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TomTom Rider 2 and Cardo Scala Rider Q2
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 9:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

We have bought 2 x Cardo Scala Q2 headsets and Tom Tom Rider V2 so we can use GPS and also communicate bike-to-bike.

We have paired everything up correctly - or so it seems, however....

...all works ok EXCEPT that when the TomTom instructions come through the headsets the bike-to-bike communication is lost - PERMANENTLY.

It is only supposed to interrupt bike-to-bike communication temporarily whilst the Tom Tom gives instructions.

Anyone else had this problem and know how to overcome it?
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have been emailing tomtom about the problems with the Q2 and first they said that its not on their list, so it's not compatible. So I asked them if it was just "Not compatable" or if it was waiting to be tested. It took a couple of weeks but their tech dept replied today, here it is:

"Regretably we can not send further information until the headset would have finished it's testing before we can tell whether it will be compatible or not. The best thing would be to check the tomtom web site periodically or subscribe to the tomtom news letter for updates."

So they are still testing, let's hope that they can work out a software patch to sort out the problems.

I hope they sort it in time for the TT............... Very Happy Mmmm, Bushys!
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 3:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you so much for the reply. Cool
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 5:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No Prob's at all. I am just trying to sort out the set-up like others here. One thing I noticed that is a bit strange, I went for a ride today on my own, (Billy no mates,) and I noticed that the tomtom instructions started off a bit distorted then became clearer at the end of the message. First of all, I thought it was just me, but it happened all day, anyone else noticed this, or is it the onset of senile dementure? Of course I didn't test it over 30MPH officer.... Smile
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 6:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes we've noticed that too.

One time when it's switched on it will be a bit crackly, the next time we switch it on it will be crystal clear.

Strange. Confused
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 3:28 pm    Post subject: scala rider Q2 Review Reply with quote

If you're looking for an independent review of the new scala-rider Q2 Bike to Bike intercom system, check out this end user's review:


If you have any questions or difficulties setting up your scala-rider Q2, please contact Cardo Systems Support at support@cardosystems.com or 1-800-488-0363.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 6:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If Im following this, I can buy a Q2 headset and let my pillion have the rider2 cardo and then pair my new headset with the rider2 AND the pillion? That would be neat! Whats the battery life likely to be between headsets given that wind noise is probably going to have them transmitting all the time and if I do end up crossing spain in september it wont be that easy to charge em...

Deauville NT650v2
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 11:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi... Ive just purchased the latest tomtom rider V2 and Scala Q2 headset... I cant get the headset to pair with the tomtom, the error says that the Q2 does not support the correct functionality ??

Is this a tomtom problem or scala headset ??

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 11:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

clwydian wrote:
If Im following this, I can buy a Q2 headset and let my pillion have the rider2 cardo and then pair my new headset with the rider2 AND the pillion? That would be neat! Whats the battery life likely to be between headsets given that wind noise is probably going to have them transmitting all the time and if I do end up crossing spain in september it wont be that easy to charge em...

Deauville NT650v2

Hi Carl, I have got this config up and running OK. I have TomTom Rider 2 and use the Q2. My wife uses the original Cardo headset supplied with the Rider2. The order of pairing the GPS and the two headsets was important. I think I paired the Q2 with the Rider 2 (after a full reset of both) and then paired the Q2 with the other headset.

The only problems are:

- The GPS instructions interrupt the intercom and I would prefer to have it the other way round
- The voice activation feature of the headsets does not seem to work. You need to tap the button at the back of the headset twice to initiate a conversation.
- Only the Q2 can end a conversation, although either headset can start one...!

Because we are using the manual activation, the talktime is very good. We went on a 9 hour ride and the headsets were still working (TomTom died after 5 hours) - although we only talk to each other for 20-30 secs every 10 minutes or so.

The Rider 2 / Q2 combo seems very fiddly with regard to pairing (more likely TomTom's fault than Cardos I think).
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 11:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Devil1979 wrote:
Hi... Ive just purchased the latest tomtom rider V2 and Scala Q2 headset... I cant get the headset to pair with the tomtom, the error says that the Q2 does not support the correct functionality ??

Is this a tomtom problem or scala headset ??


Try doing a full reset of the headset and then pairing. If that doesn't work, try doing a full reset of BOTH the TomTom Rider 2 and the headset. You will eventually get them paired, but it's a fiddly and confusing process!
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 7:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Folks,

This is the first time I've EVER participated in a forum of any kind, so bear with me if I get it wrong.

I've just read through all the posts on this thread about TomTom Rider & headsets (having just bought a Rider). Can't help noticing a number of people suggesting they're going to Garmin.

My advice to that is PLEASE DON'T!!

Over the past 5 years I've had several personal GPS devices: Palm/Kirio, Medion PDA with built-in GPS, Garmin, TomTom Go520. Of the early ones the Medion (believe it or not) was superb but they have (or had) a strange policy on map upgrades that meant you had to buy a completely new device! So I bought a near top of the range Garmin - in the belief that as one of the market leaders they must be good. How wrong can you be!

The good points:
Great build quality, excellent if sometimes idiosyncratic interface (no qwerty keyboard simulation for text entry!), superb mobile phone integration.

However, it's bad points I found to be a real killer and frankly amazing:

1. It's advance route planning was dreadful in that it was non-existent: you could only have a Start Point, an End Point and ONE diversion. The concept of itinery planning on the device itself or on a PC first seems to have completely escaped them.

2. It's route planning for the journey in hand was absolutelly abysmal - I kid you not. The routing software seems completely incapable of determining the difference between a motorway or major dual carriageway and a VERY minor "C" road. On one route I tried it out on locally it constantly directed me up a single track byway with grass down the middle even when I told it I was a bus or lorry. On a journey from Cornwall to the Dartford tunnel along the A30 it wanted to make a 10 mile diversion along another C road for no apparent reason. Or how about the time that it had a choice of taking me for a 5 mile drive between 2 roundabouts either along a dual-carriageway A10 or a housing estate built around a B/C road route? You guess!

It's navigation route "planning" was always doing this and I never found a way round it. No wonder there are constant reports in the media about inappropriate vehicles going along anappropriate roads. I'd love to know what proportion are Garmins.

None of my previous sat nav devices did this to anything like the same degree and both TomToms I've bought (the Go520 and the Rider) don't either.

3. For me, the final nail in the coffin was its dreadful speed camera database that failed to notify me, even with the "latest" updates, of many speed camera sites in my area that had been there for years - not according to Garmins database.

So, I really do hate being negative about anything, but this was one product that really did not live up to it's reputation. I'm not saying TomTom is perfect but in 6 months of use it has so far never chosen a "C" road over an "A" road. Bliss!

I was, and still am, amazed that I've seen no similar reports in the media. Perhaps their owners think that that's how all sat nav systems work. I don't know, I can only speak as I found. But if you really don't like TomTom customer support and want to go to Garmin.... I'd love to hear how you get on.
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PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 3:45 pm    Post subject: Tomtom reply Reply with quote

Hi Guys,
Just a quick update for you. I have just installed the latest update to my Rider 2, and I asked support if it now included a fix for the Q2. Here is their reply:

Thank you for contacting TomTom Customer Support.

Unfortunately, this headset is still not compatible with your device.

The new application release included some new features for the Rider devices, but the compatibility list still applies as before.

It is possible that it is incompatible due to the differences in the hardware of both devices, and not the software.

In this case, it is not something that can be fixed with the software updates.

With Best Regards

The TomTom Customer Support Team

Mine is working on a hit and miss basis, most of the features work, but not all the time.

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PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2008 12:57 pm    Post subject: Scala-Rider Q2 - Scala Rider Reply with quote

Hi there,

I am very new to this game, and possibly a tad late. Firstly, thanks to you all, for the information given in all the previous threads. I was thinking about purchasing the Q2 for use with my TT2 v2, and as like others putting the rider headset on my wife's helmet. Heaven knows why !! probably because I am fed up with being dug in the ribs. Anyway I went ahead, and bought one, and the pairings went of, with slight glitches, but were successful, within an hour. Laughing

Crying or Very sad The only problem, well not really a problem, but it could be easier.
When paired together - the Q2 & Rider, I would have thought that the pairing would make the Rider as the primary headset, and for manual connect & disconnect, ONE tap on the MC button would work. In fact, and I cannot get it to work any other way, even after resetting the pairings, numerous times, is to connect and disconnect manually by TWO taps on the MC button.

Question Has anyone with the above configuration, found the same, or does someone out there know how to convert from the TWO tap connect/disconnect, to the ONE tap !!! ????

All the best and keep it on the Black Stuff, else it hurts!!!
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PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2008 1:50 am    Post subject: Re: SOLUTION: Connecting scala-rider Q2 and TomTom Rider 2nd Reply with quote

ariellifschitz wrote:
Hi all
There is a solution for the problem some people have been having connecting the TomTom Rider 2nd edition to the new scala-rider Q2.

The TomTom Rider 2nd edition should be the 1st device that is paired to a new scala-rider Q2. If you pair the scala-rider Q2 to other scala-rider headsets after pair the TomTom Rider to the scala-rider Q2, everything should work like a charm.

If you've already paired your scala-rider Q2 to another headset, no problem!

You can RESET PAIRINGS on the scala-rider Q2 in order to set it back to default factory conditions.

This will allow you to start fresh and get your TomTom Rider paired to your scala-rider Q2 first.


You can delete all of the headset’s Intercom pairings at any time.
1. Place the scala-rider Q2 into Intercom Pairing mode following these
--A. If the headset is turned OFF, turn it ON by pressing and holding
the CTRL Button until the Blue Light flashes three times.
--B. Make sure that the headset is now flashing slowly in Blue.
--C. Pick up the headset and simultaneously press and hold the CTRL
Button and MC Button for at least six seconds until the Red Light
begins flashing rapidly, indicating it is in Intercom Pairing mode.

2. Once the Red Light begins flashing rapidly, press and hold Volume up
for three seconds.
3. The Red and Blue Lights will flash five times, confirming that the Reset
Pairing was successful.
4. Now pair the TomTom Rider to the scala-rider Q2.
5. Next pair the scala-rider Q2 to any other scala-rider headsets you wish to use with it.


Ariel Lifschitz
Cardo Systems Support Center

Excellent Post..

If you are receiving the "Scala Rider Q2 features not supported". Try this...

You are probably seeing this because you used another model of Scala before (like the one shipped with the unit).

It will be necessary for you to do a COMPLETE reset of your Rider 2.

Be sure you have downloaded the very latest software for your Rider 2, at the time of this post it is Version 7.540

Touch the center of you screen or be at the Main Menu 1 of 3.
Touch the option icon for "Change Preferences"
You should see Preferences 1 of 8
Continue to push the arrow until you arrive at Preferences 8 of 8
You will now see the icon for "Reset factory Settings"
Select this and continue to select yes until the unit cycles to reset
This reset is different from the manual one next to the power supply port which is reset by using a small wire such as paper clip.
Simply reseting by the wire will cycle the unit but will not clear out the data.

Now go back and tell the unit to pair with scala Q2.


Selecting the factor reset will clear out ALL the data and put the unit as it was new and out of the box.. so you will have to pair to your phone again. All phonebook will be lost as well.

This worked for me and now the Rider 2 is working with my Scala Q2.

Sorry I cannot comment on adding other units, perhaps others can.

Be sure to follow the instuctions by ariellifschitz on how to reset your Scala Q2 unit. Thumbs Up
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 2:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi guys Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

I have just bought tomtom rider 2 and cardo scala Q2.

I have problem to pair the two devices even though i have tried everything you wrote in the forum.

I don't know what else to try....I reset tomtom...i reset cardoQ2...i did in your way and even in the way of the manual of cardo Q2 but nothing worked.

Please help me out...i am getting mad.

Thank you
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