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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 5:07 pm    Post subject: DO MEDION ADDITIONAL MAPS ACTUALLY EXIST ? Reply with quote

There must be others who, like me, bought the Aldi Medion package back in Early November 2003, believing that additional maps would be available. Indeed at my local Aldi I they let me open the box first to get more info, and inside was the little flyer advertising additional maps for Spain/Portugal etc. complete with part numbers, and a telephone number for ordering. So I bought it.

As suspected, the European mapping included on the supplied cards is only intended for major cities. You really need the additional maps for touring holidays etc.

After initialy telephoning them and (I thought) succesfully ordering a map for Spain/Portugal at some £ 70 + postage, I heard nothing. Subsequent phone calls, when I've been patient enough to hang on the line, elicit the response that they have no idea when these additional maps are going to be available. They've confirmed this by email too just before Christmas.

The worrying thing is, I contacted Navigon, who I believe do the maps for Medion, and they don't have any detailed maps for Spain/Portugal planned for Medion. :|

Has ANYONE had any success purchasing additional detailed map cards for this machine from Medion, and has anyone had such difficulty getting through to them ?

I fear that these additional maps will never be available, and that by the end of the year I'll be left with a device great for the UK, but pretty useless for proper street level navigation in Spain. Sad
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 9:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


First off, we did get a really great deal there, so I reckon we shouldn't be too hard on them for not including the detailed European roads in the package. Having said that, I, too, contacted Aldi and Navigon for news on any updates (mid-December), but to this day I haven't received so much as an acknowledgement from Aldi, much less an answer.

What's more, I did get a reply from Navigon; they told me that I was barking up the wrong tree, that I should be asking Aldi about this.

All in all, pretty lousy customer service. This, I reckon, _is_ something to be disappointed about.

So, I'll join you in your quest. If anyone hears of map or software updates, then we're all ears.


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 9:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Glad to see I'm not alone Raffles

I still think the package is a great deal, although it has to be said, I bought it primarily so that I could get the additional maps; that's why I checked the contents of the box first before buying, which is where I saw that extra maps could be bought.

I actually already have Satnav in my car, but I thought it would be good for me and other family members on trips to Spain to take and use in the hire car. Plus the colour map display is so much better than a combined CD player/Satnav that I already have, with it's monochrome display.

I guess I've been lucky to have had an email reply from Medion at all.
Navigon suggested I should buy (or migrate to, I think they said !)THEIR european-wide package which has very detailed maps, and dump the Medion-specific software !

The manager at our local Aldi was quite sympathetic, and said I could bring it back at any time within a year for a refund. I hope I won't have to do that, as it's a really great little unit. Agree with all other posts about untidy cables, poor battery cover etc., and lack of a grille-mount for the holder is a real omission, especially for cars where the windscreen is set a mile away.

As a quick update, I called Medion again this afternoon, and after another 1/2 hour wait, I spoke to a guy who assures me these additional maps WILL be available, but is again unable to say when. They might make great products, but the backup and after sales is exteremely poor.

Raffles, let me know if you get anywhere with the extra maps - likewise here.

Cheers Thumbs Up
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 12:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

bring it back at any time within a year for a refund.

Just the one year? Shoud be 3 years, really. That's what it says on the brochure anyways.

Well, it's good to see that new maps will indeed become available then. Good for us.

We'll be in touch.


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PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 3:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not wishing to stir things up, But

If you are after a Fully detailed European coverage why not splash out the Extra and Get TomTom with The European Map sets,

If you check the Navigon site you will see that the Detailed maps are still limited to Cities in many areas, I understand TomTOm covers much more area with its Euro Map Collection

Saying that, I must point out I don't use TomTom for Europe,

I use TomTom in the USA, and in Europe I use the detailed Medion/Navigon maps I managed to "Trade" with other users! as Europe is not my main area of driving (Only 1 or 2 visits a year), compared to 4 months a year on the road in the US,


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PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 4:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm afraid that with that post you are stirring things up a little Vicky.

Either way, I'll give the Navigon/Medion/Aldi combo the benefit of the doubt, for now. Yes, their after-sales is crappy, but I still reckon they'll come clean eventually. ("Hope" maybe is more apt here.)

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 10:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I heard the 7 cd set of europe from navigon IS compatible with mapexport from medion (no official channels just a textfile I found on the internet from a German p2p sharer)

I also used tomtom2 on the medion as a test and decided to stay with the medion navigator because of it's accuracy and speed.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 12:42 am    Post subject: MAPS AVAILABLE Reply with quote

I herewith confirm that other maps are available.

Actualy I have Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Spain and Portugal.

They are all working fine and with mapexport you can extract the area which you are interested. Very goog tool.

For more detail you can revert to me marcolx@internet.lu


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 1:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

vicky wrote:
I use TomTom in the USA, and in Europe I use the detailed Medion/Navigon maps I managed to "Trade" with other users! as Europe is not my main area of driving (Only 1 or 2 visits a year), compared to 4 months a year on the road in the US,

Blimey Vicky! 8O What line of work are you in? 4 month road trips of the USA sound a great adventure from where I'm sitting (and have sat for the past 5 years stuck in the Office).

Good advice on TomTom. Will remember it for my next stateside holiday!

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 6:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Are you interested in getting a working map f. i. from France or Benelux ?
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 8:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

jules2 wrote:
Are you interested in getting a working map f. i. from France or Benelux ?
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 12:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 9:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Any joy on the maps for France Germany yet folks?
I don't have time to sit on the phone waiting for them
to answer, i have tried 4 or 5 times. I too bought the
Aldi bundle because the box told me other maps available.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 9:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Medion UK now have the map packs as well as other accessories available for purchase on their website here.
Darren Griffin
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 6:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

[quote="basmul"]I heard the 7 cd set of europe from navigon IS compatible with mapexport from medion (no official channels just a textfile I found on the internet from a German p2p sharer)

i can confirm that the 7 cd set is compatible with our medion.
i have them here at home on a dvd .it's also possible to make a corridor over the border of different countries.i think this is not possible with the original cd's of medion
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