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Is there any other DS users who are running both DS and PGPSW databases together?
Am I having a conflict in running the two databases together - should I use the new DS loader software and try the PGPSW one on its own, if so how would I revert back to the origional DS database if I need to?
Is there any other DS users who are running both DS and PGPSW databases together?
Am I having a conflict in running the two databases together - should I use the new DS loader software and try the PGPSW one on its own, if so how would I revert back to the origional DS database if I need to?
Anyone else with any ideas?
Hi Snoopydog,
I have decided not to use the DS database, it might be OK but due to a missing camera (Old established Truvelo) and most of the mobiles I came across, (this was when the forum was running) so decided to leave it alone and changed to pgpsw.
DS depended on the forum members to give them updates on new cameras, moved cameras etc and now the forum is "dead" (no input by members) i can't see how they can keep it up todate.
However, i run the same pgpsw database on both my DS and Nuvi and get different warnings, MaFt has mentioned that the DS is directional so more accurate, but quite often the Nuvi mentions many positions (such as mobiles) that the DS doesn't even mention, so I find it very confusing.
I have now accepted that for some strange reason they appear to be "different" despite the same pgpsw database, so use both units together.
So with that in mind, using DS and pgpsw database side-by-side must be more than confusing.
If I could, i would only use the DS for camera warnings as I feel if the database was complete in ALL aspects such as Blackspots and Spec's, this is by far the most superior and advanced camera detecting unit sold anywhere today - nothing else seems to get near it.
Shame that Drive Smart is such a useless Company, the product maybe ugly, but is proving to be outstanding against the opposition.
Pity they can't be user friendly on support, the database and communication as they could clean the market on camera detectors. _________________ TomTom Go 60
Garmin Nüvi 660, Firmware v4.90
Drive-Smart GPS with Loader v1.4.16
HTC Advantage X7500 MS 6.1 Tchart Speed Sentry
Satmap Active 10, Software v1.16
Fuzion 32 HUD Bluetooth GPS receiver
Joined: Aug 31, 2005 Posts: 15352 Location: Bradford, West Yorkshire
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 1:02 pm Post subject:
i wonder if drivesmart have told us everything needed to get the camera database working on their units? cos as far as i'm aware their rules have been followed to the letter...
Thanks for your feedback, I agree with you on your thoughts about the DS (ugly or not it still seems to be the best system if the database etc was up to date).
I shall carry on using both for the moment (European cover has been handy with the DS database)then will try the pgpsw on its own until I find something that suits me better!!
Good Luck, give updates on your progress. _________________ TomTom Go 60
Garmin Nüvi 660, Firmware v4.90
Drive-Smart GPS with Loader v1.4.16
HTC Advantage X7500 MS 6.1 Tchart Speed Sentry
Satmap Active 10, Software v1.16
Fuzion 32 HUD Bluetooth GPS receiver
Joined: Nov 28, 2005 Posts: 226 Location: Cheltenham
Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 5:39 pm Post subject:
I have been using both databases on my DS for a week or more now. Fortunately I don't have much in the way of cameras to run the gauntlet with. Since installing the pgpsw onto the DS I have gained at least two false gatso alerts between work and home which I have come to ignore as the actual gatso camera site and known mobile sites still alert from the DS database, including the user imput ones. Whilst some may find the DS an ugly duckling, it is still the most user friendly and best alround unit going. At least, if like me you are on a regular run you can simply set your own user definable sites, gatso or mobile, to give you timely warnings even if the DS database is now dyfunct. The other makers units, though they say you can record your own camera sites, they don't actually seem to mean the same thing as we have come to understand of the DS system. The Pogo had a graphic of a camera ghosted out on the screen, when pressed this did record the site but this was uploaded to Origin to be verified before being included in their database. So, even here, the consumer is still having to help keep the camera database up-to-date but with less flexibility than with the DS system. Origin and other makers of units could still learn a lot from what the DS had established. As I and others have said, the DS is by far the most superior all round system. By all means criticise its looks, but compared with the offerings today, its clear screen, its clear alerts and its user imput and menus certainly don't lag behind what's on offer elsewhere. If only the database could be brought upto date, I would happily purchase another such unit. Whats the point of an attractive looking unit if it only lets you know of sites governed by what the manufacturers decide they will alert you too i.e. Origin and others seem to want to deny their customers a database with Mobile or Red Camera sites included. Why?
Good to see your back on the DS and not that old Pogo.
By all means criticise its looks, but compared with the offerings today, its clear screen
A a past DS member once said - it looks like a taxi meter.
At least it is less likely to be nicked, I leave mine on the dash all the time.
Whilst some may find the DS an ugly duckling, it is still the most user friendly and best alround unit going.
MaFt is shortly to use a DS, so will be interesting to hear his views. _________________ TomTom Go 60
Garmin Nüvi 660, Firmware v4.90
Drive-Smart GPS with Loader v1.4.16
HTC Advantage X7500 MS 6.1 Tchart Speed Sentry
Satmap Active 10, Software v1.16
Fuzion 32 HUD Bluetooth GPS receiver
Joined: Nov 28, 2005 Posts: 226 Location: Cheltenham
Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 6:57 pm Post subject:
If it hadn't been for the demise of the DS team, I doubt that I would have ever gotten on the Pogo in the first place, as I have always found the DS unit to be a good alrounder and even today there is nothing as comprehensive and as flexible. Origin could only enhance its own unit if it was to take this on board.
Sadly I fear that the DS unit has a very short life left. Unless a fully functional alternative to its now dyfunct database can be found rather than needing to rely upon a mixture of DS, PGPSW and user definable imputs, which can only lead to added complication and frustration, even it most ardent supporters will end up binning it. And of course what happens when the unit itself gives up the ghost?
Using 2 databases on the same unit causes issues, but generally only when two simaler locations are passed. EG a Gatso in the PGPS database and a camera in the DS database.
My advice is to only use one EG PGPS , the details of how to do this correctly are on this site.
Secondly less camera alerts when compared with a Nuvi, this is due to the directional heading data can be incorrect on some cameras hence why you have no alert.
Next time you have no alert check the heading data on this site, also if you get chance to pass any Truvelos and some do or do NOT alert can you pass me camera details as I may have a nother spanner to throw in the works. _________________ Wayne
most red light cameras have the dual capability of speed cameras, and I am reliably informed that those that don't, soon will. _________________ "Let's be careful out there!"
I only found out about the DS website no longer issuing updates today. I want there to get an update and found everything seems to have stopped, no messages on message boards etc.
I use to use this site for my pocket pc when i had Tom Tom installed for the speed cameras.
I do have a question if i load the PGPS database onto the Drive smart will these be directional alerts as i know on my pocket pc these were not.
Joined: Apr 18, 2007 Posts: 14 Location: Kent UK, N Italy, Germany
Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 12:18 am Post subject:
Sadly DS have thrown in the towel
The PGP database is directional for the DS and it is improving all the time, of course it is still a learning curve, but I think you will get on with the PGP database without problems, it is quite reliable now.
Just a tip only use the PGP database as a standalone if you are going to subscribe to it, if you use the DS database as well the DS gets a little confused, poor thing.
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