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Yes we are aware of the GAtso issue this is still down to the the database been built incorrectly . The identifier for kmph or mph is mixed up with the camera type hence why everything is coming up GATSO .
You can reaasure yourself by editing the file and swapping the data while it gets fixed.
WLMOATE, Is your Avatar you in despair helping to sort out the database, or are you beating up the DS unit?
You can reaasure yourself by editing the file and swapping the data while it gets fixed.
Will have ago - hope i'm not being impatient, just thought i would add in comments as they happen - to keep all up todate. _________________ TomTom Go 60
Garmin Nüvi 660, Firmware v4.90
Drive-Smart GPS with Loader v1.4.16
HTC Advantage X7500 MS 6.1 Tchart Speed Sentry
Satmap Active 10, Software v1.16
Fuzion 32 HUD Bluetooth GPS receiver
the DriveSmart Team's most recent comments about SPECS seem to me to indicate that we could include a so-called 'start' entry in the database for each SPECS camera that falls within a particular set of such cameras. And, as you have pointed out, indicating the end of a set of SPECS cameras, by giving the last one a 180 degree direction reversal.
Given that the DS team recently released database 'Europe_111006.csv', I wonder if any other DS owners have had a chance to analyse this data and can confirm how we should code for SPECS.
Joined: Aug 31, 2005 Posts: 15356 Location: Bradford, West Yorkshire
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 8:57 pm Post subject:
WLMOATE wrote:
According to DS the info should be as follows
Long/Lat/speed limit/1=mph 0=kmph/camera warning type/direction camera is facing
that's why i never went so far as saying 100% ;) i was under the impression that the 4th column was to say whether the camera was single direction or both ways.
so how does the DS deal with cameras that can face both ways? or doesn't it?
so, basically the 4th column should ALWAYS be 1 for the uk (mph) database?
if you can confirm then i'll get it changed (again) - there will be a database release by the end of this week anyway so will probably release the DS one slightly early (tomorrow) for testing and then release an updated one with all the rest.
we'll get there in the end! all we need now is info on start and end points for the specs but i'm going to post a request for this info in the forums.
don't know if this is the right place to post but there are some mistakes on the database all the gatso's registering on the m4 east and west are not gatso's they are secs andin whitworth rd swindon east bound there is no gatso only a safty van
Joined: Jan 20, 2008 Posts: 55 Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 3:06 pm Post subject:
don't know if this is the right place to post but there are some mistakes on the database all the gatso's registering on the m4 east and west are not gatso's they are secs andin whitworth rd swindon east bound there is no gatso only a safty van
Hi, if you click on the link beneath the "We need you" icon at top left of the page then can enter the map , locate these cameras noting their ID number and then clicking on the "Submit Single Camera Information" link you can then input the camera ID and change the details etc as required and then submit this form. Repeat these steps for each camera location and then the information you submitted will be included in the next updated database is realeased. If everyoe does this when they spot a new camera location or spot a mistake in the current database then the next database will be that much more accurate for our members.
Joined: Aug 31, 2005 Posts: 15356 Location: Bradford, West Yorkshire
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 3:21 pm Post subject:
wolf_funk wrote:
don't know if this is the right place to post but there are some mistakes on the database all the gatso's registering on the m4 east and west are not gatso's they are secs andin whitworth rd swindon east bound there is no gatso only a safty van
"whitworth rd swindon" on the map this is shown as a mobile van?
the entry in the 'csv' file is: -1,78525;51,58359;30;1;9;82
which breaks down to: lon ; lat ; speed ; mph ; type(mobile) ; heading 82
unless of course the required format has changed?!
one of the specs is: -1,55695;51,48204;50;1;11;305
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