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TT6 - a few map problems

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 10:44 pm    Post subject: TT6 - a few map problems Reply with quote

Ok, I've never used SatNav before, so the following may be a problem with all software, not just TT6.

I live in a village 30 miles west of Glasgow. I've noticed a few things wrong with the map in TT6:

1) My post code has the wrong street name - I live at G84 0BD (Frances Hendry Walk) - but this shows up as Upland Road (the row behind me). However Upland Road also shows up against it's own postcode (G84 0BH)

2) Approaching a roundabout, I wanted to go round it and take the 3rd exit (i.e. turn right at the roundabout). TT's spoken instructions and diagram both said "turn right" (as opposed to the usual "at the rounabout take the 3rd exit" or whatever), but the map clearly showed a roundabout - and the green arrow on the map was telling me to "cut" the roundabout (i.e. go the wrong way round it to get to my turning).

3) This one is hard to explain - as you're driving through my village, when you get near the shop you can follow the road round (bearing kinda left) to go right out the village, or you can turn right to go up towards the houses - it *is* a turn right, as there's a junction there. TomTom tells you to "go straight on" - literally speaking, this is correct, as you are physically going straight on, but according to the road markings, it's a right turn. What's strange though is that coming down from the housing area TomTom tells you to "turn left". This is correct according to the road markings, although literally speaking you're driving straight on. What I find bizarre is that I'd expect TT to be either a) correct both ways or b) wrong both ways - why does it get this bit right one way, wrong the other?

All in all I'm impressed with my combo of O2 XDA Mini S, Holux GPSlim 236 and TomTom 6, but it doesn't bode well for when I go places I don't know well, if I know for a fact I've found 3 errors in less than 24 hours.

Is any of the other available software better/worse? Or do they all get their maps from the same place?
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 11:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

thats 1 of the things you have to live with i'm afraid ..most of us users are used to map errors ,they will always be there until some1 figures out a way to get things done faster
TomTom 5001
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 1:05 am    Post subject: Reporting map errors to Teleatlas Reply with quote

One thing you can do is report these errors direct to TeleAtlas so future maps should (!) be correct.

Easy to use, just enter the address of the problem area and mark the error.




Edited Link - to make it easier to read Topic - Oldboy
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 10:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Since TTN6 is not yet legally available for your PDA it will be interesting to see what happens when you report map errors on a cracked version of the software.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 10:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I was selling tomtom 6 yesterday and I'm in Glasgow.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 12:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

peterc10 wrote:
Since TTN6 is not yet legally available for your PDA it will be interesting to see what happens when you report map errors on a cracked version of the software.

The link is to report errors direct to TeleAtlas, not to Tomtom. Cuting out the middleman will hopefully mean that the source becomes correct.


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PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 1:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not if the error is in TomToms processing of the base data from TeleAtlas.

Both the map supplier and the satnav company have opportunities to get things wrong!
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 3:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

meestermartinho wrote:
I was selling tomtom 6 yesterday and I'm in Glasgow.

Please let us have your trading name address and phone number and we can all get a nice early copy. I am sure that TT will be delighted too to hear that info.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 4:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

They'll be pleased to know we sold all of them as of today. With us being a distributer for them an all.

You'll see it in the shops soon enough.

peterc10 wrote:
meestermartinho wrote:
I was selling tomtom 6 yesterday and I'm in Glasgow.

Please let us have your trading name address and phone number and we can all get a nice early copy. I am sure that TT will be delighted too to hear that info.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 4:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

peterc10 wrote:
meestermartinho wrote:
I was selling tomtom 6 yesterday and I'm in Glasgow.

Please let us have your trading name address and phone number and we can all get a nice early copy. I am sure that TT will be delighted too to hear that info.

You are a bit out of touch, several places now have it legally in stock.

What a plastic policeman.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 6:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Back to the subject I found the new maps had the same issues than the old ones but that will be sorted with time...

What I could not do is use my TT5 favs file and that would be really a pain and hope there is a solution by the time i decide to upgrade.

TT6 is not for me - yet! ;)
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Xman wrote:
What I could not do is use my TT5 favs file and that would be really a pain and hope there is a solution by the time i decide to upgrade.
This is suddenly getting to be a VERY popular question!
Andy_P2002 wrote:
Well I'll answer that one here (but now you see why they hate double posts because the answers get scattered around? Wink ).
Its a manual process so depending how many favourites you have, it will take a little bit of time.
1 ) First, create a new POI category (Preferences / Manage POI / Add POI category ). Call it "Favs" or whatever you like.
2 ) Then go Preferences / Manage POI / Add POI / Favourite / and select your first favourite.
3 ) Repeat step 2 for each of you favourites.

The POI file will be found in your map folder, called "Favs.ov2" (if that's what you called it). Just copy that file (and its matching .bmp icon file) to your friends machine's map folder and enable it in the manage POI menu.


TomTom Go 940 LIVE (9.510, Europe v915.5074 on SD & 8.371, WCE v875.3613 on board)
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Greenglide wrote:
Not if the error is in TomToms processing of the base data from TeleAtlas.

a very good point - it does seem like some smaller roads are now missing from the latest seamless Map of Western Europe, which must be down to TT processing the TA data.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 2:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've had routing problems for years with TTN 5 and now TTN 6. From my home to my work it will route me to the wrong end of a very long street. When I check TeleAtlas they show it dead on.

With TTN5 I could set a GPS Location and it would route me to the my work destination, but now it with TTN6 it comes back "Route Not Found". I have to use the closest Cross Streets.

I thougth it was TeleAtlas issue but it turns out to be TomTom.

So puzzling...How do we get routing issues address with TomTom?
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