all working on the device.
My device came with Navigator 6 included, together with a single free download of a smallish region as a taster - to persuade me to adopt TTN6 and buy a proper map. I tried. I even succeeded in paying money to them. But I haven't got the map. Instead, I have three maps, all bigger and dearer than the one I wanted, installed for free from my own computer. With TomTom's utter intransigence and inability to overcome their own stupid security arrangements, I only wish I had not paid for that map. I may try to get a refund if I decide I can face the undoubted hassle of doing so.
So did I get my map eventually? - judge for yourself.
And to round it off. Home 1.5 is unstable - every now and again (very often!!) it bleeps and puts up windows about parsing errors and I have the devil's own job to get rid of them. I haven't got Home 2.3.1.blah. Right now, I'm not going to have anything to do with either of them until I get my nerve back! _________________ Dennis
You say "Logon to the laptop is also via the finger print reader. Now why didnt the government think of this" but is the hard disk encrypted in the laptop? If not then I could either remove it and read the non-encrypted contents or put in a Linux or say a BartPE bootdisk and then boot from one of those and read the disk.
Do tell us you also have hard disk encryption enabled. Sorry to hijack thread.
As for Dennis' problem. I too forgot a password I setup on Mastercard secure system. I probably eventually guessed it again but I might have found a way to reset it.
"Logon to the laptop is also via the finger print reader. Now why didnt the government think of this"
but is the hard disk encrypted in the laptop? If not then I could either remove it and read the non-encrypted contents or put in a Linux or say a BartPE bootdisk and then boot from one of those and read the disk. Do tell us you also have hard disk encryption enabled.
If you looked closer you will also have seen.
I wrote:
A persistent and informed type is probably going to circumvent the OS anyway.
No, I do not employ full hard disk encryption.
I am not employed by the government and so my entire hard disk is of no importance to national security, so different standards should surely apply.
I am just a mere mortal and choose to encrypt the stuff that is sensitive to me, employing measures that may deter the casual thief.
I do not leave my lappy un attended in a car, or forget to pick it up when I exit the train.
A government owned system packed with "whatever" should surely be better protected than the "run of the mill" like me? Yea?
If you have any tips on personal security, I am listening.
What I was trying to point out is your fingerprint reader idea does not protect your files. If someone stole it (from your home) then they could easily check for important files. If you also/instead encrypted the files with passwords you'd be okay.
What I was trying to point out is your fingerprint reader idea does not protect your files. If someone stole it (from your home) then they could easily check for important files. If you also/instead encrypted the files with passwords you'd be okay.
I hear you, and thought I had already conveyed the same comments.
To clarify further, the finger reader is purely a logon tool. It allows me to use a long string password (hard to guess) to logon to the OS or any logon screen with a swipe of my finger (which should be unique to me).
Agreed, the OS can be circumvented by skilled people rendering ANY logon method useless.
For my important stuff, I keep a blowfish protected "Crypt". Again, accessed by a long string password.
That should be extremely difficult to get into.
Stating the obvious, I also take care that the thing is not stolen in the first place.
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