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Satnav risk targeted by new consultation.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 11:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nuttynurse wrote:
If you haven't already loaded the pocketgps database into autoroute and visibly see all the various speed traps it depicts try doing so, its horrendous. How governments can claim this isn't about revenue is beyond me.

Hi Nuttynurse, those late shifts certainly get you going, but you are right,

Since i've had the Sat Nav with pocketgps loaded, i certainly find more camera spots, I have the temp's included, but find that in my area there isn't much road left without a camera warning. I think the the safety partnerships are getting back at us by leaving a van on a particular spot once and not going back again, we get paranoid enter the camera in our database and are forever watching for a camera that doesn't exist.

I use a route (minimum twice a day, sometimes more) where i have four different camera warnings - but have never seen a camera for over a year, but am still spending time looking for it. OK it stops you speeding but we should be all spending 100% of the time worrying about the road not looking for signs and cameras, even if you dont exceed the limit, there is still the interest to know where the camera is.

As for the black boxes, I know some insurance Companies are already using then for experimentation, but there will always be somebody who will find away around avoiding them, so still can't see how they will police it, road checks and more fines, will not be a deterrent.
TomTom Go 60
Garmin Nüvi 660, Firmware v4.90
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 4:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice read Nuttynurse, however, I have just one comment.

we are needing to fit more and more devices to our vehicles in order to stay alert and safe from the threat of losing our license for having strayed just a few miles over the limit.

The speedometer is all you need to stay within limits and not risk a fine, points or a ban.

Without going into it too deeply, your speedo could be showing, for example, 38 mph in a 30 limit before you receive a ticket.

Having said that, I'm almost 100% in agreement with everything else you said.
Formerly known as Lost_Property
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 2:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi GJF and Lost_Property,

I have just been reading another thread (Uh-oh, how long before sat nav is targeted by police) in which both you guys featured.

What hacks me off is the hypocrasy of governments and individuals. Little of any of the taxes raised on cars, fuel or fines goes back into developing alternative forms of transport or improves road etc, yet we have cars being built today capable of reaching speeds of two hundred mph in 3.5 seconds whilst at the same time speed restrictions are being imposed at forever lower limits. It more usual now for 50 mph to be the top limit on A class roads. Why haven't car manufacturers and the government placed a limiter on the engine or its size to prevent any of us being able to exceed the maximum 70mph limit? Could it be that the attraction of buying a car would be lost? Call me a cynic if you like but how much lost revenue would the government suffer if they were to impose such legislation. Much better then to give people what they crave so that they can become the willing victim of their own speed obsessed weakness. Profitable for the government and no incentive to find alternative. We have the likes of 3 Jag's (or is that 3 --ag's ) Prescott lording it over us when he was transport minister doing sod all to improve the situation. Not surprising I suppose as he was no doubt playing croquet most of the time or otherwise engaged with his secretary . How inept has this government become. Highway robbery has perhaps been their greatest achievement in office to date. Gordon Brown can well boast of being the “Most Successful Chancellor o f the Exchequer” Perhaps Tony Blair should consider this as his most triumphant achievement if he doesn't want to take credit for the cock-up in Iraq as his legacy. But look how they have spent their ill gotten gains? on more bureaucracy, that’s how. All we seem to see is mad-cap ideas for controlling people’s lives and fining them for misdemeanours. We see three million pounds spent on the idea of taping off people’s office desk space so they always know where to find their pen. Which idiot came up with that idea? And worse still who let him do it in the first place? Me thinks someone at a late night drinks party at either Prescott Manor, the Private Members Bar at the Commons or otherwise at a Fee’s for Favour’s reward scheme. Mmm, I know lets crab a yob of the street, drag him over to the cash-point machine and inflict a fine upon him, say 50 quid for being drunk. Wonderful idea, old boy. How many millions a year in revenue will that raise and any ideas how we can spend it. No, no, not on prisons, haven't you heard we are letting criminals out!

On the other hand we have some people taking the moralistic high ground as with the Coach Driver, Classy, is it? Took him a while before he was able to acknowledge that he wasn’t quite as innocent as he first made out didn’t it? However, good to see Darren acknowledging that police are also susceptible to breaking the limit and the law also. Not that long ago there I am travelling at a steady 60 mph with a copper sat on my tail. I guess he got fed up with that as suddenly he overtakes me sped off. No blue light emergency to justify his impatience. At Cheltenham racecourse last year, an advance motorcyclist course was being held for civilian motorcyclists with the police seemingly conducting the training. I lost count of the times the police and motorcyclist overtook me exceeding all local speed limits around the circuit. Excess speed and driving recklessly is one thing. But there are many times when it is appropriate to accelerate above the speed limit. Motorway driving is one such place where one is constantly having to vary their speed. I’m not talking here about 90 or 100mph, but just as you sometimes have to slow down because of vehicle overtaking you, so you have to accelerate up to move into other lanes of traffic, we would all become totally grid locked if we didn’t. The problem here is that a person using his personal judgement to decide when it was safe to do so might not be aware that a laser targeting device was aimed on him from a bridge 2 miles up the road so he now becomes a victim of this indiscriminate method of revenue raising. Pity they aren’t so effective at targeting the person on a mobile phone because I definitely don’t have any sympathy for them. Lorry and coach drivers trying to negotiate large vehicles around narrow roads and obstructions whilst chatting on their mobiles, they deserve to lose their license. Woman on their mobiles whilst putting on their lipstick phew. “white Van Man” driving like some manical lunatic at 100mph whilst chatting to god knows who deserves to loose his living, whilst the prat in the second hand BMW, living off the state, needs to be given employment.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Couldn't agree more nuttynurse, a wonderful observation of where this dumb Goverment has got us - going backwards rather than forward.

Keep up the good work.
TomTom Go 60
Garmin Nüvi 660, Firmware v4.90
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Pocket GPS Verifier
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 6:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Couldn't agree more nuttynurse, a wonderful observation of where this dumb Goverment has got us - going backwards rather than forward.
Ditto. :D

Are we being conned? Yep!

Take road charging, you or I go for a drive on the wrong road at the wrong time of day and a hefty bill arrives on our doorstep.

However, Politicians will no doubt be able to claim their mileage allowance, paid by us of course, so in effect we will be done twice, whether we use the busy roads at a busy time or not. Road Haulage companies will pass it on to their customers, so once again it's us that will pay.

Then there's the tax on higher polluting vehicles because they are contributing to Global Warming and the higher tax on fuel, but the figures are the UK contributes 4% of the Worlds pollution and of that just 2% is attributed to cars. What about aircraft? Why doesn't the government put a pollution tax on them? When the last Concorde flight flew various figures were given, one was the amount of fuel it used from London to New York. I worked out that one trip would be equivalent of 60 years driving in my car.

I heard on TV today that Poland has several hundred years of coal and they plan to use it. It was said that the UK would have to cut down the pollution even more to counteract it. More taxes on fuel I guess.

Now let's consider the plan to pass the increased taxes on to improving our public transport. So the various car taxes go to improving the system and 20% of motorist leave there cars at home and go by bus or train. That's 20% less money going into the coffers of the privately owned train and bus companies, but not to worry, they can increase the fares.

At least this evening at 9pm on Channel 4 we can see the other side of the argument. 'The Great Global Warming Swindle'.

But to look on the bright side, should the experts who say Global Warming is caused by us, aircraft included, then at some point it will become so warm here people will no longer wish to go to Spain to get their tan, they will stay home here. This will mean less planes flying holidaymakers and it turn less pollution, which should mean the World starts cooling. :P
Formerly known as Lost_Property
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 8:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cheers guys, lets hope we can convince more people out there. Not working tonight so will be on the wine soon. 8)
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

nuttynurse wrote:

On the other hand we have some people taking the moralistic high ground as with the Coach Driver, Classy, is it? Took him a while before he was able to acknowledge that he wasn’t quite as innocent as he first made out didn’t it?

You really need to read over all my posts again, I never once tried to take the moral high ground, I just pointed out to all the complaining whinging speeders that they could always stick to the speed limit and that I don't agree with excessive speeding, no high ground taken there! just stating the facts.

I have never once claimed that I was innocent, you appear to have done what others have done, instead of reading my posts you have looked for a way to have a dig because I dared to say speeding was wrong.
Tomtom Go730T
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 10:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lost_Property wrote:
At least this evening at 9pm on Channel 4 we can see the other side of the argument. 'The Great Global Warming Swindle'.

OMG! Maybe I'm just gullable, and prone to believing any reasonably presented argument for a world wide epedemic, but I watch that last night and do I now feel stupid. Embarassed
Talk abaout a ich you can't scratch, and now it all makes perfect sense senario.
I guess greenpeace are now out of the job! Rolling Eyes

HERE LIES PND May it rest in peace.
Navigon 7310/iPhone Navigon&Copilot
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 11:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

mostdom wrote:
OMG! Maybe I'm just gullable, and prone to believing any reasonably presented argument for a world wide epedemic, but I watch that last night and do I now feel stupid.
Talk abaout a ich you can't scratch, and now it all makes perfect sense senario.
I guess greenpeace are now out of the job!

Bet it won't stop Tony Blair and his henchmen (Includes Brown) continuing to use Global warning, as an excuse to gain more taxes.

Whats the chance of them changing their minds?
TomTom Go 60
Garmin Nüvi 660, Firmware v4.90
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 8:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

They would have to have a mind to change, would they? How long now before we can vote them out? Trouble is who do you then vote in?

You get the impression that Blair has become more of a dictator than a leader of a democracy. Do you think the Iraqi war was more about him getting rid of his rivals than about liberating Arabs. Political parties are more about deceit than honest, open policy. He came in as the "Chesire Cat" and is slinking out as the "Black Panther". It's obviously not going to get any better with Haggis Brown and the rest of the Labour cronies, not until re-election time that is. Then of course all the deceitful rhetoric of tax cuts, blah-t-blah will begin again. We will either be blinded by the big cheesy smiles that all politicians now seem to have had dental treatment for, or else, and more likely, we just won't bother to vote. So Brown will become the next pm on a total of 100 hundred votes all coming from his own party. Would you trust a Brown nosed party?? God help us. 8)
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 9:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Never vote the Labour again.

Tony Blair and George Brown has con to all of us in UK and done lot's of damage the rest of it.


Is time the Labour and other government party stop being silly act like a film star them self and stop causing more damage again in future.

Smile Peace & Love, NO WAR PLEASE Smile
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 7:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The legislation could have two positive effects

-better mapping and routing strategies by law.

-sat navs that are programmed so the driver can not use the device while the car is moving. I have at times seen drivers tapping the menus on their sat-navs while driving, this is most likely worse than using a phone, as the eyes are off the road ahead. With auto rerouting, using a sat nav in a moving car should not be necessary.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 10:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

rossb wrote:
...I have at times seen drivers tapping the menus on their sat-navs while driving, this is most likely worse than using a phone...

Although I may share your views on using a mobile phone or even a gps devise whilst on the move. Complete restriction on control of a gps devise whilst in motion would be problematic.

Loading in a destination address is a difficult process even when stationary, and any one who has even tried this on the move will not be likly to try again. There are some simple but important options which would still need to be accessed while on the move, like changing distance to turn to eta, or distance to go. Usefull info to a traveller which currently is just a glance and push option on most gps systems. or. options to cancel rerouting on Traffic reports. or. mute.

Like a mobile phone the powers that be though some control by way of a remote or hands free was better than no control, and the same should be said for gps devises.
But unlike a mobile phone a gps devise is there to assist the driver.

Whether thay will legislate a complete hands off approch to gps is unlikly but is somthing they will keep in the back of their minds through the process.

HERE LIES PND May it rest in peace.
Navigon 7310/iPhone Navigon&Copilot
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