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TomTom TMC - Areas of Service / No Service
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 8:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anyone else tried re-loading those two files called Traffic yet?

The Captain sounds quite pleased.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 10:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

No, I cant really see what difference it would make.
The guy did mention he had had problems before he replaced them, so maybe thats why he had some improvement.
Garmin Emap, Ipaq 2210 with TomTom Navigator 5, TomTom One, Pioneer AVIC-X1R, TomTom 910 (stolen). TomTom 520, TomTom 6100 (Faulty, replaced under warranty), Currently got a TomTom 6200
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 10:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

But nobody has ever said this....

"now a standard (non modified) RDS-TMC works almost perfectly from start to finish. I've been promised the new unit when TomTom get around to making them, but really I can't imagine an improvement on this one now!!"

And that's after replacing the two files.

I reckon he is the first person in the fifteen or so pages of this thread who has ever reported an improvement with a non modified TMC

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 12:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sutton Coldfield 100.1 Improved Reception

I live right on the border of 100.1 reception from Sutton Coldfield, living on the hightest point in North Notts, I get reception outside my front door (With my modded unit), but as soon as I leave home I lose it and on joing the M1 at Jnc28 heading south on the M1 I rarely get it back until Jnc24 southbound

Over the last week or so I noticed it was stable all the way from home and down the M1, at first thought maybe a fluke atmospherics day, but its been like it for over 10 days now, not made any changes to my setup.

So I wonder

Has the Sutton Coldfield Transmitter (Which I always though was a duff transmitter for its power anyway), been upgraded.

Pwer Increase? Antenna Reallignment? TMC Subcarrier improvement? or jsut 10 days of luck

Not sure, but its a great improvement,

I already get good service if heading north by using 101.1 from the house it sticks all the way up north, its been the southern drive for me thats the problem

so if they have tweeked it to better cover the central section of the M1 thats a real bonus, anyone else use this section found a change?
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 4:02 pm    Post subject: Simple Wire mod Results Reply with quote

So, I finally got around to opening up the unit and soldering a 2 meter piece of audio wire to the single pad on the receiver. The result was a mess of wire! However, with the TomTom mounted in the middle of the windshield, the original antenna wrapped to the right then all the way to the left along the dash, I then ran the extension run up the right side of the windshield then tucked it along the roof using the sun visors to hold it in place.

Since I live near Paris, this won't be helpful for location and specific frequencies for those in the UK, but certainly for efficacy of the mod I wanted to let everyone know how things turned out. Anyway, on a trip where I would normally get coverage for about 5 - 10 Km out of 60 Km, I now have a signal for almost 90% of the trip! More importantly, I'm able to get a signal before I get on the autoroute. In France, this is a trip from southwest of Paris up into Normandy (A10 - A12 - A13). The car in question is an old Peugeot 106.

With this success I want to take the next step and try to tie in the antenna with the car aerial, maybe even incorporating an amplifier like Vicky has done. That will have to wait for another free weekend....
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 2:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Finally, got the TT reply that i've been after.

Two weeks, three support messges, two standard denials and attempted 'fob off's, one extended phone call and they acknowleged.....

"a new version of which will feature improved performance and which we strive to have available Q2 2007."

So, I'm added to the list and we'll see what they mean by 'strive'..

Probably the best I can expect from TT!
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 3:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not having done a 'home repair' of my TMC Receiver, I was asked to send it back to them to test / repair etc. They collected it on Tuesday, and sent me a new boxed replacement which arrived today already (so that part of the service is good).
The 'new' version seems a bit thinner than the old one and has 4V00.000 embossed on the casing. I'm sure that wasn't on the old version either!

I'll be driving 700 miles through Germany this weekend and can then compare the performance on the same route to that of the old receiver...

Having moved recently from England to Germany, they asked me to report on the performance difference of the receiver in the two countries - suggesting that there might be a problem with a weak signal in the UK!!
I mentioned that by selling in that market, it is more the problem that the receiver is too weak for the job...
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 3:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've never bothered with the audio traffic info on the car radio that I've had for almost six years. I tried it when the car was new and then soon got tired of the endless chatter about problems fifty or so miles away.

Anyway, for interest, I turned it on for our trip down the A1 from Yorkshire yesterday.

It only picked up one alert all the two hundred miles and anyone who was on that road yesterday will know it was full of problems.

That makes me wonder whether the whole FM based traffic warning system is in disarray - but audio on a car radio or with one of our "beta test" TMC jobbies.

Just a thought.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 8:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ive been reading this thread with great intrest as i recently bought a tmc rds traffic reciever to use with my go 710,

i read that tomtom is bringing out a new version of this reciever with 4v00.000 on it, ive had mine about 2 weeks now and im ready to throw it in the bin, just out of intrest i looked at mine and it is a 4v00.000 the new version??? im a lorry driver and travel the length of the uk every week so it gets plenty of use and chance to tune into diffrent stations.

in the 2 weeks ive had the reciever it has done nothing but try to tune itself in, only on 3 occations has it locked on to classic fm and only for a short time before losing the signal and start searching again, if this is the new version i would recommend saving your cash as ive found it useless.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 8:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Q2 2007 doesn't start untill midnight tonight, it will run for a further three months - it is in this "time window" that TomTom have said the new device will be made available. I doubt very much there is a new RDS-TMC receiver out for use as yet - Mike
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 8:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I found no improvement over 700miles around Germany with the 'new' receiver, having done the same route with the 'old' one - so don't hold your breath in the UK!
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 9:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think the new version will look totally different to the old one and feature an external antenna. (Pure speculation)
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 10:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

After contacting TT re my TMC, I sent it back for inspection about 8 or 9 days ago. I got an email today telling me they found a fault and will be sending me another one free of charge. I wonder if this will make any difference...
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have finally got TomTom to send me an RMA for the TMC and not the TomTom 510 unit!

It does state this on my RMA :

Product TomTom RDS/TMC Receiver Module [M] 4V00.000
Replacement product TomTom RDS/TMC Receiver Module [M] 4V00.000

I'm not sure how I can tell what version I have now, and am worried it may be the same unit (or a new unit, but same version).

How do I ensure I get this 'new' version?

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 12:22 pm    Post subject: Yiphee, I think! Reply with quote

A couple of messages to Tom Tom explaining that the RDS-TMC thing doesn't work unless I'm parked on top of the Class FM studio and I've managed to ellicit the "prize" of a response from their second line technical response team telling me that I have been added to their list for a replacement with the new version when it becomes available. Wonder if it will work??!! Exclamation
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