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I just upgraded the TomTom 300 to the latest application version 7.161 and discovered that I had to reset all of the poi warning sounds.
After setting them all up again and restarting the tomtom the gatso settings had all defaulted to Bell 1.
Any idea why it is doing this ? Is it a known isue ?
Can anyone suggest how to remedy this using just the default sounds please ?
Have had a look through the forums but couldn't find anything that describes the issue as above.
Joined: Dec 08, 2004 Posts: 10644 Location: Suffolk, UK
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 9:51 am Post subject:
Warn When Near has always had a Default Sound, which you then changed to one of your choice.
In the later Software Versions there are more, and different, sounds and TT has changed the Default Sound. You have to re-select the warning sound you require.
It's not so much an issue, as a change in the way the warning is done. _________________ Richard
TT 910 V7.903: Europe Map v1045
TT Via 135 App 12.075: Europe Map v1145
Warn When Near has always had a Default Sound, which you then changed to one of your choice.
In the later Software Versions there are more, and different, sounds and TT has changed the Default Sound. You have to re-select the warning sound you require.
It's not so much an issue, as a change in the way the warning is done.
Ahhmmm, yeah, ok thanks - but You are slightly incorrect in the latest version of software 7.161 when installed on the Go300 the default sounds are the same
I already know how to change the sounds to another , as i stated in my original post i had set up the sounds already.
As much as I appreciate your quick reply you haven't really answered the question.
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 Posts: 19991 Location: West and Southwest London
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 10:46 am Post subject:
The default sounds HAVE changed, but it now seems not for every model.
My 720 came with the original set of Bells, cows etc., but on the first software update, they were changed. same names, subtly different sounds. The only ones I use, Polite 1,2,3 were the ones that had changed the most (so I had to resort to devious means to get the originals back!)
However, the 700 I updated for a friend on Thursday, seems to still have the same sounds. Odd
As for why they are being forgotten. It DOES have a bug that causes this. It is as yet unknown what the exact combination of circumstances that causes it are, but it only happens occasionally, and it looks like you have just been unlucky that it happened straight away. In the 5 months I've had my new unit, it must have lost all the warnings about 6 times. It is a real pain, and quite time consuming to re-set them all (especially if you have typed in your own text to speech warnings).
What I now do, is get them all correct and then make an extra back-up copy of JUST the "MapSettings.cfg" file that is in your map folder. That has all your settings saved in it, so if it loses them all again, you can just paste the back-up one back over the top.
(Do be aware though, that same file has other info like favourites and recent destinations, so if those have changed you will lose the changes).
Joined: Jan 14, 2005 Posts: 19638 Location: Blackpool , Lancs
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 10:50 am Post subject:
But the sounds associated with certain selections is different with the new software, when you set them up did you actually listen to the Polite 1, 2 and 3 noises?
There is also a rew people reporting that the warning sounds return to a base setting loosing your selection, I have never experianced this though - Mike
But the sounds associated with certain selections is different with the new software, when you set them up did you actually listen to the Polite 1, 2 and 3 noises?
There is also a rew people reporting that the warning sounds return to a base setting loosing your selection, I have never experianced this though - Mike
Hi Mike - yes i did listen to them - they are the same sounds.
I will try choosing a different alert and see if it has the same result but i would imagine that it will.
It only seems to be the gatsos that change which is obviously a bit dangerous !
Thanks for the info.
The sounds don't appear to have changed in the upgrade for the GO300 during any of the application upgrades though
Andy_P2002 wrote:
The default sounds HAVE changed, but it now seems not for every model.
My 720 came with the original set of Bells, cows etc., but on the first software update, they were changed. same names, subtly different sounds. The only ones I use, Polite 1,2,3 were the ones that had changed the most (so I had to resort to devious means to get the originals back!)
However, the 700 I updated for a friend on Thursday, seems to still have the same sounds. Odd
As for why they are being forgotten. It DOES have a bug that causes this. It is as yet unknown what the exact combination of circumstances that causes it are, but it only happens occasionally, and it looks like you have just been unlucky that it happened straight away. In the 5 months I've had my new unit, it must have lost all the warnings about 6 times. It is a real pain, and quite time consuming to re-set them all (especially if you have typed in your own text to speech warnings).
What I now do, is get them all correct and then make an extra back-up copy of JUST the "MapSettings.cfg" file that is in your map folder. That has all your settings saved in it, so if it loses them all again, you can just paste the back-up one back over the top.
(Do be aware though, that same file has other info like favourites and recent destinations, so if those have changed you will lose the changes).
Warn When Near has always had a Default Sound, which you then changed to one of your choice.
In the later Software Versions there are more, and different, sounds and TT has changed the Default Sound. You have to re-select the warning sound you require.
It's not so much an issue, as a change in the way the warning is done.
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 Posts: 19991 Location: West and Southwest London
Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 6:38 pm Post subject:
Depends what your issue is!
At least two of us have said that there is a bug that makes it forget the warnings occasionally. Is that it? Or are you completely unable to change them?
Fair enough - noone said there had to be an answer after all.
The issue is that they occasionally change back - seems to happen only if i connect the device a computer (doesnt matter if it's running home app or not) .
I have had a response from TomTom about the issue
They have sent me a file called "CLEAR FLASH - ALL" which I am supposed to run and it will fix the issue
I haven't tested it yet but i've asked for verification on what the file does - ie what changes it makes to :
a: my computer
b: Tom Tom Home
c: the tomtom device
when i get a response and test it i will post here - if it will help others.
Andy_P2002 wrote:
Depends what your issue is!
At least two of us have said that there is a bug that makes it forget the warnings occasionally. Is that it? Or are you completely unable to change them?
The clear flash tool will remove some small files on the unit itself that are preventing your preferences from being stored ( its not as 'drastic' as the name of the file could imply.)
irishkiwi wrote:
Fair enough - noone said there had to be an answer after all.
The issue is that they occasionally change back - seems to happen only if i connect the device a computer (doesnt matter if it's running home app or not) .
I have had a response from TomTom about the issue
They have sent me a file called "CLEAR FLASH - ALL" which I am supposed to run and it will fix the issue
I haven't tested it yet but i've asked for verification on what the file does - ie what changes it makes to :
a: my computer
b: Tom Tom Home
c: the tomtom device
when i get a response and test it i will post here - if it will help others.
Andy_P2002 wrote:
Depends what your issue is!
At least two of us have said that there is a bug that makes it forget the warnings occasionally. Is that it? Or are you completely unable to change them?
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 Posts: 19991 Location: West and Southwest London
Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 12:29 pm Post subject:
These are the usual reasons for using "Clear Flash"
* You are unable to activate the map on your TomTom device even though you have a valid product code.
* You have to enter the passkey every time you connect your TomTom device with your mobile phone.
* Your settings are not saved when you turn your TomTom device on and off.
Hope it is a solution for this issue too, but personally I doubt it, as it only happens intermittently. If this area of flash memory was ful, wouldn't it do it all the time?
Anyway, no harm in trying it. I've used it several times and it doesn't loose any personal settings.
**EDIT - Although, I just noticed you mention "Clear Flash - All". I suppose it is possiblle the one you have been sent is not quite the same. The actual filename of the version available from the site is "clear_flash.exe" or clear_flash.zip" for the archived version. Is that the same as yours?
The default sounds HAVE changed, but it now seems not for every model.
My 720 came with the original set of Bells, cows etc., but on the first software update, they were changed. same names, subtly different sounds. The only ones I use, Polite 1,2,3 were the ones that had changed the most (so I had to resort to devious means to get the originals back!)
However, the 700 I updated for a friend on Thursday, seems to still have the same sounds. Odd
As for why they are being forgotten. It DOES have a bug that causes this. It is as yet unknown what the exact combination of circumstances that causes it are, but it only happens occasionally, and it looks like you have just been unlucky that it happened straight away. In the 5 months I've had my new unit, it must have lost all the warnings about 6 times. It is a real pain, and quite time consuming to re-set them all (especially if you have typed in your own text to speech warnings).
What I now do, is get them all correct and then make an extra back-up copy of JUST the "MapSettings.cfg" file that is in your map folder. That has all your settings saved in it, so if it loses them all again, you can just paste the back-up one back over the top.
(Do be aware though, that same file has other info like favourites and recent destinations, so if those have changed you will lose the changes).
i'm confused - does "mapsettings.cfg" contain the speed camera databases? Because I have the latest "zoned" camera database files in my UK country map, and I dragged across the old "mapsettings.cfg" file for my recent destinations etc but which also contained the consolidated camera database. No problems to report though"
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 Posts: 19991 Location: West and Southwest London
Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 12:20 pm Post subject:
No, the actual camera databases are the ov2 files and bmp files in your map folder.
Each .ov2 is a standard "POI" (points of interest) file, which is basically just a list of latitudes and longitudes, each with a name and optionally a phone number.
So for the camera database each file contains a list like:
GATSO number 12345 which is at N51.12345 E0.12345
GATSO number 67890 which is at N50.58769 E2.16878
All the TomTom does when it gets near one of these points is work out which ov2 file it is in and flash the corresponding picture (the bmp "icon" file with the same name) on the screen.
The "warn when near" settings you had set up for ANY POI files get saved in the "mapSettings.cfg" file.
So if you set up a warning for the POI file called "Gatso30" the info that gets saved is:
1.He wants a warning for "Gatso30"
2.He wants the warning at 300 yards and
3.He wants me to make 'this' sound
If you move an existing MapSettings.cfg into a new map folder and it has settings in it for ov2 files that don't exist in the new map folder, they will just be ignored.
Hope that answers the question!
The only things to remember are:
1. that lots of OTHER things get saved in the same file,(like your "Home" location and your recent destinations for example).
2. There seems to be extra information stored in the file for machines with text to speech capability. If you use an old file from a machine without it, you might lose the TTS temporarily.
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