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What sort of "specialist" cover are you looking for from the Nuvi? - you can have spoken camera alerts on the device, and they work (wav file format and installed along with the POI using a beta version of POILoader) have a read of This Thread. The audio files can be obtained from PocketGPSWorld (currently in the ogg format and then converted to wav using a sound edittor)
I did notice that you can get voices other than the irritating "bong bong"
but assumed (maybe wrongly) that all i would achieve is may be "30mph camera ahead" (or similar).
At present i get different voices for each camera, such as "warning Gatso ahead" "speed 30mph" "warning speed too fast" all in different situations as well as measured bleeps in and past the camera, AND flashing lights, in green or red - per camera.
You might feel this is overkill, but i like it and whether i should or not (40 years bad habits) i drive on the razor edge of legal limits all the time i'm allowed.[/b] _________________ TomTom Go 60
Garmin Nüvi 660, Firmware v4.90
Drive-Smart GPS with Loader v1.4.16
HTC Advantage X7500 MS 6.1 Tchart Speed Sentry
Satmap Active 10, Software v1.16
Fuzion 32 HUD Bluetooth GPS receiver
I will read the thread as soon as possible, but off to London tonight, for a couple of days, to test the new pgpsw DS database. _________________ TomTom Go 60
Garmin Nüvi 660, Firmware v4.90
Drive-Smart GPS with Loader v1.4.16
HTC Advantage X7500 MS 6.1 Tchart Speed Sentry
Satmap Active 10, Software v1.16
Fuzion 32 HUD Bluetooth GPS receiver
Joined: Jan 14, 2005 Posts: 19638 Location: Blackpool , Lancs
Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 2:20 pm Post subject:
I get "Warning GATSO ahead speed limit is 30 miles per hour" or "This is an average speed camera zome, speed limit is 50 miles per hour" so it will differentiate between camera types and the applicable speed, it won't warn you if you are over the limit with a seperate warning, although this has been talked about in the past - not too sure if Garmin have any plans for that functionality though - Mike
As I have said before I do find the database by PGPSW to be far superior on my TT than the database of the DS. Therefore I do find I rely on my TT more than the DS. Having said that I still find the DS useful for warning you when you are above the speed limit and that it gives you youre average speed over specs. So if it possible (and it sounds like it is) to download the PGPSW database to my DS then I will and continue to use it alongside my TT.
Also the £19 membership is worth every penny to have a more reliable database, as I recieved 3 points the otherside of Christmas using my DS, which didnt warn me of a possible mobile. Wkich I would also point out that my TT does with the PGPSW files.
Overall the DS is a good unit but will be much better with a database you can rely on.
I get "Warning GATSO ahead speed limit is 30 miles per hour" or "This is an average speed camera zome, speed limit is 50 miles per hour" so it will differentiate between camera types and the applicable speed, it won't warn you if you are over the limit with a seperate warning, although this has been talked about in the past
I will have to look at that thread to see how it is done, which i will do next week, to see how it works, but i do feel that a multiple spoken warning is essential as i seem to go deaf to all the "bongs" _________________ TomTom Go 60
Garmin Nüvi 660, Firmware v4.90
Drive-Smart GPS with Loader v1.4.16
HTC Advantage X7500 MS 6.1 Tchart Speed Sentry
Satmap Active 10, Software v1.16
Fuzion 32 HUD Bluetooth GPS receiver
Joined: Nov 28, 2005 Posts: 226 Location: Cheltenham
Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 7:04 pm Post subject:
Firstly let me say just in case there was any misunderstanding re my earlier post on the cost of the pocketgps database when discussing my views on the DS that I was not in any way or with any intention complaining about the annual subscription fee of £19.00. If it came across that way I apologise. I think it is a very reasonable subscription and as I now have to pay £50 annually to update the Pogo it would be quite wrong of me to complain about less especially when you take into account all the other benefits of this site. I was trying to say that 'free for life' proved to mean very little in reality as demonstrated by the DS teams sudden and inexpicable behaviour and total disregard for its supporters. But as a reason alone for keeping DS, a free database would no longer apply if installing the pocketgps database as this is a subscription database. I realise that forum members did much to help maintain the DS database but this to be honest was a feature that attracted a great deal of the forum members who wanted to be involved.
As I said, I do see some merit in being able to use the DS with the pocketgps database, but I would not personally now buy an new DS to be able to do this. If your need is still for a speedcamera detector alone and you can convert your DS to this database, great, I will probably do the same. However, if starting afresh, all I am saying is that I would consider whats on the market today. I invested in the Pogo because I wanted an alternative to the DS as this appeared to all intent and purposes to be defunct. The Pogo is a speed camera database and is in several ways much better than the DS. Also, when you take into account the experiences of former DS members who having installed the pocketgps database onto the Nuvi or TT and who have concluded it to be a better database than the DS then you have to take into account whether trying to hang onto the DS is worthwhile. For some it will be, whilst for others it won't. I was saying that at the moment I haven't quite decided on which side of the fence to come down on.
Joined: Nov 28, 2005 Posts: 226 Location: Cheltenham
Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 9:50 pm Post subject:
Hi Darren,
To answer you question.
Well you will perhaps remember that on the prior to my departure I started to have difficulty with the satnav side of things on the Origin Pogo Drive whilst the Speed Camera implementation seemed to be o.k.
The problem I was having appeared to be stemming from the “Tour Planning” settings menu. Each time I set a destination using my home as the starting point as stored under ‘Favourites’ pressing the route calculation lead the screen to freeze and an error 8 code was given (whatever that is). I concluded there might be a fault with one of the two navigation points entered and so deleted both after which I was able to get a planned journey setup. I had originally used the setting “You Are Here” menu to set my home as the starting point and to place this reference in “Favourites”. Having stumbled on this fault and having cleared the reference from memory I was able to set my destination and once on the move the Pogo Drive guided me safely to my destination in Cornwall. So having now owned the Pogo Drive for a week what are my conclusions.
Well, as the Pogo is a dual-purpose unit lets divide this into two parts. Firstly I will comment on the Speed camera implementation, as this is after all the primary function of the device and my reason for buying it.
The first thing I did was to install the software on the computer and to register the Pogo Drive. This was very straightforward process and on completion gave me an interface for updating the Pogo Drive Speed Camera database. To simply update the pogo plug in the supplied usb lead between the Pogo and the computer and press the update icon on screen. There is a second icon in the menu screen that when pressed informs you that a website is under development. I haven’t looked at this for over a week so don’t know whether this is still the case.
Speed Camera Database in Use
In use, the first real test of the camera database came on the M5 at Bristol where currently there are road works taking place and temporary Gatos cameras sited, 3 going South and 3 going North. The accuracy of the Pogo I can confirm was spot on in both directions. Next came my first experience with the Specs cameras at Exeter, again the database gave and accurately and timely warning. Likewise at all other, either fixed, (excepting one) or temporary road works sites I continued to experience the same accurate and timely warning to the presence of Gatso or Specs cameras regardless of whether the setting was in “Speed Camera Only” mode or in “Navigation” mode. In speed camera only mode the alert is large and clear and this is clearly a benefit of having the 3.5inch screen over the smaller “Alert” model and when on familiar tuft this would be my choice as there is no need to set up the navigation side. In satnav mode the information is still very clear both in the loud beeps it makes and the information it provides you with visually, though the images are obviously smaller. It may have been nice to have the option of the screen switching to full view during an alert as a preference setting when in navigation mode. The screen turning red, which it does in either mode as a camera is approached is also a nice visual enhancement in helping to gain your attention. The one gatso that did not alert was in Falmouth here I pressed the Camera record button on screen and this will be checked and verified with Origin next time I connect to their website for updates. However on my return journey, whilst passing through Plymouth on the A38, I had what appears to have been two false gatso alerts on this section of dual carriage stating the speed limit to be 30 mph. There were no road works, nor any speed restriction signs that I saw to indicate this was the case. The DS also alerted to these two gatso’s, I can only conclude they were temporary cameras at some time. If not, I will let you know when I receive the NIP. Just before crossing the Tamar Bridge I entered into a tunnel and was alerted to Specs Camera’s. The Pogo was alerting madly until approximately midway through the tunnel when the signal was lost this tended to foul up the specs reading and the Pogo continued its specs alert continuously thereafter until I was forced to reset the Drive. Both distracted by the alert being given and the continuation of it in it confused state, and also not knowing the road I am unsure of whether I remained below the speed limit or exceeded it by a small margin. Time will again tell. All in all however I am very happy with the speed camera side of the Pogo. It is visually very good and the beeps are certainly loud enough for all but the deafest drivers and the accuracy of the database is certainly high. The downside is that it doesn’t have a record of mobile sites included in its database and therefore you are not alerted to these. The sales literature is misleading on this point, certainly I got the impression from what I read that it did. Any way it seems a strange omission to me not to include this feature especially if the government do succeed in banning the use of laser detectors and such like and I would be interested to know why Origin don’t consider this relevant. Is there perhaps not enough room in the memory of the Pogo Drive for this feature?
There is a setting within the sub menu system of the pogo drive to alert to “Over Speed Warning” it would have made more sense to me to have had assess to this feature from the safety camera menu instead so you could readily reset you max speed limit for any given area whilst on the move but you cannot. To do so requires going through the setting menus and in doing you lose any journey you are currently navigating along and in any event it would be too much of a distraction to attempt. You would not obviously want to set an over speed alert at forty mph whilst driving on motorways but having to reset it to a lower speed when coming of a motorway/dual carriageway etc. is to much of an cumbersome affair to be of any use. When in navigation mode if you touch the screen whilst following the map you are quickly taken back to a menu option page, perhaps in camera only mode if you were able to touch the screen and be given a selection of speed limits displayed so you could simply touch say a 50mph icon to activate the alert for this speed then more use could be made of this feature
In competition with the DS, the speed camera database is seemingly much more accurate both in fixed and temporary sites, though the future of any DS database updates are now very uncertain. The DS did not alert to any of the Specs or temporary sites that the Pogo had, though I had expected it to at Exeter, as this specs site has been in the public domain for some time now. Anyone owning the DS must now consider their DS database out of date at least in this respect. The Pogo only alerted once to an “Accident Blackspot” during the entire journey whilst the DS alerted to many. Obviously what constitutes a Blackspot for DS does not constitute a Blackspot for Origin. My DS alerted me also to Mobile Camera Sites but whether these can now be considered accurate and up-to-date is also questionable. The Schools Alert feature works well but I cannot speak for the Congestion Charge Camera.
Perhaps once a following for either the Pogo Drive or Alert has been established, Origin can be petitioned to include Mobile sites in their database.
I knew when buying the Pogo that its navigation software would not be as good or as extensive in its function as say the Nuvi or TT systems it was after all its secondary, rather than primary function. Please also bear in mind that my comments here are of a novice user, as I have not previously owner a navigation system and only have a brief experience of my brother’s Garmin i3 to compare it with.
At the end of a week of use I have mixed feelings about the Navigation side of the Pogo Drive. Some of this is perhaps down to the fact that it is based on the Microsoft operation system and therefore given to irrational behaviour that tries to make the user feel at fault when ever things go wrong rather than to accept the fault that lies within its own software. Over the course of the week I experienced several occasions when the Pogo Drive froze or returned a ‘fatal exception’, beginning with the night before I set off on my journey. This appears to have been a corrupt setting of my home location saved to favourites on the pogo “Set Home’ option. However, having been successful in setting a destination the pogo delivered me safely to the right location.
As previously stated when I first got the pogo, I found little if any difference in the settings for either “quick route” or “shortest route” options on nearly all occasions the Pogo insisted on taking me primarily by the major roads and did not consider a shorter cross country route taking in minor roads as an option. I said originally if it got me from A to B that was good enough. On reflection it would have been nice to have had the option of driving A to C via B. In order to get the navigation to take me via a B road I would have to look for a village on my preferred route and set this as my destination and of course a paper map is essential here also. This of course entails having to reset your destination several times to go the way you choose rather than simply accept Pogo’s choice. Again to day having gone to Pershore, a route I know with my eyes closed, I set the Pogo to take me home again. Pogo having chose its own preferred route I of course deliberately deviated from it in order to test out its response. As I have come to expect it tried to redirect me to it own choice whilst I continued to frustrate its attempts to do so choosing instead a slightly longer route, heading initially in a different direction towards Evesham. After several miles of telling me to turn around Pogo eventually accepted I wasn’t going to and so directed me instead towards Evesham and onto the Cheltenham Road, great. Once on the Cheltenham road, I then again decided to deviate from what was now Pogo’s new route for me, again an ‘A’ road setting, and instead turn of onto a minor road. Pogo seemed this time to accept my action with less fight and lit up the road I was travelling on in Orange with a Green directional arrow to indicate my bearing. Great I though its decided to accept my decision. Wrong. At the next major road I approached with the intention of simply crossing over Pogo instead tried to get me to turn right taking me back towards it original direction. Had I accepted Pogo’s instructions here I would have added an additional 5 or 6 miles to my journey as again it wanted to deviate towards ‘A’ roads rather than stay with a ‘B’. It may be therefore that this version of Navteq maps prioritise ‘A’ roads over ‘B’ in all instances, or it may be that all satnav maps set this priority, as a novice I confess I don’t know. Other more experienced adventures will know the answer to this no doubt. I also found that the actual priority of the road did not marry with the instructions of the navigation given and the map displayed. Again today I was being told to keep left and then to turn right when in fact the road was a junction I needed to give way at. I encountered many such instances of this over the week where the instruction given was not in keeping with the road layout. This of course may in part be due to constantly changing road layouts and new road developments going on. But there are equally many roads where the database is just plain inaccurate. Looking at the visual display can help where the verbal instructions, at times, don’t appear to marry with the road layout. At times, a written instruction appeared in the display window without a verbal one to note it. The verbal instruction then only occurs at the point of manoeuvre leaving lane change late or turn offs very late.
The method of input for a journey is generally straightforward, though I found the touch screen to be if anything over sensitive although a firm touch proved better than a lighter one. Perhaps the 3.5inch screen is a little confined or my fingers a bit large and clumsy as on occasion spelling out the name either resulted in a mis-spelling as it did not spell the letter I though I had hit, or, the letters seemingly ran away with themselves spelling hitherto unknown places before they would stop and I could begin deleting them. The “Tour Planning” menu I don’t merit very highly. Yes it allows you to set a route between A and B but having set this I don’t find the itinerary or the route overview compelling. The route overview takes you almost as long to sit and watch go through the motions as it takes you to travel.
I have also experienced the Pogo freezing when switching it on, sticking at the start-up screen and needing a hard reset before being able to continue.
The screen itself I have found to be viewable in all but the brightest sunshine, not much of that lately. The mount is rock solid and I have not encountered any vibration from it and it has stuck well to the windscreen.
Whilst finding the Beeps of the Safety Camera Database to be audible at all speeds I cannot say this of the rather pleasant sounding female voice that gives the verbal instructions. Whilst she is well spoken and clear at lower speed she becomes increasingly hard to hear as my speed increases until her voice is virtually drowned out above fifty or sixty plus. Now my 89 Golf GTi is not the most sound proofed car and certainly my diesel is even less so. But having my brother’s Garmin i3 sat opposite it on holiday I was able to clearly hear the i3 perched on the passenger side window whilst I struggled to hear the Pogo immediately in front of me. This makes my Pogo useless from an audible point of view at speed and I shall be contacting the seller on this matter and may well return it. If you other guys can tell me how audible you find the sound of the voice at higher speed, providing you don’t have sound proof cars, this would help me establish whether this is just a duff speaker or not on my particular unit.
In Conclusion:
The speed camera side very good in the areas that it covers both visually and audibly with a high percentage of accuracy. It does not cover mobile sites. Caution is still needed as becoming complacent; thinking that it is 100% accurate would not be wise. Updating very straightforward.
Satnav is a simply ‘A’ to ‘B’ implementation making detours difficult to implement or minor roads to navigate along. It does however get you were you want to go but may not always do this in the most economical manner i.e. the most efficient way. Road priorities not always accurate and instructions not always given verbally when shown on the screen. Personally I don’t value the Tour Planning menu as you still need to go back to the Navigation screen to set your journey and I would rather see this space in memory used to give a via option. I have my doubts about how effective the Optimisation option is as in my experience little seemed to change in either route or distance planning when making different choices here. May just be the area. I suppose I should say that the Satnav side of the equation is just a £100 more than the Pogo Alert.
Generally. I have needed to hard reset the machine on occasion as it has frozen either from start-up or when touching the screen. When taken as a package the unit is a good compromise of both satnav and speed camera running side by side in one unit.
This is only a personal view based on a very limited experience and as several other members of the forum have also bought a Pogo Drive a more balanced opinion will emerge.
Joined: Nov 28, 2005 Posts: 226 Location: Cheltenham
Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:42 am Post subject:
Well jaskel not all is what it seems. Like several other former forum members I have not been able to sign in as either my forum name or password is rejected.
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