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Joined: Dec 01, 2003 Posts: 67 Location: Steeple Claydon Bucks
Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 5:10 pm Post subject: Which maps in the upgrade
I'm a little confused as to how TT intend to upgrade the maps from single country. They say 49 euros to upgrade PLUS the Eurpoean maps. I guess it's the translation but unless I'm mistaken I assume this does NOT include the full European suite does it?? If it's not that are they going to send just TTN3 UK editions to Uk, France to France etc. ? - because this seems rather complex for them logistically. I would like to have France specifically. It used to be possible to buy by country. If they ARE only going to give you a single country it seems a bit mean to make us pay full whack for the whole of Europe. On the other hand 49 euros would be a great price for the lot!!!!!!
I've just checked D3 (not latest roundabout fixed version) it doesn't support M6 toll road either, which suggests that no GPS company will be supporting it in NavTech or TeleAtlas maps.
thank you for the very usefull exercise dave. with the m6 toll issue, i was wondering whether i invested on a product that relies on a weaker company for geodata.
i tried searching other forums for this m6 issue but i guess the search engine might have considered 'm6' as a nuisance word (like 'the' or 'is'). got no result. _________________ tomtom 940 live/tt active dock holder/tt rds-tmc traffic receiver usb
I will probably upgrade, to get the new maps and the traffic option. My phone is the Nokia 6600 and has no problems talking to my IPAQ’s.
The only downside I can see is using a Bluetooth GPS, and Phone together.
Is this possible? Bearing in mind that most GPS receivers I have seen reviewed all use a standard serial port, would this lead to problems?
just tried this evening to connect pocketpc to phone gprs modem, connected to msn, then connected to tomtom bluetooth gps. pocketpc seems to be quite happy to connect to both at the same time. navigated around with no problems.
don't know how it will behave if data download is bigger. good thing tomtom3 comes with a free 3-month subsctiption. _________________ tomtom 940 live/tt active dock holder/tt rds-tmc traffic receiver usb
Joined: Jan 08, 2004 Posts: 58 Location: Wiltshire
Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 10:11 pm Post subject:
I've only had TT2 since January, but think it's fantastic and can generally live with it's flaws.
However I live in a fast growing town (swindon), and it's very apparent how quickly you accept a new road in your mind, but how long it takes to arrive in software (although I have only ever used multimap, MS Autoroute, and now TomTom Navigator).
Today I drove from Swindon to a little village called Slimbridge with a Swan / Duck sanctuary via the A419 / M5 which was redeveloped about 5 years ago, and was amazed at the number of time we disappeared off the map - although in fairness the new road was opened in stages.
I did however lose about 20 mins due to TT2 navigating via the M5 (in the wrong direction), as the slip road to enter the m way had moved.....
As posted above - trust your sense over old data!
I will of course be watching www.tomtom.com like a hawk in mid april, to get my upgrade asap...
Joined: 20/08/2002 11:51:57 Posts: 3859 Location: Essex, UK
Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 10:19 pm Post subject:
himpressive wrote:
Hi you all!
Does anyone know if these new features are also available on the palm (Tungsten T3) version?.
Dave / Lutz, could you guys pleeeeeeease cast a merciful glance down the side of palm users? We're STILL waiting for our review:cry:
Major roads are indeed included, but the T3 edition is based on a new Navigation Engine. This is the same as the new Go and will be the basis for TT developments going forward. There is not a plan to provide the upgrade to be moved across to the Palm or GO systems. We will explain the development path elsewhere, but the concept is to make the instalation and use as easy as possible to move it out to the mass market where people are not PDA technicians just application users hence the new "Plug and Play" GO.
Having played around with the Palm Version I am very impressed with the new software. Unfortunately those of you used to the PPC version will notice a lot of differences, with quite a few bit of functionality missing. I will be doing a comparison this week and documenting them in the review. _________________ Mike Barrett
Joined: 20/08/2002 11:51:57 Posts: 3859 Location: Essex, UK
Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 10:49 pm Post subject:
Dave wrote:
They would really have to release the whole country file because the file is compressed.
This was one of the questions I asked TomTom. There is no possibility of the maps being patched or having amedments added without a complete refresh of the data ie the whole country.
Basically the process for getting the maps is not as simplistic as it would seem.
The mapping provider releases mapping data at regular intervals either quarterly or 6 monthly. The data released on that date will already be out of date by one month. So potentially it can be anything from 1 up to 7 months out of date.
The data is provided as a massive database with lots of different "layers". These include raods, rivers, POIs etc that are used within TomTom, but also have things like kerb heights, drains and all sorts of other data in there as well.
The relevant data needs to be extracted and then compressed into the Navigator format then this needs to be carefully checked to ensure accuracy. All this of course takes time, TomTom reckons on this QA process taking a considerable amount of time.
Once the data has been prepared it then has to be productised and then distributed.
(Mike's thoughts now not TTs) It then becomes a commercial matter. Is the defects in the map data sufficiently inaccurate or faulty to justify a refresh of the maps? How much will it cost to create new distribution disks and send them out. Making the data downloadable is an option (I hear a few of you mutter) well in principle yes but... Imagine 20 people trying to download 128Mb data files all at the same time. Then multiply that by a few hundred as we all want the latest as soon as possible. Dont forget that this needs to be replicated for all of the countries etc.
Bearing all this in mind it can be seen why Navigation software companies decide only to release maps with software updates once a year. The question to be posed I suspect is how much you would be prepared to pay for more regular updates of data? _________________ Mike Barrett
Joined: 17/06/2003 13:56:52 Posts: 81 Location: Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K
Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 11:05 pm Post subject: TTN; B/T GPS & GPRS
Crikey!!! anachronym overload!!
just travelled from Newcastle to Worksop and back today and although i know the route well enough, and there's no cameras, thought i'd take the opportunity to see if trying to make a GPRS connection on from my iPaq 3970 to my moto v600, whilst the 3970 was running TTN2 and "talking" to the Emtac b/t GPS would work.
as reported previously, it worked fine with no interuptions, but NOT whilst either of my b/t headsets (have Jabra, and got a moto one free with the v600) was connected to the mobile.
this was interesting for 2 reasons: i plan to upgrade to TTN3 to make use of the traffic info feature, and also i'll be changing company car soon and plan to get a b/t car kit to be able to use both my work and private mobiles (obviously not together!).
1. Sorting out the map data is an ongoing programme - TT I am sure, will be working on the next lot of maps now. It would be therefore reasonable to assume that a small team would take no longer than 4/6 months to prepare the TT maps, and so could release up to date maps at 4/6 monthly intervals. And as the maps are separate from the software, then there is no need to tie software and map releases.
Also, it is not as if all of the UK data needs re-doing. Only the new roads need to be added How many new roads are there every 4/6months? Not many.
2. Roads and housing estates don't suddenly appear. The planners use gps to prepare their layouts and site plans/routes and this information will be available to the map producers. They could easily put proposed or partially completed roads into their database - if those roads are likely to be completed by he time the maps will be released. OK, there may be a margin of error - but surely a slightly off road is better than no road at all?
Looking at paper maps, then new or proposed roads are put in with dotted lines and a 'completion date' printed along it. Couldn't something like this be done?
Its been mentioned that the map suppliers like to physically drive the route. Now, TT may not have the clout to make demands of thier map supplier. But TT and the other software providers have a lot of disatisfied customers - whom they should be listening to. If they all got togther and then went to the map data provider and said "this is what our customers want", then perhaps they could get the correct data earlier.
As TT is web activated, and users are likely to be connected to the web, then surely map data should be available to download. This will be a little cost compared to distribution by mail. Not everyone has the full UK map loaded, so not everyone needs the full download. Plus how do companies like Symantec, Dell or Asda manage with lots of people accessing their sites at the same time?
No, TT really need to get their priorities right.
Give us new roads - and not new icons
Joined: 15/03/2003 02:43:51 Posts: 8 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2004 2:28 am Post subject:
Regarding the option to enter journey breaks. Does this option include stopover times.
I note that GPRS is required in order to use the trafic warning system and although the actual service is relativly low cost I might point out that a GPRS service is pretty expensive, in my own case if I required to use it I would need to cough up over £30.00 per month before the traffic service charges were added in.
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2004 4:38 am Post subject: Updating maps
Why could TomTom not do something clever, like allow the software to record routes taken or tracks, that you could then email off to TomTom for with details for inclusion in the next monthly map update ?
They could only allow map additions that have come from a number of sources, and even rate the people uploading the data, so regular reliable users could help the rest of the community.
I've loaded tracks from a Garmin 12XL onto PC mapping software and the data that gets supplied should be useable by TomTom to do a temporary map patch. They could also feed information back to their map suppliers for inclusion in their maps.
The data won't be fully surveyed, but they claim that the GPS unit are 95% accurate which should be good enough for routing.
This way we would all have very upto date maps, as soon as a few users have actually driven along them.
Joined: Nov 14, 2003 Posts: 2143 Location: Surrounded by A1, M1 & M25
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2004 7:52 am Post subject: If Alturion can, why not TomTom?
Bearing all this in mind it can be seen why Navigation software companies decide only to release maps with software updates once a year. The question to be posed I suspect is how much you would be prepared to pay for more regular updates of data?
Alturion manage to do this with regular map updates, the latest including the TeleAtlas Jan 2004 Maps.
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