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Joined: Feb 27, 2006 Posts: 14902 Location: Keynsham
Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 8:02 pm Post subject:
Right. 20 minutes to download, 10 to install (broadband "up to 8MB"). Western Europe map v 660.1219, new postcode files for NL and UK.
It didn't uninstall the previous map, so when I switched on it was still on the old map (v606.0). I wonder if the postcodes have gone to the right place?
Lost favourites, recent destinations and PGPSW cameras. Thanks TomTom.
Tried a demo to see if the dreaded speed limits are there, but no result. App is still 6.520, so maybe they aren't - fingers crossed.
Must take another look to see if the missing stuff is drag and droppable from the old W. Europe map folder. Do another backup first!! _________________ Dennis
Ah, now it's beginning to make sense, NO updates for the people who have spent out on the newer models but to all those with old stuff Merry Christmas for a big whack of your Christmas bonus you can now have the latest maps ans apps. Was that a Cash Cow i just saw flying over the moon?.
Joined: Feb 27, 2006 Posts: 14902 Location: Keynsham
Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 8:30 pm Post subject:
Well, I found I could drag and drop (copy, not move) PGPSW cameras, BMPs and OGGs, but couldn't see anything like favourites and recent destinations. The postcodes seem to be in a separate setup and appear to be more up to date.
I'm not deleting (or uninstalling) the previous map directory for the time being - seems there's enough room on the hard disk.
Oh, by the way, it didn't give me a new Canary Islands map.
Off to Liverpool and Leeds tomorrow, so we'll see how that goes.
I'm dead sick about losing my Favourites if anybody knows if it's possible for me to recover them (without me being genius quality!!). _________________ Dennis
Well at least we already know what is, and isnt, in them.
Does anyone know if they require 6.x software, or will work with 5.x (I'm on 5.4 something with a 300 and not keen to upgrade as it all works at the moment!
Joined: Feb 27, 2006 Posts: 14902 Location: Keynsham
Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 8:49 pm Post subject:
Tumbleweed wrote:
Well at least we already know what is, and isnt, in them.
Does anyone know if they require 6.x software, or will work with 5.x (I'm on 5.4 something with a 300 and not keen to upgrade as it all works at the moment!
I'd bet a small amount they WOULD work with 5.440 ... BUT you can't download the maps or install them without using TT Home as far as I can tell. Good old TT Home gets the update software without asking if you want it, so you'll just have to take the "improved" software 6.520 and go through all the Reset button exercises I have to whenever I connect to TT Home! _________________ Dennis
Come on guys wise up. Christmas is coming.
How many people out there are hoping for a x10 series to come flying down the chimney. That isn't going to happen if the buyer realises, er, hang on a minute, these are out of date and it is going to cost xxx amount to get upto date maps, unless of course TomTom adopt the christmas spirit and hand them out at the shopping malls. As for that i think we have more chance of getting a w**k off the fat red man himself.
downloaded the updated UK map (V6.6) and tried to upgrade my TT1, insufficient disk space was the error. 8O
then realised that it is 232.1mb and the SD card that came with TT1 is not big enough (120mb i think)
luckily for me I had a spare 520mb card. Others may not be as lucky.
"In fairness, it does actually show the size of the download, and advise to check the memory (SD) you have available.
I'm looking at D/L the W European map data, which is 953(ish)Mb. With the personalised voices I have, this exceeds 1Gb. I have a 1Gb card. Anyone know whether 2Gb card is supported?? (TTOne-Original -The one with the faster processor- ) _________________ HTC OneX (IceCreamSandwich), HTC DesireHD (Gingerbread) Co-Pilot Premium, GoogleMaps+CamerAlert352
TomTomOne (Original with the faster processor!)
v7.903, o/s 2344, GPSv1.21 Boot 5.0500
Mv710.1561(W Europe)+Traffic, N82 connection to GPRS traffic
Joined: Aug 22, 2005 Posts: 24 Location: Surrey UK
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:05 am Post subject:
I downloaded V660.1256 Western Europe for TT Rider 908 Mb for £52. I kept my App 6.150. Everything works fine, but no signposts or speed limits. I just had to reset my POI warnings and distances that's all. No sweat and excellent for the price as I now have the whole of Europe and updated UK maps for my TT Rider for a pretty low price.
Joined: Jun 06, 2006 Posts: 39 Location: Adrift on the Sea Of Life
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:09 am Post subject:
On the other hand .....
IF I had been thinking about buying a 710, I'd now be able to save money !!
Buying a 510 (which we all know is actually a 710) and then buying the WE Map at 20% discount is far cheaper than buying a 710... which is actually a 510 with a map of WE...
mmmmm..... TT seem to have missed that
p.s. Anyone got a map of Turkey? (Shell Road Atlas would do..) _________________ Driving a GO930 that thinks it's a Rider 3
App: 9.205 OS:547200 GPS v1.21 Boot: 5.5250
v895 Maps: Europe, N & S America
TTS - ASR - ALG - IQR etc
PGPSW Cameras with Voice Warnings
Just downloaded the new UK maps for my TT5 running on an Ipaq Hx2410
Not bothered about Europe maps so 33 UKP isn't bad for an update.
Luckily I read up about losing favourites so I changed all mine to POIs first and it worked a treat, just changing them all back at the moment.
Quite a painless process really even with the TomTomHome product, but it all worked well. My postcodes even look as if they are in the correct place and working. It says version 603 is loaded in TomTomHome, and my application has updated to version 6.10
Will see what extras its given me, but looking good so far _________________ Samsung S22 Android, Google Maps & Camera Alert
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 Posts: 19991 Location: West and Southwest London
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 1:03 am Post subject:
DennisN wrote:
I'm dead sick about losing my Favourites if anybody knows if it's possible for me to recover them (without me being genius quality!!).
Dennis, its the .cfg file in the map folder (was always called 'yourmapfoldername'.cfg, but TT confused matters by changing the name in v6.5 and above to MapSettings.cfg). Just copy it across and rename it.
Why haven't you used search, though? (the little magnifying glass icon near the top of this page).
Just type "copy favourites" in the search box, select "search for all terms" and restrict the search to just the TomTom Go/Rider/One forum. A couple of clicks and you get the last 48 times this has been asked!
Search is a Godsend, can make me look a lot cleverer than I really am!
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