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Laser Detector / Mobile Camera Points

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:26 pm    Post subject: Laser Detector / Mobile Camera Points Reply with quote

Quick question to ask how many of you are using the mobile camera database. Tbh it is getting extremely frustrating, warning every 200 yards on some stretches of roads that there is a mobile camera site.

As a result I'm contemplating getting a laser detector. Can anyone recommend any that would do the trick and warn me in advance of laser guns, mobile vans and gatso. Look to spend in the region of 100 pounds.

Also how many of you use these devices and how do you find them

Many Thanks
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't think LASER detectors work very well, if you get targeted then they have a speed reading on you before you have time to react. They only thing they might help is reminding you to keep your speed under control when you are being targeted.

A jammer is the thing to have apparently though they are expensive and of dubious legality...
Gone fishing!
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 9:24 am    Post subject: Re: Laser Detector / Mobile Camera Points Reply with quote

diamondgeezer1 wrote:
Quick question to ask how many of you are using the mobile camera database. Tbh it is getting extremely frustrating, warning every 200 yards on some stretches of roads that there is a mobile camera site.

I use the mobile file, though to be honest, I ave very rarely seen one of the mobile sites in use. On the other hand, I can't say that I've noticed a warning every 200 yards.

However, I certainly don't use the pmobile file, as I think one or two unconfirmed sitings at a particular location aren't enough to make me nervous about them - yet! Are you getting warnings of pmobiles?
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 11:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I use it because that is the camera type most likely to catch you/me.

Forget laser detectors, they don't work and they will soon become illegal to use anyway.
Darren Griffin
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

diamondgeezer1 wrote:
Quick question to ask how many of you are using the mobile camera database.

I certainly use it, it’s best if you use the one that shows the individual speed zones.

diamondgeezer1 wrote:
Tbh it is getting extremely frustrating, warning every 200 yards on some stretches of roads that there is a mobile camera site.

There are a few places in my area where there are a group of mobile sites, but I certainly haven’t found that mobiles are everywhere. Don’t forget that all sites have to be verified and that the verifier will analyse each site to see whether it could be used as a mobile site.

In an order to keep the mobile sites up-to-date, PocketGPSWorld asks that you always report when you see a mobile site in use. This is then added to the database. Any mobile sites that hasn’t had one or more reports as being used in a year will now be automatically deleted from the database.

Finally, if you are aware of any mobile sites that are impractical as a site to be used then please report them and give reasons for doing so. If a verifier agrees with your reasons then the site will be removed.

All of the above help to ensure that the PocketGPSWorld camera database is as accurate as possible.

diamondgeezer1 wrote:
As a result I'm contemplating getting a laser detector. Can anyone recommend any that would do the trick and warn me in advance of laser guns, mobile vans and gatso. Look to spend in the region of 100 pounds.

As already mentioned, laser detectors are not worth it as you are targeted and processed before you can react to any warnings.

iPhone 6s Plus, iOS 14.0.1: iOS CamerAlert v2.0.7
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

..............Forget laser detectors, they don't work and they will soon become illegal to use anyway.

Also forget Jammers unless you want to be a guest of HMPS for 'Perverting the Course of Justice' and that did happen last year.

For detectors read HERE.
TomTom Go 60
Garmin Nüvi 660, Firmware v4.90
Drive-Smart GPS with Loader v1.4.16
HTC Advantage X7500 MS 6.1 Tchart Speed Sentry
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