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TTN6 or Orange SPV M3100
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 10:57 pm    Post subject: TTN6 or Orange SPV M3100 Reply with quote

Sorry if this has been answered before, but couldn't find it - is TTN6 compatible with the M3100, and if so, are there any tricks to pairing GPS, assuming the TomTom install goes as it should!
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 3:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No problems - works for me.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 12:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have to disagree, I have the Vodafone version of this device V1605 and have nothing but trouble with TTN6.
I previously used TTN5 on another Pocket pc device and it worked fine.
These are the problems I am having.
Screen just freezes in middle of journey, only way to correct is soft reset. 250 mile journey i expect to reset at least twice sometimes three times.
Device swtiches off in middle of jounrey this will happen again at least twice.
Map is jumping and not smooth at all, (does anyone know do POI's slow this down)
Some postcodes seem to off dissapeared for my area which where there previously.

The device also seems to not recognise that it is being charged up when Tomtom is switched on. however yet anoither soft reset seems to cure this providing you leave the poer cord plugged. to be fair though this could be a duff cord. I am having a powered brodit charger hardwired on friday so this may improve this problem.
I have emailed tomtom over the problems I am having and they have said that my device is not comaptible with TTN6, Why not, uses Pocket pc and same platform as other deivces listed on box??
They are looking in to it however.
In the mean time I am going back to my old device and TTN5!! Progress!
If anyone has any advice I am willing to try anything, well, within reason. I have 1 GB micro SD card in the device with loads of room?
I have performed a hard reset yesterday but the odd thing was Tomtom software application stays on after hardreset and didn't need reinstalling?
Any ideas?

Palm Vx (remember them)
Palm T3 TTN5
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 1:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, I have TTN6 on the M3100 and cannot firm any of the problems you are having with the Vodafone version.

I do however have some small "irritations" with TTN6 . Occasionally it will freeze when searching for addresses, or navigating through menus. It is quite easy to get out of though by pressing the OK button and then going back into TT from the today screen. I am not sure if this is a problem due to the speed of the SD card I have. It also "Seems" to be more frequent when there is no GPS device on and I am doing advance planning - but this may be a bit subjective. My reccomendation would be to install it, as it does work fine, however probably best to get the fastest memory card you can and see if this leaves you with no problems.

There has been one occasion of it locking up during the trip. This was quite annoying as it is not immediately apparent until you have driven some miles without directions. But this only happened on one day and has not happened since.

I agree that I dont understand why the M3100 should not be supported but this up to TT I guess, and they have obviously not had the resources to test every device.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 2:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Had the problem of locking up on the 3100.

I find that if I run up ttn6 then close it with the red call end button it is still running in the back ground. Then just rerun the program by tapping the small on screen icon in the botton rught corner of the screen. After that it doesn't lock up.

(I found this out when it first locked up and the map had frozen with no voice commands.. I just hit the red button and the voices started straight away. I then just restarted the ttn6 application.)

It may be a memory allocation problem but not being into such things on PDA type devices I can't be sure.

I had a similar problem on a Windows smartphone but never tried the rerun prog thing, just gave up with it as it wasn't so easy to use as my pda..

The smart phone was affected by the number of POI's, it locked up much less with no POI's running and then became worse, the more you enabled.

I would have thought that with the amount of memory the M3100 has for progs it would be less of a problem..

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 5:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I came on here today to ask about this very device and you've (kinda) answered some of my questions.

I have the Vodafone version of our handsets. Generically it's called the HTC TyTn but Orange, Vodafone, O2 etc. have their own versions.

I had a car kit fitted today and the fitter had the Orange SPV M3100 version and he commented that some of his colleagues with the same phone had problems with TomTom software (didn't ask which version).

Couple of questions:

1. I have TTN5 on my iPaq 2210 and I was planning to migrate the software over. My iPaq runs PPC v4.2 and the new fandango runs Mobile v5.1.195. Will I be able to use TTN5 on the new handset?

2. What happens when the phone rings? Do you lose the map? Does the voice stop?
HP iPAQ 2210; TT5 wired; 256Mb Kingston CF; 256Mb Viking SD; Arkon Powered Speaker Mount

HTC TyTn; TT6 BT; 1Gb SanDisk MicroSD
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 7:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have TTN6 on my M3100 and it runs "OK", but I do have occasional lock ups that have to be dealt with my hitting the red phone key then tapping the TT icon in the bottom right hand corner of the today screen.
This is really the only issue I have performance wise. it is annoyinng if you don't notice that it has frozen!

I use a 2GB Sandisk MicroSD card, which should be quick enough.

I would be interested in finding out where folks have the TT application installed on their pocket PCs. Do you have it installed to internal memory or a storage card? (obviously, all the maps go on storage card, I am talking about the application itself).
I have it installed to internal memory and I was wondering if it might work better installing it to the storage card.
The reason I ask is because TomTom have released an update for some of their officially supported Pocket PCs and the instructions tell those users to install the application to the storage card, not the internal memory.

Apologies for semi hi-jacking the post, but this issue with the M3100 has cropped up a few times over these forums and it would be good to get a poll of how people have it installed so that we can start to make some sense of these lock ups!

Thanks in advance!

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 12:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fellow sufferes, The Kirby Fake asked can ttn5 go on to the HTC Tyntyn. My experience on the vodafone version is no. I tried to do this and it would just not install. I spoke to Vodafone who told me I needed TTN6 so bought it, installed it and am experiencng the most annoying problems already outlined in this forum, This weekend I am going to uninstall TTN6 and hard reset and try to increase memory. I currently have my application on the devices memory and not the memory card. How do I know what speed my 1GB mirco card is, I didn't know there where different speed cards? Thanks for the tips on the red phone key, but it is annoying that you have to do this. still, it's safer than trying to poke the stylus up the soft reset hole whilst on the motorway in the dark! Rolling Eyes
Palm Vx (remember them)
Palm T3 TTN5
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 4:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chaps. Although the hardware and base software are identical on different variants it's the additional software that the mobile provider puts in the extended ROM that often causes problems. I don't have experience of this on an M3100 but i have similar with M2000. See here: http://www.pocketgpsworld.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=28701&highlight=orange+m2000

My sales guy has an M3100 but because he still has a cradle for the M2000 he hasn't installed it on the new device yet. If we get around to doing it I'll report the results.

Hope that helps a little in nailing the problems.

For what it's worth, I recommend doing any troubleshooting on a clean (hard reset) device. Otherwise you'll be chasing your tail for weeks. You can always revert back if you have a copy of Sprite Backup or similar.
Tom Tom GO 720
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 4:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

For those experiencing problems which need soft-reset, try a piece of software called MagicButton http://www.trancreative.com/mb.aspx I'm not a fan of filling up my device with endless 3rd party apps but this is one I wouldn't be without now as it kills apps instead of having to shut each one down. From the taskbar you can soft reset without the need to remove from the cradle. I'd be happier providing a solution to the key problem but if it avoids you damaging hedges at night then its worth it.
Tom Tom GO 720
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 10:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I used to have problems running TT6 on my V1605 with the screen freezing etc. -and then I had screen problems and had to send of the phone for repair. The phone had to be replaced with a new model and with an updated ROM (dated 8/02/06) and since then I have had no problems whatsoever. Fortunatley I had had TT6 long enough to have another opportunity to reregister. Could have been a problem as the V1605 is not yet supported by TomTom. Runs smoothly with camera alerts and recalculates the route like lightning.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 11:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks fr all the responses... any more feedback or ideas are welcome!
Hopefully a new ROM will be made available by all the operators so that their HTC Hermes devices can become officially supported by TomTom.
I have no doubt that the hermes has the horsepower to run the app, just need to iron out the bugs.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 11:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have had a response from Tomtom which will paste in for you.


We would like to thank you for your message to TomTom Customer Support.

Your PocketPC type is not compatible with TomTom NAVIGATOR 6. We cannot, unfortunately, guarantee that your PDA type will work free of problems in combination with our latest software.

We are, however, continuously testing devices to find a method to use our software on these devices. Only when we conclude that a device will work without problems after extensive testing will we say it is suitable and add it to our compatibility list.

It is possible that a device does not have the required capacity to work with our software due to, for example, a shortage of memory or a processor that is too slow. It is also possible that a PocketPC that was suitable in a previous version is no longer suitable in the new version in part because of the quickly expanding computer market.

To determine which devices are suitable for use with TomTom NAVIGATOR 6 please follow this link:


The information on this page is regularly updated. If your PocketPC is found to be suitable at a later stage, you will find this information on this page.

Please do not hesitate in contacting us should you require more information.
Please contact us should you have any questions or suggestions.

Kind regards,

TomTom Customer Support Team

I am now going to try a hard reset and I have unstalled everything of my device and sd card tomtom related.
Then reinstall as a last attempt before resorting to tt5 on my old device.
here goes.........gulp!
Palm Vx (remember them)
Palm T3 TTN5
VPX Pocket PC TTN5 & Brodit Powered Mount
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 7:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Daviej wrote:
I have had a response from Tomtom which will paste in for you.


We would like to thank you for your message to TomTom Customer Support.

Your PocketPC type is not compatible with TomTom NAVIGATOR 6. We cannot, unfortunately, guarantee that your PDA type will work free of problems in combination with our latest software.

We are, however, continuously testing devices to find a method to use our software on these devices. Only when we conclude that a device will work without problems after extensive testing will we say it is suitable and add it to our compatibility list.

It is possible that a device does not have the required capacity to work with our software due to, for example, a shortage of memory or a processor that is too slow. It is also possible that a PocketPC that was suitable in a previous version is no longer suitable in the new version in part because of the quickly expanding computer market.

To determine which devices are suitable for use with TomTom NAVIGATOR 6 please follow this link:


The information on this page is regularly updated. If your PocketPC is found to be suitable at a later stage, you will find this information on this page.

Please do not hesitate in contacting us should you require more information.
Please contact us should you have any questions or suggestions.

Kind regards,

TomTom Customer Support Team

I am now going to try a hard reset and I have unstalled everything of my device and sd card tomtom related.
Then reinstall as a last attempt before resorting to tt5 on my old device.
here goes.........gulp!

Exactly the same response I have had in the past... a cut and paste job. The list they refer to hasn't changed since the product launch to the best of my knowledge!

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 12:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good news, I did a hard re set on my vodafone 1605 I then deleted everything off my sd card. then reinstalled tt6 and so far it works a treat. I have not yet added poi cameras or other poi's. is this likely to slow things down does anyone know. starting to love my v1605 even posting this reply using it. cool eh!
Palm Vx (remember them)
Palm T3 TTN5
VPX Pocket PC TTN5 & Brodit Powered Mount
Vodafone 1605 TTN6 & Brodit Powered Mount (at least, I will be once I get it working!)
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